Why Supermetrics Shuns a Cutthroat Approach to Sales Culture

How is this sales manager securing team successes and saving marketers time? Built In breaks down this data-focused company’s approach.

Written by Robert Schaulis
Published on Mar. 22, 2023
Why Supermetrics Shuns a Cutthroat Approach to Sales Culture
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As a sales manager with Supermetrics, it’s Harrison West’s job to help Supermetrics pull marketing professionals out of the water. 

Supermetrics’ mission is to make data analysis simpler, more productive and more connected. To this end, the company’s product integrates data from more than 100 platforms and makes it analysis-ready for a variety of reporting and analytics tools.

In his immediate role, West oversees a sales team as they onboard new customers. He also provides continuous training to the sales representatives he manages, providing resources to help them reach sales goals and to advance their professional careers. It’s West’s job to foster a collaborative and high-performing team that embraces learning, eschews a “cutthroat” approach to sales and promotes opportunities, both for individuals on the team and for Supermetrics’ customers. 

Learn more about West’s experience with the Supermetrics sales team and how you can join in their efforts to streamline data for thousands of marketing professionals at companies large and small. 


Describe your professional journey up to this point. What appealed to you about Supermetrics, and how does the company differ from your previous employers?

After college, I started working as a sales development representative at a software company in Atlanta. The software was essentially a marketing tool, and I could see the benefit of successful marketing to a business firsthand. 

I decided to leave the SDR role and take a role at a marketing agency. The agency I joined utilized Supermetrics in their reporting. Eventually, a recruiter contacted me about a sales role at Supermetrics. Knowing first hand the impact of successful marketing and personally benefiting from the Supermetrics tool, I saw the new role as a no-brainer.


Supermetrics touts an above average quota attainment. What aspects of the team culture best reflect the unique ways in which Supermetrics supports its sales department to achieve this standard?

The best way to put it is “full team collaborative support.” 

The majority of us work in a remote environment, which can make it difficult to have shared organic learning across and within teams. Supermetrics does a good job of fostering a collaborative environment for learning to be shared — through weekly meetings, Slack channels, calls from peers and other avenues. 


Members of the Supermetrics team in the office


How does Supermetrics shed the “cutthroat” stereotype sometimes associated with traditional sales teams?

It starts at the top. Our sales leadership doesn’t take this mindset. In the end, we hire team members that are collaborative and intrinsically motivated to excel at what they do and to do so in a respectful way.


We hire team members that are collaborative and intrinsically motivated to excel.” 


Tell us about Supermetrics’ Nordic work culture and low-hierarchy environment. How has that contributed to the success of the sales department?

It’s great! Every person on our team has access to talk with anyone in the organization. 


What are some instances of client feedback or accomplishments that validated your work as a sales team?

Supermetrics — as a product — does a lot. At the core of the product, Supermetrics helps automate data flows and eliminate manual intervention. A customer of ours told me that before Supermetrics, their reporting was so bad they wanted to walk into the ocean each morning and drown. 


Supermetrics team members playing cornhole at an off-site event


What are motivating factors for sales people at Supermetrics?

Monetary benefits are definitely important when in a sales role. However, there is always a “what’s next” mindset for us. It’s important to focus on growing each team member professionally so they can be in the best position possible to capitalize on future opportunities — either within or outside of the company. 


What does success look like for sales people at Supermetrics? 

Growing personally and professionally. As a scale-up, Supermetrics team members are exposed to many different selling scenarios, and each team member has the ability to learn something new and enact change that will impact the entire organization positively. Sellers are trusted and given the opportunity to expand their skill sets in a fast-growing market.  


Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Supermetrics

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