

Columbus, OH
5 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2016

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SafeWire exists to insure and ensure every real estate transaction is free from wire fraud. Real estate wire fraud is a problem arising from global financial inequality. Often, the criminals involved are from poor countries throughout the world who feel that they are Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. If we’re going to define success with our mission and build a FraudFree™ world, SafeWire will need to positively impact global financial inequality in parts of the world where online fraud is born. Real estate wire fraud isn’t sexy. It is however, a massive problem for the traditional real estate industry. Business Email Compromise (BEC) Fraud has cost over $9B* since 2016. 16% of those losses are specific to Real Estate Wire Fraud.

SafeWire Offices

OnSite Workspace

Employees work from physical offices.

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Columbus, OH