10 Tips to Manage Technical Debt

Technical debt is the bane of almost every software engineering project. Left unchecked, it can derail any product with bugs and inefficient code. Here’s how to keep it in check.

Written by Mrina Sugosh
Published on Oct. 22, 2024
Developer identifying bugs in another developers code
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Technical debt is a challenge every software team faces, but it doesn’t have to slow down development or compromise code quality. By managing debt early, developers can save time, reduce bugs and keep projects scalable, ensuring cleaner, more efficient workflows in the long run.

10 Ways to Minimize Technical Debt 

  1. Focus on code quality from the start.
  2. Conduct regular reviews.
  3. Refactor continuously.
  4. Automate testing.
  5. Stay on top of dependencies.
  6. Avoid over-complication.
  7. Maintain clear documentation.
  8. Utilize static code analysis tools.
  9. Design for scalability.
  10. Encourage open discussion on technical debt.


What Is Technical Debt? 

Technical debt is the future cost of taking shortcuts made to meet immediate demands. While these shortcuts offer short-term gains, they lead to complexity and higher maintenance over time. This can also be called cruft, or the accumulation of messy or inefficient code that makes future modifications harder and more costly. 

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6 Common Causes of Software Technical Debt 

  1. Rushed delivery: Cutting corners to meet tight deadlines. 
  2. Neglected refactoring: Skipping necessary improvements, leading to brittle code. 
  3. Insufficient testing: Not properly testing the code leads to more bugs and technical debt later. 
  4. Over-complicated solutions: Introducing unnecessary complexity. 
  5. Outdated dependencies: Relying on obsolete libraries or frameworks. 
  6. Poor documentation: Lack of clear comments or guidelines makes future work slower and more error-prone.


Consequences and Cost of Technical Debt 

Technical debt can have far reaching implications both internally and externally with customers. For example, a team develops a custom CMS instead of using an existing solution. Initially, this saves time, but over the years, maintaining and scaling the CMS becomes burdensome. Every update requires refactoring, leading to frustrated developers and slow progress. What began as a quick fix turns into a costly, debt-ridden system. 


  • Slower development: Time spent fixing issues rather than building new features. 
  • Increased complexity: The system becomes difficult to understand, especially for new developers. 
  • Developer frustration: Working with messy code reduces morale.
  • Higher bug risk: Unrefactored, complex code tends to break more often.

Cost of Technical Debt

  • Time: Developers can spend up to 42 percent of their time dealing with technical debt, maintaining old code or fixing bugs. 
  • Financial impact: For a developer earning $100,000 annually, this equates to roughly $42,000 spent on managing debt. 
  • Missed opportunities: Time spent on technical debt is time not spent on innovation or improving features. 


10 Ways to Minimize Software Technical Debt 

1. Focus on Code Quality From the Start 

Even though most developers aim for clean, maintainable code, it’s easy to push code that “just works” under tight deadlines. For example, during a sprint crunch, you might skip refactoring or leave quick fixes in place. Taking an extra 30 minutes to review for things like reducing duplication, sticking to naming conventions, and ensuring modularity can prevent technical debt and save time later.

2. Conduct Regular Code Reviews 

Regular peer reviews catch potential issues early and ensure best practices are followed. They also encourage team members to share knowledge and collaborate on maintaining a high-quality codebase. 

3. Refactor Continuously 

Refactoring should be part of every sprint. Regular improvements to the codebase prevent technical debt from piling up, making it easier to maintain and scale the system over time. 

4. Automate Testing 

  • Automation: This helps ensure that new changes don’t introduce bugs or regressions: 
  • Unit tests: Check individual components for correctness. 
  • Integration tests: Ensure different modules work together. 
  • End-to-end tests: Verify the full system functions as expected. 

5. Stay on Top of Dependencies 

Regularly update third-party libraries to avoid security risks and compatibility issues. Staying current prevents more significant problems from arising when older libraries become obsolete. 

6. Avoid Over-Complication

Keep your code as simple as possible. Complex solutions are harder to maintain and more prone to errors. Simple, elegant code reduces the likelihood of technical debt. 

7. Maintain Clear Documentation 

Write concise, helpful comments and keep documentation up to date. Well-documented code makes it easier for other developers, or your future self, to understand and maintain the system. 

8. Utilize Static Code Analysis Tools 

Incorporate tools like SonarQube, ESLint, or Pylint into your workflow to automatically detect potential problems and maintain code quality: 

  • SonarQube: Identifies code smells, bugs and vulnerabilities. 
  • ESLint / Pylint: Enforces coding standards and prevents errors. 

9. Design for Scalability 

Build systems with future growth in mind. Anticipating scaling needs ensures that your software can handle increased load without significant refactoring later. 

10. Encourage Open Discussions on Technical Debt 

Establishing a regular code health check session during sprint planning or retrospectives is critical. In these sessions, the team collectively reviews areas of technical debt without pointing fingers, focusing on improvements that benefit everyone. Companies can also create a backlog of tech debt in their project management tools like JIRA, where anyone can add items as they encounter them. This way, addressing technical debt becomes a shared and ongoing process and is integrated into sprint cycles.

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Best Practices for Managing Software Technical Debt

1. Track and Measure Technical Debt 

Use issue trackers or dedicated tools to log and monitor technical debt. Making debt visible allows the team to prioritize it and address it systematically. 

2. Balance Features with Debt Reduction 

Allocate time in each sprint or development cycle for tackling technical debt. Balancing new features with regular maintenance keeps your codebase healthy and prevents debt from becoming overwhelming. 

3. Adopt Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 

CI/CD ensures faster feedback loops and reduces errors by automating the build, test, and deployment process. This helps catch issues early, preventing technical debt from building up.

Technical debt is a natural part of software development, but it doesn’t have to derail your progress. By managing it proactively and integrating best practices into your workflow, you can maintain a clean codebase, reduce bugs, and ensure more efficient, scalable development. 

Start today by adopting one of these strategies in your workflow. Small, consistent improvements will keep your codebase clean and technical debt in check, allowing you to focus on innovation. 

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