Learning Lab Home/Software Engineering/Practical Solution Architecture

Practical Solution Architecture

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This course include end-to-end practical methods to create Solution Architecture. These concepts can be applied to create solutions for Cloud Platforms, On-Premise Solutions, Hybrid Solutions, etc.

This course will teach you the solution architecture fundamentals, and take you step by step through a real-world example creating a Sprint Zero Architecture and Solution Architecture Document. It includes free templates you can use and also the final sample solution.

This course includes all fundamentals, lectures and expert content for you to become a solution architect. 


Careers Related to Practical Solution Architecture


Certifications related to Software Architecture

Get hands-on experience by coding five real-world projects. Learn to build a route planner using OpenStreetMap data, write a process monitor for your computer, and implement your own smart pointers. Finally, showcase all your newfound skills by building a multithreaded traffic simulator and coding your own C++ application.

4 months
10 hours

Courses related to Software Architecture

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Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is for you. Our course takes you from foundational skills to advanced, practical knowledge in as little as 15,…

Flatiron School

Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is for you. Our course takes you from foundational skills to advanced, practical knowledge in as little as 15 weeks.

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This course include end-to-end practical methods to create Solution Architecture. These concepts can be applied to create solutions for Cloud Platforms, On-Premise Solutions, Hybrid Solutions, etc.

This course will teach you the solution…


Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

Do you want to master Software Architecture and System Design?

You came to the right place!

In this practical course,…