When entering a fast-paced, ever-changing industry like tech, falling victim to impostor syndrome can be easy. With new breakthroughs and innovations happening every day, it can seem like you’re constantly scrambling to keep up, which can make you feel like you’re playing catch-up to the rest of your peers who seemingly have it all together.
But the members of Young Entrepreneur Council know that isn’t true and that impostor syndrome is a mindset that can affect anyone at any time — even leaders in the tech industry. Below, they share 10 tips you can implement to get out of that place and gain confidence in your ideas and abilities at work.
10 Ways Tech Professionals Can Conquer Impostor Syndrome
- Write down your accomplishments.
- Focus on the work.
- Practice self-compassion.
- Reframe the feeling.
- Set trackable goals.
- Join the conversation.
- Keep learning.
- Ask for feedback.
- Take it one day at a time.
- Find someone to talk to.
1. Write Down Your Accomplishments
We’ve all likely experienced impostor syndrome at times throughout our careers. My one piece of advice for people who want to get past this condition is this: Write down your accomplishments and read them often. You can debate with your brain for hours over whether you’re “good enough,” but reading a list of accomplishments can provide a big confidence boost and hold back impostor syndrome. — Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights
2. Focus on the Work
The best way to beat impostor syndrome is to stay in action and out of your head. That means focusing on work: shipping that code, writing that daunting email, launching that product and, most importantly, talking to customers. When you’re working, that little voice doesn’t have a chance to sidetrack you. Plus, interacting with real customers helps you see where you can bring value. — Nathalie Lussier, AccessAlly
3. Practice Self-Compassion
To get rid of your impostor syndrome, practice self-compassion. As a self-critical person, you need to be kind to yourself so you have the motivated mindset to overcome it. Through self-compassion, you can fight your critical thoughts and eventually overcome impostor syndrome. — Jared Atchison, WPForms
4. Reframe the Feeling
Reframe the feeling that you’re an impostor to realize that you’re going through a period of “bridging” — that is, you’re closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be. You can’t help but feel like an impostor for a while. If anything, this is a positive sign that you’re aware of what you need to do and are taking steps to change your current situation. — Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner
5. Set Trackable Goals
If your goal is to fight back against impostor syndrome, having trackable goals helps. I use key performance indicators (KPIs) to track my monthly, weekly and quarterly progress. This strategy is helpful because I can quickly see where I stand compared to my estimates for the specific time frame. — John Turner, SeedProd LLC
6. Join the Conversation
The best thing you can do to avoid feeling like you don’t belong is join the conversation with other like-minded entrepreneurs over on forums like Reddit or well-curated Discord channels. The more you talk to those in the same position as you, the more you will be able to accurately gauge your experience level, knowledge base and skills relative to the rest of the industry. — Salvador Ordorica, The Spanish Group LLC
7. Keep Learning
Never stop learning. Learning humbles and strengthens you. I feel confident in my abilities because I’m up to date with the changing industry. This assures me that I always know what I say and say only what I know. If I do not, I go ahead and add the same to the list of things to learn this week. Honest work and giving yourself credit can help you keep the impostor syndrome away. — Candice Georgiadis, Digital Day
8. Ask for Feedback
Ask for honest and objective feedback from your colleagues. It will help you to take a more objective look at your position, your work and your achievements. — Maksym Babych, SpdLoad
9. Take It One Day at a Time
Impostor syndrome won’t win if you understand that there’s a time for everything. You won’t feel the pressure anymore because you know that what’s meant to be yours will find its way to you. An impostor syndrome mindset only arises when you feel that you’re not good enough and that you’re running out of time. With patience and faith, you’ll definitely get rid of this mentality. — Daisy Jing, Banish
10. Find Someone to Talk To
I’ve found that the best way to overcome impostor syndrome is to have a network of mentors and partners whom you can talk to when you’re feeling self-conscious. Sometimes, we need to hear from another person that we’re doing an excellent job and are on track to success. If you can, meet weekly with someone who can help you understand what you’ve actually done versus what you feel you’ve accomplished. — John Brackett, Smash Balloon LLC