Outlier 正在尋找具備繁體中文流利程度的優秀作家,以協助訓練生成式人工智慧模型。這是一個遠端的自由工作機會,工時彈性,因此您可以在適合您的時間工作。
- 閱讀繁體中文文本,以對 AI 模型產生的一系列回應進行排序
- 根據指定主題撰寫繁體中文的短篇故事
- 評估 AI 模型產生的繁體中文文本是否符合事實
- 擁有專業翻譯經驗
- 具備專業寫作經驗(如文案撰寫、記者、技術寫作、編輯等)
- 就讀或完成人文學科或寫作相關領域的學士學位課程
- 就讀或完成創意寫作相關領域的研究生課程
目前,繁體中文寫作專家的核心專案工作平均薪資為每小時 22.5 美元。薪資根據專業知識、技能評估、地點、專案需求及其他因素而有所不同。例如,PhD 可能享有更高的薪資。對於非核心工作,如項目初期的入職階段或加班階段,可能會有較低的費率。某些項目還提供激勵性支付。請查閱每個專案的支付條款。
PLEASE NOTE: We collect, retain and use personal data for our professional business purposes, including notifying you of opportunities that may be of interest and sharing with our affiliates. We limit the personal data we collect to that which we believe is appropriate and necessary to manage applicants’ needs, provide our services, and comply with applicable laws. Any information we collect in connection with your application will be treated in accordance with the Outlier Privacy Policy and our internal policies and programs designed to protect personal data.
This is a 1099 contract opportunity on the Outlier.ai platform. Because this is a freelance opportunity, we do not offer internships, sponsorship, or employment. You must be authorized to work in your country of residence. If you are an international student, you may be able to sign up for Outlier if you are on a visa. You should contact your tax and/or immigration advisor with specific questions regarding your circumstances.
What We Do
Business intelligence is ready for a change. We don't believe the world needs any more dashboards, charts or data warehouses. What leaders need today is help to make better use of the tools they already have. That is what we do at Outlier: we improve the relationship between people and their data.
We believe that success in life and success in business are not separate things, but intertwined as part of our lives. It is important to us that the journey we take with our company is as positive as the destination we hope to reach.
If you want to join us on this mission, we would love to talk to you: http://outlier.ai/jobs.html