Zero Trust: What It Is and Important Aspects of It

Zero Trust applies continuous and rigorous scrutiny to each interaction, device, user, application and transaction.

Written by Alex Vakulov
Published on Sep. 05, 2023
Zero Trust: What It Is and Important Aspects of It
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Zero Trust operates on the belief that no entity should be implicitly trusted. Each interaction, device, user, application and transaction is rigorously scrutinized.

What Is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is rooted in the principle of “never trust, always verify.” There is no need to construct a detailed threat model. By expecting attacks from any vector, it demands constant verification, even if there is trust.

Zero Trust is about constantly questioning and challenging trust assumptions. It goes beyond access rights and seeks to continuously verify every entity, be it a device or a user. Rather than focusing solely on the perimeter, Zero Trust delves deep into access control, emphasizing the importance of internal vigilance. It is not about denying trust but ensuring trust is earned, validated and regularly reaffirmed.

Read More About Zero TrustYour Organization Needs Zero Trust Architecture


Goals of Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust’s primary goal is the protection of an organization’s data and infrastructure. Embodying the basic principles laid out by the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, Zero Trust ensures rigorous authentication and authorization processes. It champions the support for group authentication policies and ensures multiple validations of resource integrity.

Zero Trust explainer video. Credit: YouTube / Citrix

Zero Trust seeks to ensure that all apps and platforms, like client portals, remain user-friendly yet secure. The design of Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) provides the workforce the flexibility it needs to operate efficiently. 

A foundation of Zero Trust is the eradication of trust assumptions within an organization’s internal networks. Instead of taking trust for granted, the emphasis is on meticulous verification of every user and device for every access request. This paradigm shift replaces complacency with a proactive vigilance that assumes no insider or device is inherently trustworthy.


How to Implement Zero Trust Architecture

Implementing Zero Trust Architecture signifies a profound transformation. This change resonates within the nuances of network infrastructure and permeates the core of user access policies, activity monitoring mechanisms and the very protocols governing software operations.

ZTA aims for a holistic, multi-layered defense strategy. It encompasses robust measures like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and network micro-segmentation. Embracing the future, ZTA now uses the power of artificial intelligence algorithms for heightened security tasks.

A successful transition to ZTA requires an intimate understanding of your operational assets — identities, devices, networks, applications and vast pools of data. It is crucial to recognize primary assets, myriad systems in the network and stored data. 


Segmentation in implementing Zero Trust

A practical first step in adopting Zero Trust is segmentation. By dividing systems into segments, organizations can prevent adversaries from making unrestricted lateral moves within their network. 

With the stage set, tools and technologies play their part. Employing next-generation firewalls, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and Identity Access Management (IAM) software becomes pivotal. 

Standards like NIST’s SP 800-207 offer invaluable guidance, shedding light on the diverse forms ZTA can manifest, be they traditional network-based defenses, nuanced micro-segmentation or cutting-edge software-defined network perimeters.


Challenges with Zero Trust and scaling

As organizations scale, challenges emerge. Managing access rights grows intricate, necessitating automation and behavioral analysis to maintain a least-privilege approach. In such a dynamic environment, systems like Data-Centric Audit and Protection (DCAP) paired with integrated ticket systems like IdM/IAM become invaluable. 


Continuous verification with Zero Trust 

Additionally, it is not enough to validate access once. Continuous verification tools, such as Network Access Control (NAC) and Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), coupled with advanced multi-factor authentication (MFA), consistently affirm the connection’s integrity.


Zero Trust Use Cases and Implementation Scenarios

The Zero Trust Architecture landscape is dotted with compelling use cases and varied implementation scenarios. Here are the top five use cases where a Zero Trust model can be particularly effective.


Enhanced Identification in Traditional Networks

Within traditional networks, contemporary Zero Trust Architecture strategies have incorporated enhanced identification mechanisms, fine-tuning access based on user IDs and attributes for precision control. 


Micro-Segmentation-Based Approach

Another intriguing modality is micro-segmentation-based ZTA, wherein users and resources are siloed into distinct segments. Using advanced tools like routers, switches and next-generation firewalls, it uses Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs) to govern permissions seamlessly. 


Software-Defined Network Perimeters

In addition, an avant-garde approach materializes in the Software-defined Network Perimeters based Zero Trust Architecture, where the spotlight is on virtual networks and software components, culminating in the formation of Software-Defined Perimeters (SDP) and Networks (SDN).


Dynamic Data-Level Security

Zero Trust can be extended to the data layer through Dynamic Data Access Control (DDAC). DDAC deals with granular permissions at the data level. Policies could be configured to restrict users or services to only certain types of data based on their role, the device they are using, their location, or the sensitivity of the data itself. This ensures that even if a user is authorized to access a database, they can only interact with the specific datasets they have explicit permission to use.


IoT Device Isolation

Zero Trust can be used to isolate IoT devices into specialized network segments distinct from the primary business network. Access to these segments is strictly controlled through stringent policies that allow only authorized communication between devices and services. This reduces the risk of compromised IoT devices becoming a gateway to more sensitive network parts.


Zero Trust Best Practices

In the evolving landscape of Zero Trust, several best practices stand out, ensuring robust and comprehensive security.


Starting with identities, it is pivotal to embrace centralized identity management, reinforced by multi-factor authentication and meticulous device-level signal checks. 


As the bedrock of any IT infrastructure, devices necessitate a detailed inventory. Alongside the list, a continuous vigil on each device’s security posture is crucial.


When directing attention to the network, one should not compromise on encrypted traffic, deploying formidable protocols like TLS 1.3 to maintain communication integrity. 


Shifting the lens to applications, a commitment to their resilience is vital. This entails regular security assessments, welcoming insights from third-party evaluators and endorsing the reliability of immutable cloud-based workloads. 


Data is at the heart of any organization. A rigorous approach is key: prioritize meticulous data categorization, harness the power of cloud security services, and lean on automation to streamline the categorization journey. 


Benefits of Zero Trust

Embracing the Zero Trust model offers organizations palpable advantages. At its core, it substantially uplifts the overall security posture, acting as a bulwark against potential threats. This enhancement translates into a marked reduction in the risk of data breaches, whether they originate externally or from potential insider threats

Beyond these protective measures, Zero Trust also champions adaptability. It seamlessly accommodates modern work paradigms, such as remote working and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), ensuring that flexibility does not come at the expense of security.

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Drawbacks of Zero Trust

The Zero Trust model is not without its challenges. For starters, there is an inherent potential for increased complexity, which could escalate operational overhead. Furthermore, organizational inertia can be formidable. Resistance to such a profound change might trigger disruptions in both established workflows and the ingrained company culture. 

Then there is the financial angle. The initial implementation of Zero Trust could come with significant costs, compounded by the complexities involved. As organizations transition, the looming risk of service disruptions can further test the resolve of stakeholders.

Zero Trust is an evolutionary step in the right direction. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s assets and a holistic approach to security. Given the ever-evolving threat landscape, organizations must remain vigilant and adaptive. Zero Trust Architecture provides a robust framework to defend against modern cyber threats and data breaches.

The emergence and application of Zero Trust Architecture, especially in governmental agencies, are testaments to the architecture’s rising prominence. While the journey to perfect ZTA might be long, its incremental adoption offers significant security benefits.

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