Inside MetLife’s Digital Transformation: Putting Diversity, Learning and Soccer at the Center

How MetLife’s global dev teams learn from one another and share in new cultural experiences.

Written by Taylor Rose
Published on Jun. 12, 2024
Inside MetLife’s Digital Transformation: Putting Diversity, Learning and Soccer at the Center
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When Rene Rivera isn’t working, he is often still talking with his MetLife colleagues. Or running with them. Or rowing with them.  

“We have a MetLife soccer team where we play in an indoor league,” said Rivera, adding that even though the team lost their last game it was a high-scoring, close match. “It’s really exciting. You have people from all sorts of different places getting involved.” 

Rivera, a senior full stack software engineer, first joined the MetLife soccer team through one of the company’s nine Inclusion Networks, LatConexión, focused on Latin American employees. 

And soccer isn’t the only sport that he is involved in through MetLife; Rivera is also on the company’s Dragon Boat Racing Team — an event that is a big draw at Raleigh’s annual Asia Fest. “The excitement of the campus is extended even out in the community,” he added.  

MetLife’s Global Technology Hub sits in the Research Triangle near Cary, North Carolina. It boasts perks like a cafeteria, an onsite gym, basketball court and a walking trail, but it’s the company’s diversity, team collaboration and project innovation that has kept employees like Rivera and Dan Xiao, principal software engineer, each at MetLife for over a decade.

“I would say the greatest benefit of working on the dev team here is being on a diverse team with members from very different geographic locations, ethnic backgrounds and technical backgrounds,” said Xiao. “You really can learn a lot from those different perspectives.” 

Xiao went on to share how she has seen MetLife support diversity in tangible ways, both in terms of company culture and professional development. She recounted how the company’s Inclusion Networks — such as ones for the Black community and for the Pan Asian community — have hosted events to celebrate different cultural holidays, inviting guest speakers to provide a fresh perspective to all MetLife employees. 

“I feel educated, included and get to learn a lot about these other cultures because of these groups and events,” Xiao said.



The company has nine employee-led networks, including: 

  • LatConexión (Latino/Latina)
  • Families at MetLife
  • Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Allies at MetLife (GLAM)
  • MetLife Diverse Abilities 
  • Military Veterans Network at MetLife
  • Rising Professionals at MetLife (Generations)
  • Women’s Business Network
  • Black Professionals Network
  • Pan Asian Professionals Network


It’s not uncommon at the MetLife campus in North Carolina to find a cultural festival or celebration happening — and, Rivera’s favorite part, often a plate of good food to enjoy at it. 

“I’m a big food guy,” he said, laughing. “Just trying different things is exciting. In Cary, we have such a large presence of different cultures. We share food, we share experiences, we share sports, we share a number of different things — it’s just in the atmosphere.”

Bustling MetLife office common area, with a scaled-down replica of the building campus in the foreground and people ordering from a coffee counter in the background while others sit at tables nearby.


Project Support, Powered by Inclusion 

Both Rivera and Xiao shared how they each feel supported at MetLife knowing they have a diverse technical team at their backs. 

“We have people from around the globe working within our departments and projects,” said Rivera. “It’s exciting to hear about their experiences and their cultural backgrounds.” He noted how the diversity of the team also means they are using diverse technologies. “It opens up opportunities for more learning,” he added. “And it makes the projects even more interesting.”


“[Our team’s diversity] opens opportunities for more learning. And it makes the projects even more interesting.” 


Xiao recalled a memorable moment during a recent project that helped speed up the provider search function for customers and surface more accurate dental provider reviews.  

“I hit a bottleneck with a stored procedure I was working on for a few days,” she said. “The procedure was to query and sort and then slice a large amount of provider data. It was taking too long. My director and my teammate asked me how I was doing, so I shared with them that I was stuck.” 

Together, Xiao, her teammate and her director were able to craft a new approach that ended up eliminating all the fields sorted in the first query, using the query results as the criteria for the second select query. 

“By eliminating those extra fields, the performance was greatly improved and actually met the service level agreement,” noted Xiao. “I was so happy. I feel like I have teammates who I can bounce my ideas off of— they are my sounding board. I feel very supported working on this team. We were able to solve the problem together.”

Rivera also shared a project where he felt a similar type of collaboration. He had an opportunity to do some training with internal MetLife experts on the cloud. 

“We took about six weeks to just do tons of collaborative-type sessions with MetLife experts and cloud experts,” he said. 

Rivera noted that, with about 50 people in the room for those sessions, he was continuously impressed at the energy and alacrity between the infrastructure cloud experts and the regular development teams that drive the application development.

“We essentially build software that runs on top of the infrastructure,” he said. “So normally, those two have a different type of thinking process. Everybody was so open-minded and listened to each other’s thoughts on how they drive, change and deliver change into the environment.” 

The team was able to discuss infrastructure codes and brainstormed new ways to automate their provisioning for cloud-based infrastructure. 

“We shared ideas,” Rivera explained. “You know, usually when you have that many people in a room or in a session, there’s some kind of conflict. But any issues that we came across, we shouldered together, and we resolved them. That energy of positivity was really extraordinary. We learned so much.” 

The session resulted in a reusable platform that can help other teams onboard. “It’s going to make our development process much more productive and make our speed to market much faster, enabling us for cloud-native applications,” he said proudly. “We were able to do that in six weeks.”

For Xiao, her provider project was particularly unique. She noted that there wasn’t a set plan at the beginning. 

“We kind of had to feel our way around and form an interdisciplinary team on the fly,” she said. “Because all the technologies are new, no one has done that before, and we had to figure out the solutions ourselves. We had to deal with any impediments and resolve them. It was exciting.”



Open to Learning 

There's a saying at MetLife: innovation is everyone’s job. Innovation is not confined to a lab or a team, it’s woven into the culture of the entire company culture.

Outside of project-specific initiatives, Xiao and Rivera also had stories about their involvement in MetLife’s many professional development opportunities. 

MyPath, for example, is an internal AI-powered program where employees can note their experience, desired skills and roles. Then managers can post upcoming projects where they need additional support and AI recommends internal employees who are interested in that particular area. 

Rivera was able to support another team with his expertise in Java through a MyPath connection. 

“MyPath actually helps you grow and learn not only new applications, but new technologies,” he said. “It also showcases your talents to other areas of the business. So that helps you grow within the company.” 


MetLife makes a point to create professional development programs that specifically support the success of diverse talent. 

  • EXCELERATE, MetLife’s CEO-driven talent sponsorship program, focuses on nurturing the diversity of our future leadership cohort by accelerating the progression of underrepresented groups as leaders. The program has now reached participants across 27 countries and increases visibility, access and engagement with MetLife’s Executive Leadership Team.  
  • Now in its second year, MetLife’s internal mobility platform — MyPath facilitates internal mobility, enabling colleagues to apply for projects and opportunities based on their skills, experiences and ambitions. It also helps managers source MetLife talent quickly, based on the skills needed to get critical work done, unlocking efficiency in the recruitment process. Over 20,000 employees have registered and participated in 2000 different projects.
  • MetLife’s MyLearning platform provides access to a variety of learning opportunities, along with experiences that allow colleagues to both tailor their learning to achieve their personal career goals and to support the needs of the business. Its key appeal is the thousands of other types of content, including articles, books, videos and webinars, that colleagues can access to tailor their learning to suit their personal career objectives.  


Xiao noted that she takes part in Focus Fridays, an initiative that sets aside time for employees to explore new technical skill sets that they might be interested in. 

“We’re encouraged to use the MyLearning page to catch up on the latest technologies and develop our skill set,” she said. 

Xiao added that she’s excited to take part in a professional development opportunity she recently learned about. “I just found out that there’s an experimentation fund,” she said enthusiastically, explaining that the fund allows any associate to submit suggestions for funding for low-cost, quick experiments.”

“I think that is really cool,” she added. “I am going to see what projects I can request for this. Experimentation is fun. Where have you heard about this at another company? MetLife will give you a fund to just run with on a project — I was so surprised to learn about this.” 

Rivera added that there are many opportunities in the company and internal tools to find them. “It’s encouraged for you to seek and grow,” he said. “At MetLife you have those opportunities.”

Working with teammates across  40 different countries globally allows employees like Rivera and Xiao to continuously learn and take on new projects, keeping them both excited and engaged with their work after a decade at MetLife. 

“When I first joined MetLife 10 years ago, I was hesitant,” concluded Rivera. “I was like, ‘Oh man, insurance?’ Well, it’s more than that. We’re talking about building solutions, about technology and about a culture that cares about people. I mean, being here for 10 years — that speaks for itself, right? And hopefully many more to come. Yeah, it’s a great environment.” 


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Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Metlife.

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