Data Transformations in R

Data transformation is the process of cleaning and organizing data from one format into another. Here’s how to do it in R.

Written by Ahmed Yahya Khaled
Published on Jan. 17, 2024
Data Transformations in R
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Data transformation is the process of cleaning and organizing data from one format into another. It’s one of the key aspects of work for data analysis, data science and even artificial intelligence

7 Data Transformation Functions to Know in R

  1. arrange()
  2. select()
  3. filter()
  4. gather()
  5. spread()
  6. group_by() and summarize()
  7. mutate()

In this article, we will see how to transform data in R. R is an open-sourced programming language for statistical computing and machine learning supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. It is easy to learn and comfortable to work with its widely used integrated development environment- RStudio. The R package that we will use here is tidyverse, an opinionated collection of R packages for data science.

Functions from dplyr and tidyr packages of tidyverse mostly do the work of data transformation.


How to Install Tidyverse for Data Transformations in R

Let’s install and load the package first.



You will need to install the package only once, but you’ll need to load the package every time you start your environment.

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7 Functions to Know for Transformations in R

These are the functions that we will work on in this article.

  1. arrange(): This orders the observations.
  2. select(): Used to select variables or columns.
  3. filter(): Used to filter observations by their values.
  4. gather(): This shifts observations from columns to rows.
  5. spread(): This shifts variables from rows to columns.
  6. group_by() and summarize(): Used to summarize data into groups.
  7. mutate(): Used to create new variables from existing variables.


1. Arrange()

This function arranges rows by variables.

It arranges the observations in order. It takes a column name or a set of column names as arguments. For a single column name, it sorts the column’s data with other columns following that column. For multiple column names, each additional column breaks ties in the values of preceding columns.

To show this, we will load the mpg data set. It has fuel economy data from 1999 to 2008 for 38 popular car models.

Mpg data set table
Mpg data set table. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

First, we will order the observations as per the “displ” column. Values of this column will be arranged in ascending order by default and other columns will follow the order of the “displ” column.

mpg_arrange1 <- mpg %>% arrange(displ)
Mpg data set table organized displ column.
Mpg data set table organized displ column. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

Then, we will add more two column names — cty and hwy in the arguments.

mpg_arrange2 <- mpg %>% arrange(displ, cty, hwy)
Cty and hwy column names added in mpg data set table.
Cty and hwy column names added in mpg data set table. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

We can see the second (cty) and the third (hwy) columns are breaking the ties in the values of the first (displ) and second (cty) columns respectively.

To order the observations in descending order, we’ll use the desc()function.

mpg_arrange3 <- mpg %>% arrange(desc(displ))
Mpg data set in descending order.
Mpg data set in descending order. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

If there were any missing values, they would be sorted at the end.


2. Select()

Select variables by name.We will use the same mpg data set here.

Mpg data set table with displ, cty and hwy highlighted.
Mpg data set table with displ, cty and hwy highlighted. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

Now, we will select three columns —displ, cty and hwy to a new data frame.

mpg_select1 <- mpg %>% select(displ, cty, hwy)
Mpg data set with only displ, cty and hwy columns.
Mpg data set with only displ, cty and hwy columns. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

If we want to select all columns from displ to hwy, we can write below:

mpg_select2 <- mpg %>% select(displ : hwy)
Selecting all columns in mpg data set from displ to hwy.
Selecting all columns in mpg data set from displ to hwy. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled


3. Filter()

Filter observations by conditions. For this we will use the diamonds data set and see how to select observations based on conditions.

Diamond data set table.
Diamond data set table. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

We can check the summary of the column’s values.

> summary(diamonds$carat)
Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
0.2000  0.4000  0.7000  0.7979  1.0400  5.0100
> summary(diamonds$price)
Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
326     950    2401    3933    5324   18823
> table(diamonds$cut)
Fair      Good Very Good   Premium     Ideal 
1610      4906     12082     13791     21551

Let’s filter only the ideal cut diamonds.

diamonds_filter1 <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == 'Ideal')
Diamond data set sorted by ideal cut.
Diamond data set sorted by ideal cut. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

Now, let’s filter ideal and premium cut diamonds.

diamonds_filter2 <- diamonds %>% 
  filter(cut == c('Ideal', 'Premium'))
Diamond data set filtered by ideal and premium cut.
Diamond data set filtered by ideal and premium cut. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

This is how we will filter diamonds with a price greater than 2500.

diamonds_filter3 <- diamonds %>% filter(price > 2500)
Diamond data set with prices greater than 2600.
Diamond data set with prices greater than 2600. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

Now, we will apply our filter in three columns: Ideal cut, 0.54 carat diamonds and price equal to 1266.

diamonds_filter4 <- diamonds %>% 
  filter(cut == 'Ideal', carat == 0.54, price == 1266)
Diamond data set filtered to ideal cut, .54 carat and 1266 price.
Diamond data set filtered to ideal cut, .54 carat and 1266 price. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

Let’s see a more complex filtering criteria: Ideal cut, between 0.4 and (&) 1.0 carat with price less than 580 or (|) greater than 10000. Appropriate logical operators will be used to express these conditions:

diamonds_filter5 <- diamonds %>% 
  filter(cut == 'Ideal' , 
         carat >= 0.4 & carat <= 1.0 , 
         price < 580 | price > 10000)
Diamond data set filtered by a range of carats, cuts and prices.
Diamond data set filtered by a range of carats, cuts and prices. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

The not (!) operator needs to be used very carefully. We will need to keep in mind the De Morgan’s law while using it. This law states that !(x & y) is the same as !x | !y, and !(x | y) is the same as !x & !y.

diamonds_filter6 <- diamonds %>% 
  filter(cut != 'Ideal', 
         !(carat >= 0.4 & carat <= 1.0) , 
         !(price < 580 | price > 10000))
Diamond data set filtered by cut, quality and price.
Diamond data set filtered by cut, carat and price. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled


4. Gather()

Gather columns into key-value pairs. Sometimes we can have a data set where the observations are found in column names that need to be gathered under a variable with a new column name. Let’s build the data set first.

Country_Name <- c('Qatar', 'United States', 'Germany', 
                  'Canada', 'United Kingdom')
Y2009 <- c(59094, 47099, 41732, 40773, 38454)
Y2010 <- c(67403, 48466, 41785, 47450, 39080)
Y2011 <- c(82409, 49883, 46810, 52101, 41652)
gdp <- data.frame(Country_Name, Y2009, Y2010, Y2011)
Country gdp data set by years.
Country gdp data set by years. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

This data set can be considered as GDP data of five countries for 2009, 2010 and 2011. It is clearly seen that Y2009, Y2010 and Y2011 these column names are themselves observations and should be under a single variable or column name: ‘Year.’ We will do it using the gather() function.

gdp_gather <- gdp %>% gather("Year", "GDP" , 2:4)
Country gdp data set grouped by years 2009, 2010, 2011.
Country gdp data set grouped by years 2009, 2010, 2011. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

To make this data set ready for numerical analysis, we need to remove the character “Y”(or any character) from the Year values and convert it from character to integer.

gdp_gather$Year <- gsub("[a-zA-Z]", "", gdp_gather$Year)
gdp_gather$Year <- as.integer(gdp_gather$Year)
Country GDP grouped by years with the Y removed.
Country GDP grouped by years with the Y variable removed. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled
Code for data transformation.
Code for data transformation. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled


5. Spread()

Spread a key-value pair across multiple columns. Sometimes we can see variables are distributed in observations in a dataset. In this case we need to spread it to column names. Let’s build a data set with key-values.

Student <- c('Jack', 'Jack', 'Jack', 'Jack', 'Jack', 'Jack', 
             'Rose', 'Rose', 'Rose', 'Rose', 'Rose', 'Rose')
Subject <- c('English', 'Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Maths', 'Physics', 
             'Social Science', 'English', 'Biology', 'Chemistry',
             'Maths', 'Physics', 'Social Science')
Marks <- c(80, 70, 87, 75, 90, 82, 65, 70, 88, 92, 79, 93)
reportCard <- data.frame(Student, Subject, Marks)
Student grades data set with student and subject highlighted.
Student grades data set with student and subject highlighted. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

In this report card data set, if we consider the “Subject” names as variables, then it needs to spread out to the column names. We will do it through the spread() function.

reportCard_spread1 <- reportCard %>% spread(Subject, Marks)
Student grades spread by class.
Student grades spread by class. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

If we consider “Student” names as variables:

reportCard_spread2 <- reportCard %>% spread(Student, Marks)
Student grades with names as variables.
Student grades with names as variables. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled


6. Group_by() and Summarize()

Group by variables and reduce multiple values down to a single value.

These are very useful functions that couple together to summarize values into groups. Here, we will use the mammals sleep (msleep) data set. It contains sleep and body weight data for some of the mammals.

msleep <- msleep %>% select(name, order, sleep_total, bodywt)
msleep data set with order, sleep_total and bodywt highlighted.
Msleep data set with order, sleep_total and bodywt highlighted. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

We will summarize sleep_total to its average values sleep_avg and bodywt to its maximum values bodywt_max. This summarization will be grouped as per order and the number of each order observation will be under the count column. All these will be done by group_by() and summarize() with mathematical functions: n(), mean() and max().

msleep_groupby_summarize <- msleep %>% group_by(order) %>%
    count = n(),
    sleep_avg = mean(sleep_total),
    bodywt_max = max(bodywt)
Msleep data set grouped and summarized by order, sleep_total and bodywt.
Msleep data set grouped and summarized. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled
A tutorial on data transformations in R. | Video: Udacity

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7. Mutate()

Create or transform variables. It is very common in data analysis to derive new variables from existing variables. Here we will use the flights data set. It has on-time data for all flights that departed New York City in 2013. To access this data set, we need to install and load the package nycflights13.

flights <- flights %>% select(year, month, day, dep_delay, 
                              arr_delay, distance, air_time )
NYC flights data set.
NYC flights data set. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

Now, we will create two new variables:time_gain by subtracting arr_delay from dep_delay and speed by dividing distance by air_timeand multiplying with 60.

flights_mutate <- flights %>% 
  mutate(time_gain = dep_delay - arr_delay ,
  speed = distance / air_time * 60)
NYC flights data set with new variables added.
NYC flights data set with new variables added. | Image: Ahmed Yahya Khaled

I would encourage you to practice these data transformation functions with different data sets and with your own data. This could be your fist step in entering the amazing field of data science

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