How AI Can Supercharge Your Project Management Skills

Our expert explains how a bevy of machine-learning powered AI products can take streamline your workflow and maximize your productivity.

Written by Brianna Van Zanten
Published on Apr. 19, 2024
How AI Can Supercharge Your Project Management Skills
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Recent advances in AI-based machine-learning technology have made project management leaner and faster than ever. These new applications can automate tasks, optimize resources, pivot according to real-world changes, and generate predictive insights based on empirical data, thereby improving decision-making.

Consequently, employing these technologies can propel businesses to the forefront of their industries. Although these new solutions benefit many different types of businesses, one of the best fits is with technology startups.

How Does AI Improve Project Management?

Next-generation task-management software automates routine tasks like automating data entry, scheduling meetings, and sending reminders. It can also generate reports automatically on certain dates or when milestones take place, queue the right projects for a human’s attention based on real-time changes, and move files to new locations once they have been marked as completed. It performs these activities correctly every single time, which improves accuracy and reliability.

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What Is Next-Generation Task Management?

New tech ventures labor under constant pressure to deliver results as fast as possible to demonstrate viability and successfully obtain funding. Task-management software that deploys AI-based algorithms makes these operations as lean as possible in multiple ways.

First and foremost, next-generation task-management software automates routine tasks like automating data entry, scheduling meetings, and sending reminders. It can also generate reports automatically on certain dates or when milestones take place, queue the right projects for a human’s attention based on real-time changes, and move files to new locations once they have been marked as completed. It performs these activities correctly every single time, which improves accuracy and reliability.

Moreover, when given appropriate human oversight, these AI-based systems can also take on an increasing number of tasks as they become more and more familiar with the work that needs to be done. Human managers should double-check the AI’s work and automated reports against reliable legacy systems and old manual reports, however, especially at the beginning of every new process. Key metrics and data points should remain consistent.

It’s also a good idea for human staff to review the AI’s prioritization of tasks periodically, examining its rationale for the order of tasks and gauging its alignment with the company’s needs or priorities. AI isn’t always perfect from the beginning, so testing of this sort is necessary to catch any poor judgment on the machine’s part and train it to react differently.


How AI Improves Project Efficiency

These new solutions also enable tech startups to track each team member’s performance, analyze it, and suggest optimized assignments for the future. For instance, if certain staff members achieve excellent results on a certain kind of programming, you can adjust their schedule to allow them to specialize in that area. Likewise, say a field technician is responsible for maintaining and repairing equipment in a manufacturing plant. The software can track the number of tasks they’ve successfully completed, the time it has taken, and their customer satisfaction ratings. The system can then use these performance metrics to schedule that worker in the future in ways that play to their strengths. By scheduling tasks for people who usually excel at them, the business can cut down on mistakes and get work done faster.

Moreover, managers can also quickly discern if someone is struggling to complete assignments on time and start collaborating with them on an improvement plan. Interventions like these reduce the time needed to complete projects, allow staff to take on more work, and boost overall profitability.

Since this software provides transparency about the progress on various tasks, leadership can also monitor the status of multiple projects simultaneously, giving them a global view of the status of work throughout the company. As an example, an operations manager who oversees maintenance activities across several facilities can access the software dashboard, view the status of ongoing maintenance tasks and equipment repairs, and schedule inspections throughout the organization.

When initiatives are at risk of falling behind or even becoming overdue, the software can issue alerts that enable the right people to spot the problem quickly and intervene. When management provides support, fewer projects fall through the proverbial cracks, deliverables are supplied to clients and business partners on time, and outcomes improve overall.


Next-Gen Task Management Boosts Employee Satisfaction

At the same time, team members derive more satisfaction from today’s task-management software because they can customize it according to their own needs and preferences. Every time they log on to work, they access their own profile, which they have adapted to suit themselves.

By allowing employees to organize tasks and set reminders, these systems also provide employees with a sense of control. This increases their feelings of ownership, and employees enjoy a smoother, more effective work experience. For these reasons, studies show this kind of technological personalization reduces errors and promotes productivity.

In addition, this software empowers employees to give feedback via surveys that are integrated right into their usual workflows. Questions can focus on how easy the application was to use, which customization options they would prefer, and ways to boost productivity, as well as how satisfied they are with the system overall.

Many people hate interacting with outdated AI and chatbots due to their tunnel vision and inability to cope with complexity. Machine learning, however, enables today’s AI to respond with increasing sophistication. For instance, businesses can start by supplying their system with anything from their entire employee handbook and standard operating procedures to their library of marketing materials and previous case studies. This data functions as the AI’s background knowledge. The more information it has, the better it can perform from the beginning. Plus, with every new interaction, it learns and gains more functionality.

Perhaps most importantly — unlike previous iterations of task-management software — today’s solutions demonstrate emotional intelligence. No longer will employees get messages from an AI that seem callous, insensitive, or inadvertently humorous. Instead, the system not only begins with a superior understanding of human feelings and motivations but can also learn to adjust its approach further. As time goes on, the machine understands how to interact best with each individual. For instance, it can use certain words or phrases and avoid others depending on personal preferences.

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AI-Based Task Management and Manufacturing

Another sector poised to benefit greatly from next-generation task-management software is manufacturing. Today’s task management software streamlines employees’ schedules as well as equipment usage and inventory management.

In addition, these solutions consolidate task tracking, resource allocation, and progress monitoring in a single system, giving leadership and management a global view of operations and enabling superior control. Bottlenecks and inefficiencies can be identified and eliminated. For instance, if one machine that is necessary to complete a product is functioning at capacity but still slowing the whole production line down, management can prioritize buying additional machines that would increase capacity at this key juncture. Production targets accelerate naturally in consequence.

Moreover, when coupled with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensors, next-generation task-management software can oversee conditions on the ground even in facilities that are far away. If there’s a problem with the pipeline, relevant decision-makers are alerted immediately, rather than needing to wait for the next manual report. If a safety hazard suddenly appears, the system reacts just as quickly.

For instance, chemical manufacturing companies can use these systems to monitor temperature, pressure, humidity, and chemical levels in pipelines. The system alerts operators if problems emerge and initiates corrective action, such as activating ventilation systems or shutting down equipment. If the air quality becomes unfavorable or other environmental conditions arise, staff can be moved or evacuated. 

As a result, fewer accidents and other problems take place, and the company can count on a positive health and safety record. This wins customer approval and loyalty, which is also good for the bottom line.


Increased Operational Agility Means Increased Profits

Next-generation task-management software increases operational agility, which translates into increased competitiveness and a larger market share. Today’s task-management software also promises to revolutionize the retail, hospitality, and education industries, as well as provide support for municipalities and many other sectors.

In my experience, business and organizational leaders who embrace technological innovations can take advantage of their rewards sooner and more comprehensively than those with a more traditional outlook. For that reason, it pays to consider upgrading to AI-based task management today.

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