How Generative AI Will Empower Self-Service Data Management

Generative AI and large-language models allow non-technical users to work directly with data, but make sure you implement these systems carefully.

Written by Vasu Sattenapalli
Published on Nov. 22, 2023
How Generative AI Will Empower Self-Service Data Management
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the way we interact with and harness the power of data. Businesses have come to rely on generative AI for virtual assistance, content creation, image editing, and a host of other applications. Beyond these uses, one of the most promising transformations I see on the horizon is the use of generative AI to democratize data management

As it stands, data management is restricted to highly skilled technical personnel, so the average employee is unable to participate in this work, even if they’re exceptionally familiar with the data itself. By introducing generative AI and LLMs, however, businesses can empower individuals with limited technical skills to navigate vast data sets independently, deriving their own insights and ultimately leading to greater efficiency and more meaningful data democratization. 

How Will Generative AI Democratize Data Management?

The integration of LLMs into the data management landscape is opening the field to non-technical users. Because they’re able to understand and respond to natural language queries, they provide a bridge between complex data structures and individuals without specialized technical knowledge. Users can now pose questions in plain language, and the LLMs, with their contextual understanding, can interpret these queries and retrieve relevant information. Now, business units who understand the data can work with it directly without an intermediary.

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The Value of Generative AI for Non-Technical Users

Traditionally, data management has been a realm dominated by technical experts and data scientists using Python or Scala. Even the no-code/low-code options available still require deep technical expertise, including some programming acumen, to fully unlock the benefits of the platform. 

The integration of LLMs into this landscape is breaking down these barriers, however. With billions of parameters, these models are trained on diverse data sets, enabling them to comprehend context and nuances within textual information. Because they’re able to understand and respond to natural language queries, they provide a bridge between complex data structures and individuals without specialized technical knowledge. 

Users can now pose questions in plain language, and the LLMs, with their contextual understanding, can interpret these queries and retrieve relevant information. This shift from technical query languages to natural language interfaces eliminates a significant barrier for those without programming or database querying expertise. These models empower users to explore data sets dynamically, generating insights through interactive conversations. Users can iteratively refine their queries based on initial results, allowing for a more organic and intuitive exploration of the data. 

This iterative process fosters a deeper understanding of the data set and encourages a more flexible and adaptable approach to data analysis. By enabling business users to more easily review and adjust data sets, LLMs can lead users to develop a more comprehensive and nuanced view of the underlying patterns and trends. In addition, they ensure that data analysis remains responsive to changing circumstances and needs, allowing users to adjust their approach over time — all without relying on any coding knowledge.  


Change Management and Generative AI Implementation

Clearly, generative AI would be transformative for data management, and it’s no surprise that businesses are actively seeking out tools and software that offer these powerful capabilities for end users with limited skill sets. At the same time, product owners are looking to build generative AI and LLMs into their platforms for their abilities to optimize efficiency and reduce the time it takes to build pipelines. Consequently, we can generally expect minimal resistance when it comes to transitioning to a solution that incorporates generative AI. Change management will still be necessary, however. 

In the past, IT teams and data engineering teams predominantly handled data management, and democratizing that work means that business teams will now be responsible for their own data management. I often see this type of shift result in organizational confusion: Who does what? Where do one team or department’s responsibilities end and another’s begin? This kind of uncertainty can also lead to the emergence of shadow IT teams and open the entire organization up to more risk. 

In addition, while the integration of LLMs into data management presents numerous opportunities, it also raises certain challenges that you must consider. Privacy is often a key concern, as LLMs can memorize portions of their training data, which might include personally identifiable information (PII) or other confidential details. In the deployment phase, this means that LLMs may inadvertently disclose private or sensitive information.

Beyond privacy, the potential for biased results and the need for ongoing model training to adapt to evolving data sets are also among the critical factors that businesses must address. Additionally, ensuring that users understand the limitations of LLMs and do not rely solely on automated outputs is crucial for maintaining the integrity of data-driven decision-making. Addressing these risks involves structuring strict data governance practices, adding filtering or control mechanisms to the LLMs, and conducting some basic user training to provide the business audience with the background they need to successfully use generative AI. 


Introducing Generative AI Requires a Mindset Shift

Even with change management measures in place, you still need to do some more work to ensure that organizations can begin reaping the benefits of data democratization. As you begin to explore using these solutions, keep two key points in mind.

First, realize that the real winners in this space are going to be those who truly focus on the additive benefits of generative AI. Companies who pursue integrating generative AI purely for the sake of having a shiny new toy will find that it’s not nearly as effective or as much of a boon as they thought. Meanwhile, those who do the work to define which areas of data management can derive maximum value from introducing the technology will find that they’re beginning to see improved results perhaps much faster than they originally expected.

For instance, where one organization may roll out any generative AI-powered platform, another organization might first identify major bottlenecks or business groups that have been struggling to make meaningful progress due to their inability to control their own data pipelines. In this example, it’s clear that the second organization would begin to see tangible benefits of LLMs much faster than the first organization would. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t bother to take the time to complete this crucial piece of preparatory work in favor of quickly rolling out a new system powered by generative AI.

Second, be aware of all the processes and the optimization that you must do first in the data management space. One aspect is that the data management itself needs to be optimized such that it can feed high-quality data to the AI so it can perform machine learning, modeling, training, and so on. LLMs heavily rely on the quality of their training data to generate accurate and meaningful outputs. If the input data is noisy, incomplete, or contains biases, it can negatively impact the performance and reliability of the model. Therefore, organizations need to implement robust data cleaning, preprocessing, and curation strategies to enhance the quality of the data before using it to train or fine-tune LLMs.

At the same time, companies should consider how they can then use the power of generative AI to improve data management overall. You can employ LLMs to automate various aspects of data processing and can assist in identifying patterns, relationships, and anomalies within large datasets, enabling more efficient and effective data management. For example, LLMs can automatically generate metadata, tag data with relevant labels, or even propose data quality improvement strategies based on their understanding of the context.

Think of this as a two-way street. You iteratively work on your data management processes to optimize them to fit the needs of generative AI, and then use generative AI to continue to refine data management. 

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Generative AI Can Transform Data Management

The fusion of LLMs with data management signals a transformative era where self-service data exploration becomes accessible to individuals with diverse skill sets. This shift from technical dependency to intuitive, natural language interactions marks a democratization of data, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative approach to harnessing the power of information. As LLMs continue to evolve and address challenges, the future of data management promises to be more user-centric, empowering a broader spectrum of individuals to unlock the insights hidden within the vast realm of data. But to achieve these end results, businesses will need to commit to robust change management — limiting the rise of shadow IT organizations — and make the shift to a generative AI mindset instead of seeing it as a quick fix.   

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