Can Increased Regulation Stop a Crypto Freefall?

Key crypto players must work together to build trust with regulators and investors.

Published on Dec. 28, 2022
Can Increased Regulation Stop a Crypto Freefall?
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have reimagined the way we think about financial services and money’s potential. By allowing users to send and receive funds securely, quickly and with virtually no fees, these technologies are opening up a world of new opportunity. 

With its ability to improve efficiency, reduce costs and ensure secure transactions, blockchain is being used to improve supply chain management, streamline healthcare records and provide secure digital identity solutions. As we continue to explore the endless sectors where cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can be utilized, more innovative applications will emerge that could further enhance the world we live in.  

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Tether
  • BNB
  • USD Coin
  • Binance USD
  • XRP
  • Dogecoin
  • Cardano
  • Polygon
  • Ranked by market capitalization as of Dec. 8, 2022

Yet it is impossible to have a conversation about the future of cryptocurrency without talking about regulation. On one hand, many proponents of cryptocurrency argue that regulations will legitimize the industry and attract more mainstream investors. 

On the other hand, some believe that too much regulation might stifle innovation and prevent the industry from reaching its full potential. 

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What Crypto Collapse? 

Crypto scandals, most recently the collapse of FTX, don’t do the sector any PR favors, even though crypto remains a viable sector, with a market cap of close to $1 trillion. People are still trading and the network is still running just as efficiently as it was years ago (perhaps stronger than ever). 

Notable collapses generally fall into one of these categories: hacks and inadequate security measures; fraud and scams; world events and regulation; technological shortcomings and misinformation, and irresponsible (emotional) investing. The collapses, while they seem only to be negative events, do offer some positive effects as well as lessons to be learned. 

For starters, they serve as sobering reminders that no investment is 100 percent failproof, something even experienced investors tend to forget. They also expose the complacency that can set in when an industry is doing extremely well. This often leads to greater vigilance, especially to security measures. Obstacles remind us to always remain vigilant, that change is always possible, and that adaptation is necessary for survival. 

Finally, crypto collapses bring heightened scrutiny from both regulators and the general public. While this is surely challenging in the short term, it will ultimately lead to a stronger, more accessible and more robust industry.


Can Regulation Help? 

There are many forms of regulation, not all of which are legislative. Regulating without legislation is possible, including good-faith practices, watchdogs and influence by industry groups. As we’ve seen in several technology sectors, for example, industry leaders can implement new standards, which then compel the other key players to follow suit in order to remain competitive. One example is T-Mobile’s 2013 switch to no-contracts plans for cell-phone users, which set a new course for the industry

Undoubtedly, some form of regulation (and legislation) is inevitable, but the key will be to find a balance that allows for innovation to flourish while still protecting investors. It will be a delicate tightrope to walk but one the crypto industry must navigate if it wants to survive and flourish.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies were founded on the principles of trust and transparency. These are critical values that the blockchain industry must uphold to prosper. All too often, we see cases of fraud and manipulation that erode trust in the space. This must change if we are to build a more trustworthy environment. 

Industry players must take the lead in promoting these values, rather than waiting for legislators to mandate them. We must work together to create a more robust foundation of trust, which will in turn help to create a more transparent ecosystem. Only by true collaboration can we hope to create a more transparent blockchain industry.

The cryptocurrency industry is growing quickly, and it’s becoming increasingly more important to create a regulatory framework that helps protect users while allowing for innovation. The introduction of cryptocurrency regulations is necessary, but governments must be careful not to overregulate or stifle innovation in the space. 

Yet leaving the crypto industry to operate without regulation creates an environment of instability and distrust. With the right framework in place, regulators can help to ensure that the crypto space is a safe and secure environment for all users. We all have the potential to create a new financial system that could change the world, but only if we tread carefully. 


Unintended Consequences

Legislators often do not understand how new technologies work and as a result, they can introduce laws and regulations that have unintended consequences. This was demonstrated by recent congressional hearings regarding social media and user privacy in technology. The legislators’ lack of understanding was made painfully apparent during questioning, as lawmakers asked questions that revealed a basic unfamiliarity with how these services really work. 

We have seen a similar lack of understanding in the area of cryptocurrency and blockchain, and on a global scale. With that, we caution that regulators must be mindful of the potential consequences that overly aggressive regulations can have on innovation.

While governments have a responsibility to protect citizens from any potential fraud or criminal activities that might arise in the space, it's clear that more education is needed in this area, so that our elected representatives can better appreciate the implications of their decisions. This is increasingly urgent since technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, making it difficult for even tech-savvy experts to keep up with the newest developments.  

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Learning From Mistakes

The cryptocurrency industry is in its infancy and, as we have seen from recent news, there is much room for improvement. While collapses are unfortunate events, the industry can learn from its mistakes and evolve. Key players within crypto must work together to build trust with regulators and investors. 

Only then will we be able to create a safe and stable financial system that benefits everyone involved. We can only hope that the lessons learned from this latest collapse will move the industry forward in a positive direction.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Built In strives to maintain accuracy in all its editorial coverage, but it is not intended to be a substitute for financial or legal advice.

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