31 Diversity In The Workplace Articles That Will Get You Inspired

Written by Adam Calica
31 Diversity In The Workplace Articles That Will Get You Inspired
Built In Staff | May 05, 2021

Diversity and inclusion may be the two most important topics facing the tech industry in 2019, but even still it can be difficult to find helpful information on the subject matter. We can help with that. 

We believe diversity in the workplace is of the utmost importance, so we’ve produced a lot of articles on the topic over the years. But rather than send you all over the internet to find our work we’ve gathered 31 of our favorite articles about diversity in the workplace in one location to help you dive into the topic and get serious about your own D&I efforts. We’ve included a brief synopsis here, but you’ll want to click on the title to read each full article. 


Common Topics from Diversity in the workplace articles

  • The meaning of diversity and inclusion
  • How diversity and inclusion help the tech industry
  • How to promote diversity during the hiring process
  • Policies to make the work environment more inclusive
  • Key advice for women in leadership positions
  • Lessons learned from diversity initiatives


Free Guide: Racial Equality in the Workplace

DEI experts offer solutions to create a radically inclusive workplace.


Our favorite articles on diversity in the workplace


1 - More than a motto: How 7 Austin tech companies make their workplaces more inclusive

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The meaning of diversity and inclusion.
  • How to ensure diversity and inclusion policies are acted upon.
  • How diversity and inclusion help the tech industry as a whole.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Having millions of customers around the world means we can’t anticipate the diverse needs of our global travelers without having diverse employees. It’s part of the reason why diversity and inclusion are so important to us: It makes for good science.”



2 - It’s in the details: How 3 Austin tech companies build more inclusive workplaces

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to promote diversity during the hiring process.
  • Policies to make the work environment more inclusive. 
  • Working with third-party experts to make the hiring process more inclusive.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“We use the diverse slate approach. This means we present hiring managers with at least one qualified candidate who is a member of an underrepresented group to fill any open role. This encourages recruiters to look longer, harder and smarter for more diversity in the talent pool and ensures that hiring managers are exposed to a range of different candidates during the interview process.”



3 - Women in leadership at 7 Austin tech companies share advice for others entering the industry

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The biggest challenges facing women in tech. 
  • Key advice for women in leadership positions.
  • Leadership strategies. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“I consistently give the following advice to people looking to advance in their careers, and I don’t believe it should be any different for men or women: Get involved outside the four corners of your role.”



4 - How 5 large local startups are making diversity a top priority 

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to promote diversity. 
  • Lessons learned from diversity initiatives. 
  • Advice for other companies looking to get serious about diversity and inclusion. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“We believe diversity attracts diversity. People are more likely to join an organization where they can be their authentic self and find people with shared values and opportunities that will challenge them. We aspire to build a company that empowers people and provides them with the environment and tools to be the best they possibly can.”



5 - Diversity in tech: How 5 Boston companies are fighting got more inclusive workplaces 

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Bringing diversity to the hiring process.
  • Benchmark diversity statistics. 
  • Companies that are getting diversity and inclusion right. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Companies who embrace a range of diverse opinions are in a better position to create better relationships with customers, identify opportunities, and read and react to changes in the market than those with monocultures.”



6 - 9 women share their advice on breaking into engineering

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to get started in tech. 
  • The best advice you’ve ever received. 
  • Key accomplishments of women engineers.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Take the time to explore the vast tech domain so you can see where your interests take you. Be confident in your abilities. You will grow as you continuously learn and adapt to rapidly changing technology.”



7 - How Ellevation supports English language learners by encouraging diversity and inclusion internally

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Establishing internal affinity groups. 
  • How a company can support its employees diversity and inclusion efforts.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“So, we set to work to create an affinity group focused on building a safe space to discuss topics focused on diversity and inclusion. We hoped this would also help members grow professionally, personally and socially as we learned from each other and shared our individual experiences.”




8 - Meet 3 women changing the Boston tech industry

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The “a-ha” moment. 
  • Advice for women technologists.
  • The best part of the job. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“I think anytime I'm in the minority there's a heightened sense of pressure to do things perfectly and to be over-critical of mistakes. I've found that I've been most successful in my role when I work past the “writer's block” and share a half-baked idea rather than waiting for a perfect one.” 



9 - Walk the walk: How 5 Boston companies are working toward a more diverse workplace

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The biggest challenges for the tech industry in diversifying the workplace.
  • The benefits of diversity in tech. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Currently, diversity is usually measured as a numbers game focused solely on the quantity of people from diverse backgrounds brought into the company. While that’s a great start, it should also be measured by the growth opportunities and influence these people have within their organizations. Ultimately, everyone should be given a voice in these conversations, especially those who come from the communities and backgrounds we are looking to bring more into the tech sector.”



10 - How diversity drives innovation at these 3 Boston tech companies

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How diversity drives innovation. 
  • Fun ways to celebrate diversity.
  • How individual backgrounds can lend themselves to innovation.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Twice a month, [we] host a lunch for our employees of color. This space is awesome for team members to build community, celebrate diversity and create a place for dialogue about our shared and unique experiences.”



11 - How 7 Chicago tech companies work to promote diversity in the workplace

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to promote diversity and inclusion. 
  • How to brainstorm diversity initiatives.
  • Lessons learned from diversity initiatives. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Do not shy away from tough conversations. Conversations about gender, race, sexism, ageism, etc. can be challenging, but you should not avoid them. In order for your diversity and inclusion efforts to be meaningful, you have to navigate through some uncomfortable areas, but your organization will be better off as a result of it.”



12 - Be your true self: How 6 Chicago tech companies create more diverse workplaces

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The importance of diversity and inclusion.
  • How to foster diversity and inclusion. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“In my 20-plus years working, I’ve been the recipient of discrimination based on my gender, religion and age. It doesn’t feel good, and it’s given me a large dose of empathy for everybody else who’s been there and experienced far worse than I have.”



13 - Bring your whole self: How 9 Chicago tech companies are building more inclusive workplaces

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to promote diversity and inclusion.
  • How diversity and inclusion influence company culture. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“We believe building a team diverse in people, ideas and experiences allows all of us to be more successful in our jobs and better address the needs of our customers. When our team feels as though they can bring their full selves to work we see greater creativity, productivity and engagement, all of which are necessary to build a better company.”



14 - Be you, unapologetically: Advice from 12 women leading teams in Chicago tech

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Why choose a career in tech.
  • Advice for women looking to break into the tech industry. 
  • How companies can support women in the tech industry.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Growing up, I showed strength in math and science. But my mother asked me to stay away from engineering. She suggested that I choose education, as it was a better fit for a girl. Years later, as I came to the U.S. for graduate studies, I ventured into a class in information technology. That was when I realized my passion for technology and problem solving.”



15 - How Braintree's diversity program helps employees overcome unconscious bias — and more

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to combat unconscious bias.
  • Obstacles to building out a diversity and inclusion program. 
  • The business impact of diversity and inclusion.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“We start by evaluating our job postings so they are clear and inclusive, and then we structure what we are looking for and how that is defined. We’ve updated our job postings to acknowledge the imposter syndrome and the confidence gap. I've been happy to hear from a number of candidates who said that, when they saw that in the job posting, it was the final push they needed in order to apply.”



16 - How diversity drives innovation at 3 Chicago tech companies

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How diverse perspectives lead to better products and services. 
  • Policies for promoting diversity and inclusion. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“One of our most-loved values is “Best answer wins,” which means that no matter your background, level, department or where you come from, your ideas matter — in fact, you’re expected to voice them.”



17 - How do we drive diversity in tech? 5 female leaders weigh in

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The biggest challenges facing women in tech today. 
  • What needs to be done to improve diversity in tech.
  • How to effectively promote diversity. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Gender diversity can only thrive when the CEO and board are committed to creating an environment that sets women up for success — starting from the hiring process all the way up to staffing the board and senior team.”



18 - Breaking barriers: How 4 Colorado companies are taking an active approach to diversity

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The business impact of diversity initiatives. 
  • Accomplishments that wouldn’t have been possible without diversity. 
  • How to overcome challenges with promoting a diverse workplace. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“There is no silver bullet for solving the diversity challenge, but the best way to set yourself up for success is to have a people-first culture and continuously develop your company to foster diversity and inclusion.” 



19 - So long, status quo: How 6 Colorado companies drive diversity in tech

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Examples of diversity initiatives. 
  • Advice for companies getting serious about diversity and inclusion.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Start small … If we had started out with the lofty expectations that we have for this year, we would not have realized the amount of work that goes into a reputable diversity and inclusion initiative. We learned by doing, and now we’re ready to take on more.”



20 - How 3 Colorado tech companies are diversifying their engineering teams

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to build a diverse engineering team. 
  • How to ensure inclusivity for existing employees to feel heard and respected. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Our products and offerings are targeted at many of our engineers, so they have a unique ability to provide input and shape the future and direction of our products.”



21 - A seat at the table: 4 Colorado women share their advice for navigating the tech world

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to get started in tech. 
  • The best advice you’ve ever received. 
  • How to promote diversity and inclusion in the broader tech community. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“My advice to women who are trying to get started in tech is to ask for what you want. That might be opportunities, referrals, training or anything else that helps you get where you want to be.”



22 - Small steps, big change: How NetApp supports women in tech at every level

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How tech can attract and retain women technologists. 
  • Challenges facing women in tech. 
  • Advice for women breaking into tech. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“I’d encourage women to look at themselves not as women, but as engineers.” 



23 - Diversity matters: 3 startups where inclusivity drives innovation

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The results of diversity and inclusion programs. 
  • The importance of having a diverse team. 
  • What employees think of diversity and inclusion efforts.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“We believe that maximum creativity can occur only when people from different backgrounds put their heads together. We are ardent supporters of creating an inclusive environment.”



24 - How ConsumerTrack has created one of the most diverse startups in LA

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The impact of diversity and inclusion on candidates.
  • What diversity and inclusion says about a company.
  • What role does diversity play in regards to core values.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“It was important for me to trust that my ability to move up and be a part of the leadership team didn’t depend on my gender, age or national origin. I’ve been given a great opportunity to showcase my skills and be evaluated on my performance and my results that directly impacted the team and company.” 



25 - More than a buzzword: How diversity impacts innovation for these 3 tech companies

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How diversity and inclusion influence company culture. 
  • How diversity and inclusion influence product development.
  • How diversity in tech can help other industries.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“The decision-making process within a diverse workforce is a lot more collaborative, especially when you don’t have the same type of people leading the process all of the time. Working with a team that has a variety of backgrounds and experiences, we are able to define and approach a problem from different angles and draw from a wide range of interests.”



26 - Action meets impact: How local companies are working toward a more diverse workforce

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Examples of diversity and inclusion initiatives. 
  • Accomplishments that wouldn't have been possible without diversity.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Having more of a female presence in the tech industry is an international issue, and we recognize our responsibility as a tech company in furthering those efforts.”



27 - Time for change: 6 techies on how to make LA tech more inclusive

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Is the tech industry really trying to improve diversity and inclusion.
  • How tech companies can become more inclusive, aside from the hiring process.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Companies can make any team look diverse, but, ultimately, diversity is deeper than skin color and appearances. It's important to embrace all cultures and get to know people on a personal level.”



28 - How NYC is moving the needle on diversity in tech

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The benefits of tracking your diversity efforts.
  • Sourcing diverse candidates.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Diversity is what you have; inclusion is what you do with it. Every community, no matter how big or small, has an organic diverse makeup — it’s the type of programming that follows that fosters cohesion.”



29 - How these NYC tech companies work to promote diversity in the workplace

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • How to build a diverse culture.
  • Diversity and inclusion advice for young companies.
  • Diversity and inclusion plans for the future.

Can’t Miss Quote:

“Often, the systemic diversity issues are framed under the perception that there is a pervasive pipeline challenge, such as there aren't enough women or minorities currently in tech. By casting a wider net for talent and focusing on inclusion … our employee advisory councils and our leadership development programs become simple, yet effective examples of how companies can currently address the perceived pipeline issue.”



30 - Knotch's Head of Ops on how to build a diverse team from the get-go

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • Diversity recruitment tactics. 
  • Unconscious biases.
  • Advice for companies getting serious about diversity and inclusion. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“One of the most important things to remember when it comes to diversity is caring about it early on. Companies often wait too long to make diversity a priority, and if you get to a point where you don’t have a diverse team, it’s going to be harder to attract talent.”



31 - Driving diversity: How 3 NYC tech companies are changing the industry

Key Topics Covered in This Article: 

  • The biggest pain point for the tech sector when working toward diversity and inclusion. 
  • What diversity brings to the tech industry. 

Can’t Miss Quote:

“So how do we have more diverse leadership teams across the industry? In order to do this, we need more diverse candidates entering and staying in the industry, which means we need programs to support and coach our children at a young age to embrace the tech industry and not let things like gender, age, race, etc. stop them from even trying.”


Free Guide: Racial Equality in the Workplace

DEI experts offer solutions to create a radically inclusive workplace.


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