How Truepic Seeks to Restore Truth to Online Media

Three employees reveal the global impact of the company’s technology and the roles they play in fulfilling the organization’s mission.

Written by Olivia McClure
Published on Mar. 16, 2022
How Truepic Seeks to Restore Truth to Online Media
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Have you ever wondered if the photos and videos you see online are actually real?

The team at Truepic asks this question every day. 

In a world marred by fake news, Truepic aims to reveal the authenticity of what plays out in front of camera lenses. Powered by AI, cryptography and computer vision technologies, the company’s products allow a wide range of organizations to verify the integrity of photos and videos the moment they’re captured on devices. 

Through its technology, the company strives to accelerate businesses, foster healthy discourse and mitigate visual manipulation. Communications Manager Victoria Banaszczyk said that this work takes various forms. For instance, the company’s technology has been distributed to citizen journalists in conflict zones and used to help secure elections and reduce risks with international development in Syria. 



As Truepic strives to have an even larger impact on the visual verification space, the company is seeking new talent to drive innovation. With open roles spanning engineering, operations and sales, the organization offers plenty of chances for individuals to pursue meaningful work.


Banaszczyk added that partnering with major organizations such as the BBC, Microsoft and Adobe through its involvement with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity, or C2PA, enables the organization to bring its technology to a wider audience. Doing so not only helps the company fulfill its own mission to restore trust to the internet, but enables other organizations to achieve their goals for social impact.

“The resources we have enable us to help organizations push their agendas and facilitate what they want to do to make their communities and the world a better place,” Banaszczyk said.

Truepic has offered Banaszczyk, Enterprise Account Executive Mark Hinkle and Senior Back-End Engineer Keith Alpichi the chance to build and promote a product with international influence. And as the company continues to scale its headcount and technological offerings, opportunities to spark change are multiplying.


Truepic team Zoom call


‘Every Possible Lens’

Truepic’s current hiring phase doesn’t simply strengthen the company’s existing manpower. In Hinkle’s mind, it also allows the organization to find the type of diverse talent needed to drive transformation. 

“Having an inclusive hiring process allows us to see the world through every possible lens,” he said. “This gives us the greatest possible chance to come up with the best products, processes and culture while winning the most important customers.” 



In addition to unique perspectives, Hinkle said there are other qualities Truepic prioritizes when evaluating job applicants, including a desire to continually learn new skills. According to Banaszczyk, it’s also important for future team members to be creative, curious and purpose-driven. From an engineering perspective, Alpichi said prospective new hires should exhibit an eagerness to tackle novel technical challenges.


Banaszczyk added that Truepic’s expansion allows the company to broaden its reach and enhance its business practices while welcoming an influx of fresh ideas: “Everyone here is unique, which is exciting and keeps us moving forward.” 

According to Alpichi, continued growth has spurred technological evolution. He and his teammates are preparing to launch the company’s new software development kit, or SDK. This technology integrates with customers’ existing platforms, enabling them to offer their users trustworthy imagery when using their apps. 

“We’ll be able to allow organizations to harness the power of our platform and leverage it within their own products,” Alpichi said. 



Truepic cookies celebrating Series B funding


Work With Purpose

For Alpichi, tackling exciting work is a part of the daily grind, given the novel nature of the company’s technology. By designing and refining the company’s product suite, he has the chance to sit at the helm of innovation in AI and imaging. 

“In a sense, my role allows me to be a technical pioneer,” Alpichi said. “There are all kinds of new things we’re working on, and it’s exciting to be a part of that.” 



For Alpichi, the opportunity to spearhead innovative work isn’t the only reason he joined Truepic. He was also inspired by the company’s focus on encouraging selflessness and acts of kindness. Banaszczyk said having the chance to maintain a healthy work-life balance and pursue purpose-driven work guided her decision to step into her role, while Hinkle added that his decision to join the team was fueled by his desire to connect people with tools that can address a critical technological problem.


Hinkle said being a member of the sales team at Truepic isn’t simply about financial gain. Rather, it’s about being in a culture that cultivates influence. 

“The company doesn’t just foster an environment for sales reps to make a great paycheck,” Hinkle said, noting how Truepic’s inspection technology allows other organizations to reduce their carbon footprints and lean heavier into their environmental, social and governance initiatives as one example of the greater impact of the work. “We’re also helping the world, and I think that’s something you won’t always find at other companies.” 

According to Banaszczyk, communicating the company’s efforts with the world allows her to play an active role in driving change, and part of this ability to fuel progress is due to her position within the organization. The fact that she works within the public affairs side of the house rather than the marketing department proves the company’s commitment to prioritizing its mission.

“It really shows that the company puts social responsibility first,” she said. 


Truepic team members celebrating Series B funding


The Next Big Standard

Considering consumers and businesses seem to be leveraging more media every day, the visual verification space is only going to become more critical as time goes on. Alpichi said this potential is what excites him the most, coupled with the company’s involvement with the C2PA initiative, which is currently focused on building systems designed to provide context and history for digital media. He’s eager to see the impact Truepic will make through its participation in this coalition.

“Over the next few years, it would be really great to see an authenticated photo or video understanding its context and history and know we were the ones to make that possible,” he said. 



According to Hinkle, Truepic takes a customer-centric approach to educating users about their technology, which is why he and his peers rely heavily on internal initiatives and the company’s communications team. Alpichi added that this customer-first mindset is reflected in their technology’s anonymous capture capability, which prevents media from being traced back to one individual, therefore safeguarding those who may find themselves in high-risk situations. “We’re always looking through the lens of our users,” he said.


Hinkle said he also believes in the company’s promise and considers their technology the “next big standard” in media authentication. He expects the organization’s products to have the same impact as the creation of the PDF or the widespread adoption of two-factor authentication. In his mind, Truepic will become an essential aspect of how organizations operate. 


“In order for our society to thrive, we have to have access to information we can believe in.” 


According to Banaszczyk, the company’s technology has become more crucial than ever before, given the rise of increasingly sophisticated visual manipulation software. She believes the company will play a pivotal role in building a more reliable digital future for everyone. 

“In order for our society to thrive, we have to have access to information we can believe in,” Banaszczyk said. “While I don’t think that we alone can solve every problem, I do think we’re a key part of the solution.”  



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Truepic.

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