Can Tech Ease the Pain of Divorce?

Taking things online via digital divorce platforms can remove some of the sting.

Written by Aliette Carolan
Published on Aug. 01, 2024
A man and a woman are sitting on a couch and looking very unhappy.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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At its best, divorce is the legal end of a union. At its worst, it involves custody battles, disputes over asset values and distributions and arguments over disposable income for alimony and net incomes for child support. The dissolution of a marriage involves untangling not just legal and financial ties, but emotional and familial bonds as well. The stakes are high and the stress can be overwhelming for everyone involved.

What Is Legal Tech?

Legal technology, or legal tech, uses automated document generation, virtual consultations and automated electronic filing and virtual notarization to make legal services more accessible, more user friendly and less expensive.

As with many aspects of modern life, technology and now artificial intelligence can simplify and streamline the process from beginning to end. Technology offers new avenues to direct the client’s focus on reason and logic to make divorce more manageable, efficient and less painful. It directs attention directly to the most important issues at hand: creating a schedule for the children and resolving financial issues.

All the parties have to be is willing to accept the end of an era and to prioritize peace over perceived victories.  

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Digital Solutions for Divorce

Online divorce demand is on the rise. Recognizing the need for a more efficient and compassionate approach to divorce, I founded a digital divorce platform that simplifies the divorce process by offering a range of services that guide individuals through every step of their separation.

The platform uses technology to provide clear, step-by-step guidance for divorcing couples, obviating the need for in-person meetings and court appearances and making the process more accessible and less stressful. Here are some ways digital divorce platforms take the sting out of what can be a painful experience.

Speed Via Automation

Automation plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of digital divorce platforms and obtaining a quick divorce or separation. Automated document generation significantly reduces the time and cost associated with preparing legal paperwork. These tools collect information from clients through intelligently designed questions that demystify each issue.  The client’s responses populate online forms automatically generating the necessary legal documents required based on their responses. This accelerates the process of reaching amicable settlement and the client retains control over the input of information.

Virtual Consultations and Mediation

The COVID-19 pandemic required the adoption of virtual services across various sectors, including legal services. Virtual consultations and mediation sessions allow clients to engage with legal professionals from the comfort and privacy of their homes or offices. They avoid long commutes and hefty parking fees. 

This is particularly beneficial for individuals who require increased security and privacy and those who may find it difficult to attend in-person meetings due to logistical or emotional reasons. Virtual mediation, for instance, provides a neutral platform for both parties to discuss and negotiate terms without the added stress of long days in a conference room setting. Virtual mediations tend to lead to settlement faster than in person sessions used to take. 

Customization and Personalization

Every divorce is unique, with its own set of challenges and nuances. Solutions must tailor services to meet the specific financial circumstances of each client and can address both simple and complex custody arrangements, the division of significant assets or none at all, alimony awards and provide transparency for child support. By providing these customized solutions, helpful tips and access to support along the way, clients can receive the support and guidance they need to navigate their unique circumstances.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Technology also enhances accessibility, making legal services available to a broader audience. Traditional legal services can be prohibitively expensive, particularly for low-income individuals seeking a divorce or separation for those with children who never married. There are also language considerations to consider for users with diverse cultural backgrounds.  

Data Security and Privacy

One of the concerns often raised about digital platforms is data security. Given the sensitive nature of divorce proceedings, ensuring the privacy and security of client information is paramount. Robust security measures to protect client data are key. These measures help build trust and confidence among clients, ensuring that their personal information remains confidential.

Challenges of a Digital Divorce

While the benefits of digital divorce platforms are clear, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges. Not everyone is ready to manage their divorce online. Some cases, particularly those involving significant financial disputes with complex financial arrangements in several jurisdictions, may still require traditional legal intervention.

Also, cases involving abuse of any kind and/or mental health issues affecting minor children will also tend to demand in-person approaches. While technology can streamline the legal process, in some cases it cannot replace the empathy and support that a human legal professional can provide.

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The Future of Divorce

As technology continues to evolve, so too will the ways in which it can support individuals going through a divorce or separation with children. Innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning hold promise for further enhancing the capabilities of digital platforms, providing even more personalized and efficient services. 

Moreover, as societal attitudes towards divorce continue to shift away from tragedy to opportunity, there is potential for greater acceptance and adoption of digital solutions.

We’ve come to understand that life can change in an instant. If a relationship is over, there is no reason to stay trapped in it. Legal fees or concerns about children shouldn't be reasons to remain in an unhappy marriage. The modern trends of legal reforms and technological advancements are making it clear that for the vast majority of people, divorce can be quick and simple. 

With equal time sharing taking hold of the norm and straightforward alimony guidelines providing a clear legal framework, digital platforms facilitating seamless processes, the future of divorce is undeniably digital. These innovations offer a path to a less contentious and more straightforward resolution, enabling individuals to move on and forward with their lives without unnecessary complications.

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