Want a More Streamlined Interview Process? 2 Companies Share Their Approach

Team members at Zoom Video Communications and BlackLine describe how their companies have improved the interview experience and the benefits of delivering a better candidate experience.

Written by Olivia McClure
Published on Jan. 18, 2024
 Want a More Streamlined Interview Process? 2 Companies Share Their Approach
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Cost savings, time efficiency and higher-quality hires. 

These are just a few of the benefits Zoom Video Communications has reaped from revamping its job interview process. According to Global Head of Talent Acquisition Operations and Enablement Catherine Culhane, the company has been focused on creating a smoother, more fulfilling experience for job candidates and is leveraging various tools, such as AI, to do so. 

And while there are many perks that come with delivering a streamlined interview process, Culhane shared, the boost to the company’s employer brand is perhaps one of the most important ones. 

“By saving candidates time and effort, a positive experience is fostered, enhancing the overall perception of Zoom,” she said. 

So what exactly does an enhanced interview experience look like? At BlackLine, it starts with giving candidates control of the interview process from the very start. 

Lead Talent Acquisition Partner Nijal Shah said the company has made it possible for candidates to self-schedule time with recruiters through text messaging, which has reduced scheduling delays and sped up the recruitment process. This approach, coupled with additional enhancements to the interview experience, has unlocked a series of advantages that benefit both job seekers and the company itself. 

“These updates are accelerating our productivity through technology, reducing hiring time, strengthening our social media reach, deepening our company brand and making interviews more engaging,” Shah said. 

Below, Culhane and Shah share how their companies have streamlined the job interview process, the tools and strategies employed to do so and the benefits of building a better candidate experience. 


Catherine Culhane
Global Head of Talent Acquisition Operations and Enablement

Zoom provides enterprise video communications through a reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat and webinars across mobile devices, desktops, telephones and room systems. 


How is Zoom modernizing the job interview process?

To foster a more inclusive workplace and drive consistency in how we show up for potential “Zoomies,” we require that our interviewers and hiring managers complete interview training. We’re also committed to continuously improving our interview process based on feedback we receive from candidates through our recently implemented net promoter score surveys.


What strategies and tools is Zoom employing to make job-seeking more effective and less stressful? 

We’re championing AI to drive a more streamlined interview process. We’ve partnered with Paradox to introduce a conversational recruiting assistant that automates interview scheduling, making it convenient for candidates to engage with Zoom on their time.


“We’re championing AI to introduce a conversational recruiting assistant that automates interview scheduling.”


What benefits have you seen from these changes? 

The benefits of a streamlined job-seeking process include time efficiency, cost savings, an enhanced candidate experience, a positive employer brand and better-quality hires. A favorable employer brand in particular not only attracts high-quality candidates, but also enables recruiters to quickly identify and engage talent through an optimized process.



Nijal Shah
Lead Talent Acquisition Partner

BlackLine, Inc. provides financial close automation software solutions. It offers finance controls and automation and unified cloud for finance and accounting. 


How is BlackLine modernizing the job interview process?

BlackLine has taken significant steps in modernizing our interview process this year. We advanced our career site through added tools, information and resources that enable visitors to learn about our company, products and culture. 

In addition to our career site enhancements, candidates can now self-schedule time with recruiters through text messages, which mitigates scheduling delays and adds velocity to our recruitment. 

As our remote environment evolves to include more hybrid roles, we have designed our top-of-funnel conversations to utilize video interviewing. This method of interviewing allows for seamless movement for candidates and taps into a diverse applicant population. 

Lastly, we’ve attended more virtual job fairs and leveraged social media channels to attract talent in addition to our local community.

What strategies and tools is BlackLine employing to make job seeking more effective and less stressful? 

We recently adopted AI sourcing tools that help us create pinpoint filters and market insights to present to our business partners. These tools have increased our pipeline, as they aggregate numerous data points, meaning we’re more likely to obtain active contact information to access candidates efficiently. 

The enhancements we’ve made to our interview process structure this year have helped mitigate subjectivity while integrating our company values. This initiative, coupled with psychometric testing, facilitates better insights on the candidate’s alignment with a role. 


“The enhancements we’ve made to our interview process structure this year have helped mitigate subjectivity while integrating our company values.”


What benefits have you seen from these changes? 

Streamlining our recruitment process has not only fostered an environment of fair hiring practices, but it has also enhanced the candidate experience through a more efficient recruitment lifecycle. Through our candidate experience surveys, we’ve learned that providing candidates with expectations for each interview step is critical to delivering a positive experience. We truly view our candidates as our customers. Through new tools with AI enhancements, our talent acquisition team has gained back valuable time, which we can use to create lasting relationships and experiences for our candidates and continue to build our brand reputation.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.

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