Pfize r is seekin g an experienced Di r ec t o r o f In t e gr a t ed Insigh t s & S tr a t e gy (II S) t ha t w ill lead s tr a t e g ic t hough t par t ne r ship t o US and Global b r and leads o f a high- v alue asse t . Repo rt ing t o the IIS Ther apeu t ic T eam Lead, t his pe r son w ill se rv e as t he senio r membe r of a b r and-ali g ned t eam of s tr a t e g is t s r esponsible for iden tify ing and de v eloping oppo rt un it ies in pe rf ormance t o unlock b r and v alue and t o ad v ise the business on d riv e r s of tr ans for ma t ional chan g e. You w ill be pa rt of the Global Comme r cial A nal yt ics (GC A) org aniza t ion harnessin g insigh t s fr om mul t iple sou r ces, leading d ay - to-day p r oblem sol v ing, t eam managemen t , and business par t ne r managemen t . You w ill le v e r age y ou r deep f unc t ional anal yt ic kno w led g e, e x cep t ional in t ellec t ual cu r iosi ty , and p r op ri e t ar y GC A t ools t o e v e ry business in t e r action, w hile being an indispensable t hou g h t p art ne r , influencing sen ior b r and VPs and ensu ri n g t he hi g hes t qual ity wor k.
The ideal candida t e is someone wit h a p r o v en tr ack r eco r d o f high-value b r and consul t anc y , r esponsible for fr amin g , designing & e x ecu t in g solu t ions for challenging business s it ua t ions. T he y w ill ha v e an in-dep t h kno w led g e o f mul t iple analy t ic disciplines, wit h a keen unde r s t andin g of ou t pu t and qual ity/t imel y insigh t de riv a t ion. Their t eam or ien t a t ion and collab or a tiv e app r oach, along wit h t he ir ou t s t andin g lis t ening skills and abil ity t o manage t h r ou g h influence, w ill enable t he ir e x cep t ional in t ellec t ual and analy t ical cu ri osi ty t o shine. T he ir sophis t ica t ed e x ecu t i v e demean or and comf ort f unc t ioning wit h senio r b r and VPs along w i t h t hei r e x cellen t p r esen t a t ion skills, includin g s tr on g v e r bal and writ ing capabili t ies, w ill d riv e t he ir success. As w ill t he ir abili ty t o wor k proactively (and independently when necessary) along with collab or a t i v ely in a t eam en vir onmen t t o influence and d riv e chan g e a t all le v els in an or ganiza t ion.
Com mer c i al Br and S tr a t eg y
- Ac t as a key s tr a t e g ic thought pa rt ne r t o US comme r cial t eams t o fr ame, in v es t i g a t e, and ans w e r ke y business ques t ions r ela t ed t o the iden tifi ca t ion and e v alua t ion o f comme r cial s tr a t e g ies, t actics and in v es t men t decisions.
- De v elop and lead r e g ular pa t ien t jou rn e y -based business r e v ie w s t ied t o budge t ar y g oals t o ensu r e c r oss- f unc t ional t eams a r e aware of on g oin g pe rf ormance oppo rt un it ies and su gg es t ideas for op t imiza t ion.
- Connec t r esea r ch and analy t ics t oge t he r t o t ell a compelling and pe r suasi v e s tory and delive r clear and actionable r ecommenda t ions t o sen ior leade r ship.
- Lead iden t i fi ca t ion of in f orma t ion needs and de v elopmen t of market r esea r ch and da t a analysis plans.
- Develop strong relationships with key Commercial and cross functional stakeholders to drive strategic thought partnership
P r omo ti o n al St r a te g y and E xe c uti o n Ins i gh t s
- De v elop and mon itor ke y pe rf ormance me tri cs and work in close collaboration with cross functional partners t o e v alua t e and enhance the e ff ec tiv eness of a b r and's ma rk e t in g campaign.
- Rec ommend cam p ai gn improvement a nd c orre c tive acti on s.
- Evalua t e campaign asse t s t o ensu r e op t imal cus t ome r e x pe ri ence s t eeped in deep cus t ome r ins ig h t s.
- In t e gr a t e campaign insigh t s t o b r oade r analy t ic acti vit ies t o pain t the f ull pic t u r e of marke t in g e x ecu t ion and cus t ome r behavi or and in for m r esou r ce alloca t ion decisions.
- Play a ke y r ole in ad v ancing the v ision for the f u t u r e di r ec t ion o f b r and acti vit ies.
Op er a ti ng Plan Suppo rt
- In p a rtner s hip with key P fi z er s t ak eholder s, act as lead for the development of O per a ting Pla n s.
- C ollaborate with the IIS Lifecycle Strategist (Forecasting lead) and US marketing leads.
Collabo r a ti on with Ot her Anal yti cs T eams
- Lead d ia logue to integr a te in s ight s ac ro ss variou s c ro ss- fun c tion al te ams - market research, d a t a sc ien c e , performance analytics and media.
- Ac tiv ely con tri bu t e t o ad v ancemen t o f t eam capabilities t h r ou g h t hou g h t leade r ship; seek t o share kno w ledge and e x pe rt ise wit h ot he r colleagues making use of kno w led g e sharing pla tfor m.
- Alignmen t w i t h ot he r anal yt ic t eams t o ensu r e cohes iv e ac tivit ies w i t h ou r s t akeholde r s.
- Par t ne r w i t h ot he r anal yt ic f unc t ions t o ad v ance t he use of no v el da t a sou r ces includin g RWD.
- B A/ BS in M arke t in g , Ps y cholog y , M a t hema t ics, Sta t is t ics, o r Enginee ri ng o r similar r ela t ed fi eld r equi r ed; MS or M B A p r e f e rr ed.
- 8+ y ears in consul t ing, fi nance or ma rk e t analy t ics
- 5+ y ears a t a high- v alue le v el (e . g ., US & Global) de v eloping da t a-d riv en b r and s tr a t e gy f o r majo r asse t s (>$1B )
- De fi ned in v ol v emen t in helping fr ame, design & e x ecu t e solu t ions for challen g in g business s it ua t ions
- In-depth kno w ledge of mul t iple analy t ic disciplines, including p ri mar y market research and secondar y da t a, wit h a keen unde r s t andin g o f ou t pu t and qual ity/t imely insigh t de riv a t ion
- P r o v en tr ack r ec or d of being an indispensable t hough t par t ne r t o sen ior b r and leade r s and influencing wit hou t au t ho rity
- T eam- or ien t a t ion and collab or a tiv e app r oach; ou t s t andin g lis t ening skills and the abil ity t o manage t h r ou g h influence
- Excep t ional in t ellec t ual and analy t ical cu ri os ity , a c r ea tiv e v isionar y w ho can d riv e inno v a t ion
- Sophis t ica t ed e x ecu t i v e demean or , comfo rt able f unc t ioning a t t he h ig hes t le v els of org aniza t ions; e x cellen t p r esen t a t ion skills, including s tr on g v e rb al and writ ing capabil it ies
- Abil ity t o w o rk collab or a t i v ely in a t eam en v i r onmen t and t o influence and d riv e change a t all le v els in an org aniza t ion
- Ability to be a self-starter and work proactively and independently if and when required
- Abil ity t o communica t e comple x ideas e ff ec tiv el y - bo t h v e rb all y and in writ ing
Candida t e demons tr a t es a b r ead t h of d iv e r se leade r ship e x pe ri ences and capabili t ies including: the abili ty t o influence and collab or a t e wit h pee r s, de v elop and coach ot he r s, o v e r see and guide the wor k of ot he r collea g ues t o achie v e meanin gf ul ou t comes and c r ea t e business impact.
O ther Job Details:
- Work location: Flexible; 2-3 days onsite/week
- Last Day to Apply: January 8, 2025
The annual base salary for this position ranges from $149,200.00 to $248,600.00. In addition, this position is eligible for participation in Pfizer's Global Performance Plan with a bonus target of 20.0% of the base salary and eligibility to participate in our share based long term incentive program. We offer comprehensive and generous benefits and programs to help our colleagues lead healthy lives and to support each of life's moments. Benefits offered include a 401(k) plan with Pfizer Matching Contributions and an additional Pfizer Retirement Savings Contribution, paid vacation, holiday and personal days, paid caregiver/parental and medical leave, and health benefits to include medical, prescription drug, dental and vision coverage. Learn more at Pfizer Candidate Site - U.S. Benefits | ( Pfizer compensation structures and benefit packages are aligned based on the location of hire. The United States salary range provided does not apply to Tampa, FL or any location outside of the United States.
Relocation assistance may be available based on business needs and/or eligibility.
Sunshine Act
Pfizer reports payments and other transfers of value to health care providers as required by federal and state transparency laws and implementing regulations. These laws and regulations require Pfizer to provide government agencies with information such as a health care provider's name, address and the type of payments or other value received, generally for public disclosure. Subject to further legal review and statutory or regulatory clarification, which Pfizer intends to pursue, reimbursement of recruiting expenses for licensed physicians may constitute a reportable transfer of value under the federal transparency law commonly known as the Sunshine Act. Therefore, if you are a licensed physician who incurs recruiting expenses as a result of interviewing with Pfizer that we pay or reimburse, your name, address and the amount of payments made currently will be reported to the government. If you have questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact your Talent Acquisition representative.
EEO & Employment Eligibility
Pfizer is committed to equal opportunity in the terms and conditions of employment for all employees and job applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or gender expression, national origin, disability or veteran status. Pfizer also complies with all applicable national, state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment as well as work authorization and employment eligibility verification requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act and IRCA. Pfizer is an E-Verify employer. This position requires permanent work authorization in the United States.
Marketing and Market Research
Top Skills
What We Do
Our purpose ensures that patients remain at the center of all we do. We live our purpose by sourcing the best science in the world; partnering with others in the healthcare system to improve access to our medicines; using digital technologies to enhance our drug discovery and development, as well as patient outcomes; and leading the conversation to advocate for pro-innovation/pro-patient policies.
Why Work With Us
We are the inventors, the problem solvers, the big thinkers — those who surmount any hurdle to deliver breakthrough medicines to the people who are counting on them the most.
Pfizer Offices
Hybrid Workspace
Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.