Avant Healthcare Professionals
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Founded in 2003 and based in Orlando, Florida, Avant Healthcare Professionals is the premier staffing specialist for internationally-educated nursing and allied health professionals including physical and occupational therapists.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be aware that we will never ask for sensitive personal information such as your personal ID, social security number, bank account details, or any form of payment during the interview process. All communication regarding job opportunities will come from an official Avant Healthcare Professionals email address (e.g., @avanthealthcare.com). If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of a job offer or interview request, please contact us directly at [email protected] to verify.
Avant’s unique approach to assisting clients overcome their staffing challenges has given Avant the highest retention rate in the industry with more than 90% of Avant’s healthcare professionals choosing to join their client’s team after their initial placement agreement. Avant’s expertise in staffing highly committed, experienced healthcare professionals enables clients to improve the continuity of their care, fill hard-to-find specialties (ICU, L&D, OR, ER, etc.), and increase patient satisfaction, revenue, and HCAHPS scores. Avant’s 60-day no-fee cancellation policy gives clients the freedom to try their program risk-free.
Avant Healthcare Professionals is a Joint Commission-accredited staffing agency and a founding member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR).
The Avant Promise: Positive patient experience. Exemplary clinical quality. Turnkey international staffing partnership delivering stability & reliability.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be aware that we will never ask for sensitive personal information such as your personal ID, social security number, bank account details, or any form of payment during the interview process. All communication regarding job opportunities will come from an official Avant Healthcare Professionals email address (e.g., @avanthealthcare.com). If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of a job offer or interview request, please contact us directly at [email protected] to verify.
Avant’s unique approach to assisting clients overcome their staffing challenges has given Avant the highest retention rate in the industry with more than 90% of Avant’s healthcare professionals choosing to join their client’s team after their initial placement agreement. Avant’s expertise in staffing highly committed, experienced healthcare professionals enables clients to improve the continuity of their care, fill hard-to-find specialties (ICU, L&D, OR, ER, etc.), and increase patient satisfaction, revenue, and HCAHPS scores. Avant’s 60-day no-fee cancellation policy gives clients the freedom to try their program risk-free.
Avant Healthcare Professionals is a Joint Commission-accredited staffing agency and a founding member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR).
The Avant Promise: Positive patient experience. Exemplary clinical quality. Turnkey international staffing partnership delivering stability & reliability.
Avant Healthcare Professionals Offices
OnSite Workspace
Employees work from physical offices.
Typical time on-site:
United States