How to Get Your Devices Ready for Successful Remote Work

Work faster and more efficiently with the right equipment and security measures.

Written by Emily Doxon
Published on Dec. 29, 2022
How to Get Your Devices Ready for Successful Remote Work
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Remote working is here to stay. While this transition brings freedom, flexibility and greater access to job opportunities, remote work also presents unique challenges.

10 Tips For Efficient Remote Work

  1. Get the right device, be it laptop, desktop or tablet.
  2. Upgrade your internet connection.
  3. Set up security measures.
  4. Disable notifications.
  5. Clear cache and delete unnecessary apps.
  6. Buy the right accessories.
  7. Use keyboard shortcuts.
  8. Install essential apps.
  9. Create strong passwords.
  10. Leverage VPN.

Among the most pressing concerns is ensuring that our home devices are secure, efficient and distraction-free. After all, the quality of your work depends on the quality of your device setup.

More Reading on Remote Work The Future of Work Is Flexible


Get the Right Device

The most important factor contributing to your productivity when working remotely is having access to the right device. This could be a laptop, desktop or tablet.

If it’s within budget, buy a new laptop or desktop to maximize performance and speed. But if that isn’t possible, don’t worry. An existing computer will work fine as long as it meets the basic system requirements for running direct-messaging and videoconferencing applications.

When selecting equipment, think through how you use technology at work. For example, are heavy graphics part of your daily routine? If so, invest in a laptop with a high-end graphics card and plenty of RAM. If you don’t need a powerful machine, opt for something more budget-friendly.


Upgrade Your Internet Connection

As you transition to remote work, your internet connection must be fast and reliable. Otherwise, you could experience long buffering periods and lag when participating in video conferences or downloading large files.

If your current internet connection isn’t up to snuff, consider upgrading your plan with your service provider. If that’s not an option due to financial constraints, look into local providers and Wi-Fi hotspot options near you. Switching providers can save you money in the long run.


Set Up Security Measures

Cybersecurity should remain a top priority, even when you’re working from home. If your device isn’t properly protected, it could be vulnerable to malicious attacks, compromising your login information and personal data.

To keep your device secure, install an antivirus program. The software scans for viruses and other threats while helping block access to potential hackers. Additionally, ensure all your devices are updated with the latest security features. You can also set up two-factor authentication on any websites that support this feature as one additional layer of protection against cybercriminals.


Disable Notifications

Notifications can often be a major distraction when trying to focus on work. To avoid unnecessary interruptions, disable notifications on your device for a few minutes. This means silencing notifications from social media and emails while you are working.

Also, stop pop-ups on Chrome to avoid distractions. The pop-ups are a nuisance at times and can also cause sites to take longer to load, which kills your productivity. 

You can and should set your device only to show important notifications such as phone calls, texts and emails from your work contacts.


Clear Cache and Delete Unnecessary Apps

One way to ensure your device runs at optimum speed is to clear the cache regularly. This will free up any storage space and RAM used by apps you no longer need.

Delete any applications using up valuable resources without providing much value. For example, remove games and streaming services if they take up too much of your time or bandwidth.


Buy the Right Accessories

The right accessories can make a big difference in how efficiently you work remotely. A good headset, for example, is essential when participating in video conferences or making calls with customers and colleagues.

You’ll also want to invest in a decent mouse as this will help increase accuracy and speed up tasks such as filling out forms online or editing documents. Finally, consider buying additional storage space if your current devices are running low on memory.


Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning keyboard shortcuts can help you save time when working remotely. Some common keyboard shortcuts include:

  • Command + X: Cut
  • Command + C: Copy
  • Command + V: Paste 
  • Command + Z: Undo
  • Command + A: Select All
  • Command + S: Save
  • Command + T: Open a new tab
  • Command + Q: Quit an app
  • Command + R: Refresh a webpage
  • Control + Tab: Switch between different tabs in an app
  • Command + F: Find text within a document or web pagehtness
  • Option+ Power Button (or Eject): Put the computer to sleep
  • Option + Command +V: Move an item from the clipboard into the current folder

Using these shortcuts will help you work faster and more efficiently. Also, remember to learn the keyboard shortcuts specific to your applications, such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Excel.


Install Essential Apps

Install essential apps and tools on your device to make the most of your remote working setup. This could include software for taking notes, scheduling reminders and tracking tasks. In addition, consider using collaboration tools such as videoconferencing or direct messaging, which allow you to stay in touch with team members.

Also, consider investing in project management software to help you remotely manage complicated projects. The right tools depend on your specific needs, so take some time to research and find the best options for you.


Create Strong Passwords

Having strong passwords is essential when it comes to cybersecurity. Make sure your passwords are long and complex, using a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols.

Avoid using the same password for multiple websites or applications. If you find remembering all these different passwords difficult, install a password manager that can generate unique and secure codes for each login.

Read More About Remote WorkWhat a VPN Is — and Why You Should Use One


Leverage VPN

Keeping your data safe and secure is important if you’re working remotely from public Wi-Fi networks. A virtual private network (VPN) is a great way to do this. A VPN encrypts your online data and helps protect against hackers looking to steal private information.

For example, VPN can mask your IP address and prevent other users from associating you with your online activity. This trick is also essential if you will be accessing sensitive files from public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

Getting your device ready for remote work is important in setting yourself up for success. Following the ten tips outlined above will help you maximize your productivity and ensure that your data remains secure. In addition, set up a comfortable workstation, disable distractions, install antivirus software such as Clario and keep your passwords safe. With these measures in place, you can make the most of remote work.

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