Get hands-on experience by coding five real-world projects. Learn to build a route planner using OpenStreetMap data, write a process monitor for your computer, and implement your own smart pointers. Finally, showcase all your newfound skills by building a multithreaded traffic simulator and coding your own C++ application.
Software Architecture & Design of Modern Large Scale Systems
Are you ready to take your career to the next level?
Do you want to master Software Architecture and System Design?
You came to the right place!
In this practical course, you will learn how to architect real-life systems that scale to millions of daily users, as well as process and store petabytes of data.
If you aspire to become a Software Architect, or you are already a Software Architect, and you need a good refresher, this is your best resource.
This is also the perfect place for you to prepare and gain confidence for an upcoming System Design Interview.
Some of the things you will learn include:
Identifying the technical requirements of the systems without missing any details
Defining easy-to-use and robust APIs
Applying modern Architectural Building Blocks & techniques for High Scalability, Availability, and Performance
Following industry-proven Software Architecture Patterns & best practices
Architecting highly scalable systems for massive internet traffic and Big Data Processing
Thinking and making trade-offs like a true professional Software Architect
By the end of the course, you will have all the skills you need to take on an ambiguous and high-level requirement and go through all the stages of a system design, all the way to its final Software Architecture.
Although this course does not involve coding, it is a highly practical course that will give you the fundamental knowledge for building real-world systems.
All the techniques and patterns covered in the course are used by top software companies.
Careers Related to Software Architecture & Design of Modern Large Scale Systems
Certifications related to Software Architecture
Courses related to Software Architecture
Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is for you. Our course takes you from foundational skills to advanced, practical knowledge in as little as 15,…
Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is for you. Our course takes you from foundational skills to advanced, practical knowledge in as little as 15 weeks.
Flatiron School…
This course include end-to-end practical methods to create Solution Architecture. These concepts can be applied to create solutions for Cloud Platforms, On-Premise Solutions, Hybrid Solutions, etc.
This course will teach you the solution…
Are you ready to take your career to the next level?
Do you want to master Software Architecture and System Design?
You came to the right place!
In this practical course,…