At Nymbl Science, Success Is Rooted in Balance and Longevity

As a healthcare company empowering older adults to lead thriving and independent lives, CEO Ed Likovich reveals his insights around the power and importance of balance.

Written by Tyler Holmes
Published on Jan. 31, 2023
At Nymbl Science, Success Is Rooted in Balance and Longevity

Born and raised in small-town Pennsylvania, Nymbl Science CEO Ed Likovich grew up with a deep admiration for his grandfather.

“He was an immigrant from Hungary, an entrepreneur and a vibrant small business owner,” Likovich said.

Unfortunately, his grandfather’s life was cut short by a tragic and preventable accident. “I was young and saw him fall,” Likovich explained. “He eventually passed away from the complications.”

It was a defining moment that cemented Likovich’s desire to not only help marginalized populations, but to improve the lives of older adults. And, importantly, the focal point of Likovich’s quality-of-life improvements centered around mobility.

The issue is a big one. Approximately 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year in the United States — resulting in more than 32,000 deaths, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

So when Likovich moved to Denver in 2016, he decided to build a new business that helped older adults. With three degrees from Harvard, a background in the healthcare industry and previous experience as an entrepreneur and CEO, it seemed like a perfect fit. “I am deeply drawn to a mission of helping marginalized populations at scale,” Likovich said.

Yet one more catalyst was needed for the company’s creation — this one centered around innovation and expertise.

Enter Dr. JP Farcy, a seasoned spinal expert skilled in a special type of balance training. After meeting each other in person, it became clear to Likovich that together they could shift the impact of common fall-related injuries and older adult mobility through their experience and knowledge. Thus, Nymbl Science was born.



As a Colorado-based digital health company, Nymbl Science is on a mission to help older adults age independently and prevent fall-related injuries. Using Nymbl’s evidence-based fall prevention program, older adults can improve their mobility and quality of life by enhancing their balance through engaging and fun training sessions.


“I was hooked on Farcy’s passion and expertise from the first moment I met him,” Likovich added.

As CEO of Nymbl Science, Likovich and his team strive to prevent more than one million falls and increase the quality of life for older Americans most at risk. With Nymbl’s help, Likovich hopes experiences like his grandfather’s can be a statistic of the past.

“Five years from now, when older adults wonder about their health, I want them to come to Nymbl first.”


Nymbl Science employees work on a project together.


Who did you look to for inspiration early on, and why?

My grandfather’s experience was always a big motivator for me — seeing a life cut short by something preventable was heartbreaking, and that stuck with me throughout my life.

I was also really inspired by the CirrusMD team, who I always looked up to and were so generous with their time in helping a young company get off the ground. It was extremely helpful to us to have them right next door and two steps ahead of us as a company. I could always knock on their door and ask how to negotiate with health plans or how to navigate HIPAA privacy. I remain very grateful to them.


“My grandfather’s experience was always a big motivator for me — seeing a life cut short by something preventable was heartbreaking, and that stuck with me throughout my life.”


What pushed you outside your comfort zone during your first few years as a founder?

I remember several times really feeling the weight of supporting a team of people, their families, their children, and having them look to me for what’s next, where we are going, and knowing that I didn’t have all the answers. A wise advisor warned me how lonely it is at the top, and I never fully understood that until I was there.

I’ve tried to address that by adopting an approach of radical transparency with my team. With this, I’ve learned an unexpectedly powerful skill of being vulnerable in front of others, which I’ve found leads to a very deep trust.


One of Nymbl Science's values displayed in the office.


Were there any moments when you felt like giving up? If so, what pushed you to keep going?

Giving up just isn’t in my nature. Too many people depend on Nymbl, and depend on me for that to even be a thought. Plus, I love running towards problems and tackling them head-on. That said, there’s been many days where I didn’t feel like working or felt burnt out. I still struggle with allowing myself the grace to feel that and be okay — to take a break. It’s something that I continue to work on.


“Five years from now, when older adults wonder about their health, I want them to come to Nymbl first.”


What are you excited to accomplish next?

There is a huge gap in care for a multitude of older adult health issues, and many older adults are desperate for a solution. Nymbl can be that, and we will build that right here in Denver.


Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Photos via Nymbl Science.

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