How Useful Is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is gaining traction across lots of different industries. Its exclusivity and ephemerality make it a powerful marketing channel for businesses of all stripes.

Written by Przemek Chojecki
Published on Mar. 31, 2021
How Useful Is Clubhouse?
How Useful Is Clubhouse?
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If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re constantly in search of new ways to connect with your audience. In 2021, most of the time doing so will include some form of social media. Nowadays, social media channels are a key marketing arm for any online business. From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, brands have used social media to find creative and innovative ways of engaging their audiences.

The new generation of social media platforms presents even more opportunities for businesses to develop creative engagement strategies. Figuring out how best to use each platform may be a challenge though. At first blush, Clubhouse might seem like a particularly odd fit for businesses. It’s an app in which users attend conference calls based on various themes that interest them. Nothing in Clubhouse is permanent; users can’t communicate with each other via any kind of written message.

So, given its structural quirks, is Clubhouse a good place to do business? Definitely yes! Read on for ideas to get started with it.

7 Ways to Use Clubhouse for Business

  1. Get to know other users.
  2. Get noticed.
  3. Find a sponsor or sponsor someone.
  4. Build a network.
  5. Host a room.
  6. Collaborate with other users.
  7. Create your own club.


What Is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse, an invite-only audio app, permits its users to meet in thematic rooms and talk about various subjects. There’s no time limit, so participants can talk for as long as they like. Users can create rooms spontaneously, without any preparation. Rooms and topics can be planned in advance too, but they can’t be pre-recorded. All conversations must happen live. People can come and go as they please, based on whether or not the content of the conversation matches their expectations.

At any given moment, a room on Clubhouse is almost certainly holding a conversation that will interest you. What you see on your main page is just a fraction of what’s really out there. What’s more, since the conversations aren’t being recorded for later, if you’re not there to listen, you’re potentially missing something. This structure means that some users spend a lot of time on the app, waiting for certain rooms to go live.

Going live allows you to prove your expertise and cultivate a sense of authenticity in the minds of your clients. It’s your chance to speak frankly, openly and directly with your users. Clubhouse can serve as an extension of your brand’s blog or other marketing channels by providing a venue to deliver listener-only content that enriches their experience.

That type of exclusivity is where Clubhouse really shines. It gives your business an ephemeral aspect, which can engender a FOMO feeling in your users. It can turn your brand into something exclusive, something almost secretive, something only a select few people know about. Since Clubhouse is free to use once you get an invite, it can provide a lot of benefits for no investment beyond your time.

Even better, unlike Instagram and TikTok, Clubhouse is entirely about the quality of your ideas. Without a visual aspect, you don’t need to worry about putting together a flashy presentation. Instead, you can really focus on developing your network and engaging with real people.

Related ReadingAre Content Moderators Ready for Voice-Based Chat Rooms?


7 Ways to Use Clubhouse for Business

As you’re getting started with promoting your brand on Clubhouse, here are some things to keep in mind.

Get to Know Other Users

Clubhouse can be a business platform, but it’s also a place for people to find inspiration, entrepreneurs included. Choose your rooms and clubs wisely; look for places in your business niche or with other entrepreneurs you respect and find inspiring. Once you find a room, chat with people to learn about the problems they’re facing on a regular basis. Eventually, you may see an opportunity to present your brand as a solution.

Get Noticed

To build a following on Clubhouse, you have to participate in conversations and show up on stages. At first, getting noticed in a small room with between five and 20 other people is likely to be easier. Big rooms are tempting, for sure, but the chance of getting noticed or even speaking in one is extremely small. Don’t waste your time: While you’re waiting in line to speak in a room of 500 people, there is surely a similar one with a smaller audience where you can get a turn to talk. Try to take the stage a lot to build your brand on Clubhouse and let other (potentially influential) users get to know you.

Find a Sponsor or Sponsor Someone

Brands are beginning to sponsor rooms that they think are interesting. If you’re a beginner or a developing entrepreneur in a given niche, you might want to investigate the possibility of sponsorships. Being sponsored by a bigger company can immediately launch your brand and make it extremely popular. If you’re a big brand, partnering with a small actor can also be a very good idea. Doing so can help you to connect with a particular niche or discover new ideas and new actors in your space.

Build a Network

Clubhouse doesn’t allow users to send direct messages. That’s why you should keep your Clubhouse profile fully filled out and current. Don’t forget to put your other social media handles in your bio as well as a short description of your professional activity. In other words, make public everything you want people to know about you and all the information that may open professional doors.

Room moderators can look you up and, depending on whether your profile corresponds with their expectations or not, ask you up on stage or follow you. Spend some time on your profile bio to make sure moderators and other users want to see what you have to offer.

Host a Room

Hosting a room will automatically give you greater visibility. You will be the moderator, and your profile will appear as the first one on the stage of this room. People will be able to click on your profile icon and, if you gave a bit of thought to your bio, they’ll be able to get all the necessary information about you. They may choose to send you a private message on Twitter or Instagram, which can be a beginning of a new project, commission or collaboration.

Collaborate With Other Users

When you create a room, try not to be the only one on the stage. Think about inviting other users. This will give you the chance to widen your reach and gain new followers. It will also probably make your room last longer. The more people who want to speak, the longer the conversation will last, and the more visibility the room will have on the main page. It will also probably become more interesting to a greater number of users. Different people will bring different points of view, leading to a more robust discussion that can pique the listeners’ interest.

Create Your Own Club

Join a club that already exists and that corresponds with your professional activity and interests. One club can be a host to multiple rooms and, therefore, feature multiple admins. Joining clubs can also be a good way to assemble people who are interested in the same subject as you. These folks may eventually become your clients or business partners. Keep them close by getting them to join your club!


Get Started With Clubhouse Now

As you can see, Clubhouse presents a wide range of business possibilities that are not to be underestimated. Well used, it can give your business a vital boost. You can hear opinions from your target audience (for example, on a new product or service) or gain more visibility for your brand than you would have just by sending newsletters. These chats can also be a great way to start a conversation and to engage with your community directly and naturally. Spend some time on Clubhouse to get to know it a bit better and discover its possibilities.

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