“We Deliver, So You Can” — How Arrive Logistics Exceeds Expectations for Both Clients and Employees

Arrive’s mission doesn’t just serve their clients — it also drives purpose across the company. Built In heard from professionals across their team to learn how they deliver on the company’s mission each day.

Written by Brigid Hogan
Published on Jun. 21, 2023
“We Deliver, So You Can” — How Arrive Logistics Exceeds Expectations for Both Clients and Employees
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At Arrive Logistics, achieving the mission “We deliver, so you can” isn’t limited to those helping clients with transportation solutions — the aim is shared across Arrive’s team as they bring talented people onboard and equip their colleagues with the brainpower and resources they need to succeed. 

“We need to have the right people in place to accomplish our mission in every part of the company and in all of our offices,” University Relations Manager Jessica Rager said. “As we grow and open new locations, we need to build teams who can help Arrive continue to succeed.”


“We need to build teams who can help Arrive continue to succeed.”


Rager spends her day supporting the mission in exactly that way. “I’m delivering the people who are going to make all this work happen,” she said. “Beyond that, we are also providing great opportunities for the individuals joining the company, so they can then come and deliver to our transportation partners.” 

For Enterprise Account Operations Executive Mateo Ahumada, putting Arrive’s mission into practice for customers has garnered certain unexpected surprises.

“I recently had a customer award myself and Arrive as the partner of the year for their organization,” he said. “The acknowledgement was for my effort in finding solutions that the customer hadn’t even imagined were possible. For me, I’m doing my job.”

In providing consistent and timely customer service above and beyond client expectations, Ahumada is able to keep his daily work fun and rewarding, he told Built In. 

While Ahumada supports Arrive’s external clients, IT Support Specialist Andrew Padron is focused on internal stakeholders.

“In an ever-changing technology environment, I want to make sure I leave things better than I found them,” Padron said. “We are creating the infrastructure to make sure everything runs as fluidly as possible, so everyone is functioning as they need to in their roles to be successful.”

Arrive Logistics also delivers on the mission in the opportunities it offers for growth and mobility — empowering Rager, Ahumada, Padron and their teammates to think expansively not only for their clients but also for themselves.



Growing at Arrive

When Padron first joined Arrive two years ago, he was an accounts receivable specialist who wanted to help his department run more smoothly. He quickly found himself supporting his colleagues as an IT intermediary.

“I became an unofficial point of contact for troubleshooting before going to IT, whether that was the printer or a microphone on Zoom or something with the computer,” he said. “If it wasn’t for my desire to help the accounting department with technical solutions, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to move into my IT role.”

Padron credits his managers and leaders for identifying his skills as well as seeing potential opportunities for him to grow.

Ahumada, too, credits his leaders at Arrive with helping him find the position that would allow him to best support the company. After entering the company in a sales role, Ahumada soon realized that his skills might be a better fit for operations. With support from his manager, Ahumada moved within his same team into supporting customers operationally.

“The team liked my work ethic and wanted to keep me on board. My manager helped me identify my goals and what I wanted to achieve at Arrive, and the team was really supportive of helping me move into a role that best fit those goals,” he said.

That support starts from the earliest days of joining Arrive, whether that’s helping someone joining from outside the industry to better understand logistics or providing resources to grow confidently into a new role or have open conversations with colleagues.

“People are always willing to sit down and make sure that you understand the mission and values of our company, as well as what that looks like in the industry,” Rager said.


5 Leaders Share Their Key Principles For Fostering Successful Teams Read more about Arrive’s Culture


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Arrive Logistics


Values in Action

When Padron moved from the Arrive Logistics’ Austin headquarters to the company’s new Phoenix expansion office, he knew that Arrive’s values would maintain its award-winning  company culture despite the change in geography.

“The commitment to cultivating strong relationships has helped me develop in my career and also defines how I approach my work here in Phoenix,” he said. “Whether it’s training a new employee or solving a problem for a user, I make a conscious effort to build relationships and understand the person behind the technology.”


“The commitment to cultivating strong relationships has helped me develop in my career.”


For Padron, those strong relationships also make another of Arrive’s values possible — relentless pursuit of perfection.

With a high-performing team, drive and intensity might create pressure. But at Arrive, the connections between colleagues instead offer a network of support to empower everyone to do their best work.

“From day one, our team communicates that they are willing to help and make sure our colleagues are taken care of,” Padron said. “No matter which office you go to, the team embraces the opportunity to help each other be successful.”

For Rager, that pursuit of perfection shows up in her colleagues’ grit and tenacity.

“We genuinely want to deliver on our promises,” she said. “Even when things get tough, we have a commitment to finishing what we start and providing that end result.”


Arrive Logistics’ Core Values

  • We are committed to cultivating strong relationships.
  • We work with precision and attention to detail, seeing projects through from start to finish.
  • We relentlessly pursue perfection, working with grit and tenacity as we face “impossible” issues head-on.


Authentic Community

Across Arrive Logistics, finding opportunities to bring the team together helps to form the foundation of their strong culture.

From working together each day in the company’s seven offices across the United States and Mexico to weekly team huddles to annual special events, Arrive’s employees have access to a wealth of ways to strengthen bonds with colleagues and find new ways to work together.

“We have marquee events like Hack Week, Fantasy Freight, and an annual March Madness-style freight competition. But even our monthly happy hours hosted by employee resource groups give us the chance to come together to learn,” Rager said. “No matter what team you’re on, these events unite people from across the organization.”

Strong relationships with each other not only reflect Arrive Logistics’ core values — those relationships also make fulfilling the company’s mission possible by creating a supportive network that elevates individuals to contribute their best work to the organization and its clients.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images from Arrive Logistics.

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