How Tech Can Combat Trade-Based Money Laundering

Worried about TBML? Here’s how you can use technology and stakeholder training to detect and squash it.

Published on May. 01, 2024
How Tech Can Combat Trade-Based Money Laundering
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Trade-based money laundering, or illegally moving money gained from crime through trade transactions to disguise its origins, poses a significant threat to the global financial system. Criminals use it to launder up to $2 trillion annually

Even though we have traditional methods in place to detect TBML, it persists because criminals’ playbooks are constantly changing. New technology, however, offers promising solutions.

Let’s explore how we can use these advancements to identify and detect TBML schemes. We’ll examine how data analytics and new tech, such as distributed ledger technology and artificial intelligence, can help — plus steps for implementing training in your organization.

Why Is TBML So Hard to Catch?

  • There’s a constant stream of transactions happening at all times, which criminals exploit.
  • Lack of automation allows for human errors.
  • Strict deadlines sometimes force trade professionals to rush work.
  • There’s no standard trade system, complicating the process of sharing information.

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Challenges of Identifying TBML

There are several reasons why catching criminals who launder money through trade is tricky.


High Transaction Volumes

In international trade, there is a massive number of transactions happening all the time. Criminals exploit this by mixing small fraudulent actions with legitimate transactions. When looking for TBML, employing tech that’s scalable and able to handle massive data sets is crucial. This requires a robust infrastructure like cloud computing and efficient data management practices.


Lack of Automation

Many trade finance processes still rely on manual checks and paper records, opening the door to mistakes and delays in identifying suspicious activity. Automating tasks can free up time for human expertise, facilitating more detailed analyses.


Time Pressure

Trade professionals often have tight deadlines to move things quickly. This rush can lead to missing red flags or not doing due diligence. Streamlining processes and prioritizing high-risk transactions can help manage this issue.


Lack of Standardization

Different trade systems use different data formats. This lack of consistency makes it hard to share and analyze information properly. Establishing common data standards is crucial for information exchange across institutions and countries.


Improve TBML Detection With Data Analytics

International trade creates a large volume of data. Smart algorithms can analyze this data, including trade documents, finances, shipments and emails. These algorithms can identify hidden patterns and unusual things that humans might miss.

Automation with machine learning and real-time processing are essential for promptly handling incidents. Additionally, scalable algorithms, parallel processing and optimized resource allocation ensure systems can handle growing data volumes. Continuous monitoring and optimization further improve a system’s ability to detect suspicious activities.

Trade Transparency Units also play a crucial role in detecting trade-based money laundering. Established by the U.S. government, TTUs serve as central hubs for gathering and analyzing trade data from different sources. This approach gives us a better look at how trade flows so we can detect patterns that we might not see otherwise.


Tech Solutions for TBML Detection

Beyond data analytics, emerging technologies offer even more powerful tools for combating TBML.


Distributed Ledger Technology

DLT records transactions. Everyone in the network has a copy of the record, making it difficult for criminals to manipulate documents. For example, DLT can prevent fake invoices by creating a single record for each trade transaction. There are challenges to widely adopting DLT, though.


Confusing Regulations

Regulatory uncertainty means that there aren’t clear rules for new tech like DLT. Regulations need to adapt to ensure everything is done properly without worries about data security.


Trouble Connecting

Interoperability issues arise when different DLT platforms can’t easily talk to each other. This creates challenges in sharing data and working together across institutions.


Artificial Intelligence and NLP

AI can analyze big data quickly. This allows AI to identify patterns linked to TBML and predict future attempts based on those patterns.

Also helpful is natural language processing. NLP understands the meaning of words in trade documents and emails, allowing it to catch unusual wording that might suggest attempts to inflate prices or manipulate trade details.


Human Solutions for TBML Detection

The success of these tech solutions relies on teamwork and sharing information among different groups. It’s not just banks that are responsible for detecting money laundering in trade. Customs, freight companies and others involved in trade need to cooperate.

Partnerships such as the Joint Money Laundering Intelligence Taskforce show just how powerful teamwork can be. The JMLIT brings together banks and regulators. They share information, work together and use tech to fight money laundering, including TBML.

Promoting teamwork, info sharing and clear communication across the whole trade system helps us to better fight TBML.


How to Train Stakeholders for TBML Detection

Additionally, we must equip stakeholders in the trade ecosystem with the knowledge and skills to identify red flags associated with TBML. Regular training is key to making sure they recognize suspicious activity and report it properly.

Here are some recommendations to facilitate the training process.


Develop a Comprehensive Training Program

Design a structured curriculum covering TBML fundamentals, including its definition, impact and common money laundering techniques. Include modules on identifying red flags, reporting procedures and legal obligations.


Incorporate Technology

Show the role of technology, data analytics and artificial intelligence in TBML detection. Offer hands-on training on relevant software and platforms to demonstrate their effectiveness in combating financial crime.


Tailor Training to Different Stakeholders

Customize training content based on stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities within the trade ecosystem. Provide specialized training for financial institutions, customs authorities, law enforcement agencies and trade organizations, addressing their specific challenges and perspectives.


Implement Case Studies

Incorporate real-life scenarios and case studies to illustrate TBML methods and strategies. This practical approach enhances participants’ understanding and ability to recognize suspicious activities.


Make It Interactive

Include interactive exercises simulating TBML scenarios for participants to apply their knowledge. Analyzing trade transactions, identifying red flags and practicing reporting procedures in a controlled environment enhances learning outcomes.

Engage participants through interactive methods such as group discussions, role-playing and quizzes. This promotes active learning and critical thinking.


Foster Networking

Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants from diverse backgrounds. Facilitate networking opportunities to build a supportive community of professionals committed to fighting TBML.


Refresh Participants’ Knowledge

Provide periodic refresher training to keep stakeholders updated on evolving TBML trends and typologies. This ensures their skills remain sharp and aligned with industry best practices.


Monitor Training Effectiveness

Establish mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of the training program through assessments, feedback surveys and performance metrics. Use feedback to continuously improve training content and delivery methods.


Keep Up-to-Date With Regulatory Changes

Stay abreast of regulatory developments and incorporate changes into the training program. Ensure participants are aware of their legal obligations and industry standards related to TBML detection.

By implementing these recommendations, stakeholders can develop a robust training program that equips individuals with the skills to effectively detect and combat TBML, safeguarding the integrity of the global financial system.


The Future of TBML Detection

Technology is getting even more powerful at detecting TBML schemes. Here’s what’s coming next.

  • Advanced AI and machine learning: Smarter AI and machine learning algorithms will identify complex TBML schemes more accurately.
  • Network analytics: Advanced network analytics can help see suspicious connections between people and companies in trade.
  • Regulatory alignment: As technology evolves, rules must too. Rules have to adapt to ensure new tools are used responsibly.

We need to take things slow and test new tech carefully. Especially for complex technologies like DLT and AI, it’s best to run small trials, or pilot programs, first. This helps us iron out any kinks before they become widespread.

By embracing these advanced technologies and fostering a collaborative environment, we can create a future where we greatly reduce TBML activities, ensuring the integrity of the global financial system.

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