9 Pandemic-Driven Technologies That Entrepreneurs Love

Members of Young Entrepreneur Council discuss their favorite tech that’s come about in response to ongoing cultural changes.

Published on May. 05, 2022
9 Pandemic-Driven Technologies That Entrepreneurs Love
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Headshots of contributing YEC members
Top row, from left: Bill Mullholland, Kristopher Brian Jones, Meeky Hwang, Kyle Goguen, Kalin Kassabov. Bottom row, from left: Andrew Schrage, Chris Christoff, Firas Kittaneh, Tonika Bruce.

The ongoing pandemic has permanently changed the way we behave. Working remotely more and leaving the house less means that our whole culture has had to adjust in order to meet new and ongoing needs. As a result, a whole host of innovative technologies have been created or improved upon, giving people the chance to more easily adapt to a world turned upside down.

Below, the members of Young Entrepreneur Council share a few of their favorite new or improved technologies that came about in response to the pandemic and why they’re excited to see them grow in the future.

9 Pandemic-Driven Technologies That Entrepreneurs Are Excited About

  1. The Agoyu Moving app.
  2. Improved air purifiers.
  3. 3D virtual tours.
  4. Telehealth solutions.
  5. Virtual events.
  6. Distance learning.
  7. AI-driven cybersecurity tech.
  8. Virtual showrooming.
  9. Improved robotics.

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1. The Agoyu Moving App

Agoyu Moving is an artificial intelligence app released during Covid. It allows users to video the contents of anything they want to ship. Artificial intelligence then analyzes the video and, in less than two minutes, the app recognizes every item in the video and estimates the weight of the shipment. The user can then view mover pricing and customer service scores for a move anywhere in the U.S. or in the world. — Bill Mulholland, ARC Relocation


2. Improved Air Purifiers

Most of the air that we breathe is low-quality and often includes pollutants like mold that can be harmful if consumed over time. I’m seeing more high-tech air purifiers now than Ive ever seen (Ive also purchased several for my home and office) and it makes me super excited. An environment with fewer contaminants is safer for our population and can also mitigate the spread of illness. — Kristopher Brian Jones, LSEO.com


3. 3D Virtual Tours

I initially noticed 3D virtual tours’ use in the real estate industry when the market became super competitive. These virtual tours allow the potential buyers to have more than just static photos to rely on. These virtual tours were also useful for museums or attractions, which make for fun holiday employee bonding events. I’m excited to see more creative ways to use them. — Meeky Hwang, Ndevr, Inc.


4. Telehealth Solutions

Telehealth and telemedicine solutions are futuristic tech that emerged at the onset of the pandemic and have helped many patients avoid getting the virus — especially those who have chronic conditions — because they allow for virtual checkups and medicine management. I’m excited about how virtual reality can greatly improve telehealth and telemedicine services for both health care workers and patients. — Kyle Goguen, Pawstruck


5. Virtual Events

During the pandemic, we saw a rapid rise in digital events, such as conferences, concerts, festivals and so on. I think this will continue, as this model allows for many more people to attend a gathering independent of its location. Well probably see more hybrid events that allow for both live and virtual attendees. I think the pandemic helped everyone see the massive potential for virtual and hybrid events. — Kalin Kassabov, ProTexting


6. Distance Learning

I think we’ve seen a lot of advances in the technology surrounding distance learning. Since its pretty much here to stay, I’m excited to see how close it can get to the real thing. My guess is that eventually it will be virtually synonymous with in-person learning. — Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance


7. AI-Driven Cybersecurity Tech

I cant wait to see how the cybersecurity sector evolves over the next several years. The pandemic has led many businesses to adopt hybrid systems, which means some employees will always work from home. Due to this dispersal, more opportunities have arisen for breaches as data is transferred across various networks and devices. AI-driven cybersecurity tech will improve to keep these users safe. — Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights


8. Virtual Showrooming

Virtual showrooming has become a huge trend. Although people are certainly going out and visiting stores again, theyve also come to appreciate the convenience of an immersive shopping experience from their homes or while on the go. As tech evolves, look to implement augmented reality and virtual reality tech into your business. — Firas Kittaneh, Amerisleep Mattress


9. Improved Robotics

Many companies increased their use of tech tools and virtual workspaces, but what excites me is the use of robotics. It enables companies to overcome physical distances and reduce travel challenges (for example, the Amazon delivery robot). Robotics also improves business competitiveness and productivity, like alignment with home appliances or devices, known as the Internet of Things (IoT). — Tonika Bruce, Lead Nicely, Inc.

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