Nimble, agile, mobile: How Echo Global Logistics' sales team delivers results

Written by Adam Calica
Published on Mar. 19, 2019
Nimble, agile, mobile: How Echo Global Logistics' sales team delivers results

Echo Global Logistics is bringing fun to the world — quite literally. 

Take, for example, the opening of a brand new Dave & Buster’s location. How do you coordinate dozens of games being shipped to one central location? Who will make sure those arcade game junkies get their video game fix?  

“We cannot control the weather, a double-booked appointment or if the driver cannot get unloaded, but we can help customers get out of a bind, come up with quick solutions and offer them as many options and as much information as possible,” said Echo Global Logistics Client Sales Rep Molly Tatosian.

With that ethos in mind, Echo Global Logistics helped Dave & Buster’s open their store on time by doing what they do best — coordinating 18 massive trailers originating from locations around the country, seamlessly coordinating pickups and dropoffs, mitigating timeline delays, finding the best drivers and reducing billing pain points. 

That sounds like a lot, but it’s all in a day’s work for Echo Global Logistics. We spoke with their sales team to learn about the culture that makes it all happen. 


echo global office
echo global office
echo global office

Echo Global Logistics



WHAT THEY DO: Echo Global Logistics is a third-party logistics company that simplifies transportation management. 

WHERE THEY DO IT: Headquartered in Chicago

A DOCTOR IN YOUR POCKET: Echo helps their employees save time by providing them with the services of Zest Health, which makes it easy to connect with a doctor who practices telemedicine.

TROPHY TIME: Echo employees love their yearly awards party (think: Academy Awards but with better acceptance speeches). 

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echo global sales team

echo global sales team


Andy Boltz, National Sales Team Manager 

Andy is responsible for developing his sales staff to boost their productivity, gaining new business, assisting in issue resolution and driving overall company growth. 

BEYOND WORK: Andy loves to golf, and he marvels at the fact that one small tweak to his swing can change his entire performance. That same idea infuses his management style, where he tries to be a better manager by encouraging small changes on his team. 


Constantly trying to make a sale can sometimes be exhausting. How do you find a way to bring the energy to work every day, even when you might not be feeling up to it?

Motion creates emotion. I get out of my seat multiple times a day to walk around and catch up with each team member. Sometimes I'll even do pushups in the middle of the row as well as a number of other odd things. Those activities boost my positive attitude, but it’s also good for everyone else because I truly believe attitudes are contagious. 


What else do you do to spread around those positive vibes?

I never tell my team members to do anything I wouldn’t do myself, and I always do my best to come in with a positive attitude. I also spend individual time with each of my reps to not only talk through their prospect pipeline but talk through their challenges. Giving them a platform to address these challenges motivates them to keep pushing forward.

I never tell my team members to do anything I wouldn’t do myself, and I always do my best to come in with a positive attitude.”

Your team is scaling fast. What are you looking for right now in a new hire?

What I ultimately look for in a candidate is someone that shows an honest interest in the work we do. I look for them to challenge me during the interview with questions about our business: “What really separates Echo from its competitors?” Successful salespeople ask good questions, so I look for a candidate to do that in an interview. A sense of humor is also a huge plus.

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echo global sales team

echo global sales team


Molly Tatosian, Client Sales Rep 

Molly creates a book of business by landing new clients and growing current accounts. This includes prospecting new customers and motivating existing ones to ship with Echo based on the value and service they provide. 

ALL ABOUT THE ATMOSPHERE: Molly loves the company’s atmosphere ― it’s filled with vibrant energy, and she has made lifelong friendships through the job.


Growing up, you tagged along with your father on a lot of international trips for his oriental rug business. Did anything stand out that is applicable to your work today?

I witnessed the value of building and maintaining relationships firsthand. In Venice, my father’s rug supplier was extremely hospitable. He took us out to dinner with his family, back to their home for dessert, and gave us a great tour of his city. That kindness left a great impression on me.

At Echo, we cannot control the weather, a double-booked appointment or if the driver cannot get unloaded, but we can help customers get out of a bind, come up with quick solutions and offer them as many options and as much information as possible.


Logistics is not viewed as a sexy or attractive business. What excites you about the job?

We are selling something businesses actually need. Whether it’s one pallet of teddy bears or nine truckloads of expedited auto parts, we can help our customers find the best and most cost-effective method of moving their product.

Whether it’s one pallet of teddy bears or nine truckloads of expedited auto parts, we can help our customers find the best and most cost effective method of moving their product.”


Echo is known for having awesome team outings. What are some of your favorites?

Our team has enjoyed outings to breweries, baseball games, arcades and restaurants, sometimes arranged through the company and sometimes just for fun after work! I have become close friends with people in different departments of the company through team events. The Echo softball league is a big hit in the summer. 

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echo global sales team

echo global sales team


Timothy Lilly, Senior Carrier Development Rep 

Timothy sources and negotiates rates and services with carriers and conducts over 100 outbound calls per day.

BATTER UP: Timothy has captained an Echo softball team for the last three years, where he enjoys keeping the team organized and having fun (win or lose). 

You made a switch to a new role shortly after starting at Echo. How did that come about?

When I first started, I was a client rep. That’s the position I thought I really wanted, and I did that for three to four weeks. Then, a sales leader at the company pulled me to the side and told me he thought I would do better on the carrier side.  

I took his advice, and it has paid dividends for me. I have trusted my senior leaders’ advice and leadership since day one, and it has blessed me with success at Echo.  


I have trusted my senior leaders’ advice and leadership since day one, and it has blessed me with success at Echo.”  


Who do you want working by your side to ensure you have continued success at Echo?

My teammates have to be willing to come in ready to work and make a lot of outbound calls. I also look for individuals willing to learn from industry veterans and be a team player. We work in pods and teamwork is essential for success at Echo.

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echo global sales team

echo global sales team


Jay Gustafson, SVP of Carrier Sales 

Jay oversees the people, processes and technology associated with Echo and how they interact with trucking companies throughout America. 

TRAVEL AND TUNES: Somehow, amidst all the building and maintaining of relationships with Echo’s network of over 50,000 trucking companies, Jay finds the time to travel and see live music.


What inspires you at Echo? 

Echo’s overall growth story is incredibly inspiring. There aren’t many companies within the logistics industry that have experienced such rapid growth from both a revenue and innovation standpoint. We would not have gotten to where we are if we were not constantly challenging the status quo and striving to make things better for our employees, carriers and clients. 

Also, for an industry that at times can move very slowly, the rapid pace of work at Echo is very refreshing. 


You oversee a massive team. How do you go about creating a cohesive culture amongst such a large group?

Communication, communication, communication. With a department that has over 600 people, it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page. We use a combination of online tools, group meetings and individual meetings to drive concepts home and streamline communication. 

We also really focus on explaining the “why” behind everything we do. From my experience, not explaining the “why” is where many organizations fail.


There are not many companies within the logistics industry that have experienced such rapid growth from both a revenue and innovation standpoint.” 

What is an absolute must-have when you are looking to hire a new salesperson at Echo?

We look for candidates who demonstrate resourcefulness. This job requires constant multitasking and prioritizing. While we give our teams the training, tools and direction to be successful, the reps who really stand out are the ones who find creative ways to do things on their own and embody Echo’s core values. We’re looking for reps who work hard and hustle, do what’s right and seek better solutions. In this way, our employees help set us apart from all the other third-party logistics companies.  

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