Valeo is a tech global company, designing breakthrough solutions to reinvent the mobility. We are an automotive supplier partner to automakers and new mobility actors worldwide. Our vision? Invent a greener and more secured mobility, thanks to solutions focusing on intuitive driving and reducing CO2 emissions. We are leader on our businesses, and recognized as one of the largest global innovative companies.
- 雇用契約書や就業規則の管理、制度改定、規定の改定
- 工場における人事諸制度の運用
- 人事異動・配置、人事評価取り纏め、人員計画策定、人件費予決算管理
- 労働組合窓口、提案企画、労使協議会の運営、議事録作成
- 労働環境整備等の労務管理(労働時間、勤怠)、労務コンプライアンス、社員相談対応
- 人事に関連する法令を理解し、労働組合への交渉経験3年以上
- データを作成し、それをアナライズできる方(Pivot程度活用レベル)
- ビジネスレベルでの日本語、日常会話レベルの英語力
- 外資系企業や海外での勤務経験
- 製造業(自動車関連、電気器具等)での勤務経験
- 年収:11M(※経験値などにより応相談)
- チーム構成:10名前後
【Job Description】
1.Legal compliance (10%) - Response to changes in regulations, etc. (internal notifications, etc.)
2.Legal management (10%)
3.Union control (30%) - Max 4 times a year (JAM = automobile industry union) business trips (to areas hosted by JAM), once a month to Omiya (to participate in Bosh, Conti, etc.)
4.Head count control (10%) - No hiring due to the almost complete hiring freeze, but management of power headcount increase/decrease, etc.
5.Data management (20%)-Manage BIPO(Payroll Management System) data in Excel and analyze current data and future forecasts. Sometimes present the data (sales, gross margin, etc.) at Union meetings.
6.Other irregular tasks (handling of foreign nationals, VISA arrangements, etc.)
【Eligibility for Application】
・English: Reading and writing level
*No need to speak English (reading and writing are required for e-mail exchanges with intra- and report lines).
*Welcome to learn English, including speaking.
・Understanding of laws and regulations related to HR and experience in direct negotiations with unions:3~5 years
・Able to create and analyze data (Pivot level)
・Commute by bullet train ==>OK
*Transportation expenses paid
・Commute by car ==>OK
* Highway toll paid
Site HR Business Partner Manager
Site & Legal Entity Human Resources
Full time
Employee Status:
Job Type:
Permanent contract
Job Posting Date:
Join Us !
Being part of our team, you will join:
- one of the largest global innovative companies, with more than 20,000 engineers working in Research & Development
- a multi-cultural environment that values diversity and international collaboration
- more than 100,000 colleagues in 31 countries... which make a lot of opportunity for career growth
- a business highly committed to limiting the environmental impact if its activities and ranked by Corporate Knights as the number one company in the automotive sector in terms of sustainable development
More information on Valeo:
Top Skills
What We Do
Valeo is an automotive supplier and partner to all automakers worldwide. As a
technology company, Valeo proposes innovative products and systems that
contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the development of intuitive
driving. In 2020, the Group generated sales of 16.4 billion euros and invested 12% of
its original equipment sales in Research and Development. At December 31, 2020,
Valeo had 187 plants, 20 research centers, 43 development centers and
15 distribution platforms, and employed 110,300 people in 33 countries worldwide.
Valeo is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.