Title: Instructional Designer
Location: Portland, OR, 97204
Duration: 12 Months
Roles & Responsibilities:
•Design and build educational seminars, workshops & webinars for the wise and efficient use of energy and specific energy efficiency measures/programs.
•Guide and oversee the online trainings developed by our eLearning Specialist. This includes providing the content from existing seminars and webinars to create online training.
•Work collaboratively with external stakeholders, including Energy Trust of Oregon, to ensure classes and programs include elements that increase customer participation and ensure their understanding of program benefits, timelines, and options.
•Manage relationship with internal and external instructors and subject matter experts who help develop content. This includes ensuring a Statement of Work is in place; deliverables are met on time; the material for trainings are appropriate for business customers attending; and client is providing the instructor the support we have agreed to.
•Ensure professional excellence of internal and external instructors and subject matter experts who help develop content for classes. This includes evaluating the instructors in the seminars and workshops and providing feedback/suggestions for future.
•Identify opportunities and recommend solutions for improving customers’ energy efficiency training needs. This includes working with internal and external stakeholders to identify and effectively advocate training and education to help remove barriers to take action on energy efficiency measures/programs.
•Design and propose the schedule of classes for the 2017, utilizing input from internal and external stakeholders and customer feedback.
Minimum Qualifications:
•Excellent oral and written communication, human relations, and problem-solving skills.
•Working knowledge of training program design, adult learning theory, and state-of-the-art training techniques.
•Excellent self-management skills; able to work well collaboratively or independently depending on the need.
•Effective presentation, group process (facilitation), and project management skills.
•Excellent research, analytical and interpretive skills in technical areas.
•Working knowledge of storyboards, typography, illustration, and page layout skills.
•Typically a BA or BS in business, finance, marketing, communication, psychology or relevant technical area, and five years of applicable experience
What We Do
Two95 International Inc., is a global technology firm specializing in enterprise solutions that evolves over BPM, Mobility, Cloud, Analytics, E-commerce & Social Business. Our client base includes several Fortune 500 and mid-market companies across industries and varying geographies.
With vast knowledge and knowhow of 20 years in the IT field, we have been chosen as INC500 fastest growing company in North America in 2013. With the accolade of being ranked 11th in Human Resources by INC500, we have also been nominated as the 3rd fastest growing company in South Jersey by SJBM. We are ranked among the Top 20 IT Companies in New Jersey based on the year-on-year growth for the last 3 years. With a seasoned team of highly qualified personnel, our offices are located in New Jersey, Canada and India.