At Range, Director of Membership Chowdhry Ahmed Is Finding New Heights in His Career

From working in financial planning and analysis for Fortune 500 companies to building a business development function from scratch, Director of Memberships Chowdhry Ahmed has found a new lease on his career at Range.

Written by Jenny Lyons-Cunha
Published on Apr. 13, 2023
At Range, Director of Membership Chowdhry Ahmed Is Finding New Heights in His Career
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The craving for a new challenge is a formidable motivator. According to a recent Pew Research report, up to 63 percent of those who make a career change cite a hunger for growth and advancement as the catalyst.  

It’s what drew Chowdhry Ahmed to Range. Over a decade into his career, Ahmed is unearthing fresh ways to grow at the fintech company. 

“I’ve spent a decade working in financial planning and analysis for various Fortune 500 companies,” the director of memberships told Built In. “Now, I’m building out a business development function from scratch.” 


What Range Does

Range is an all-in-one wealth management dashboard and expert advisory service that empowers wealth creators. Range strives to serve the emerging market of earners looking for a technology solution to help them manage their wealth. “Our mission is to help households answer any question they have about their money — faster, more affordably and more accurately than any other resource in the world,” Ahmed told Built In. 


In the transition from working at large companies to rolling up his sleeves at a thriving startup, Ahmed is discovering joy in new facets of his career. As director of memberships, Ahmed connects with prospective members to help them understand how Range can help them build their financial future. 

“After working at large companies my entire career, coming to Range has opened up many possibilities for my professional growth,” he said. “It allowed me to pivot into a new role that I’ve wanted to try for a long time. And I was able to hit the ground running on day one because of the incredible team at Range — not just my direct team but the entire company.”


“I was able to hit the ground running on day one because of the incredible team at Range — not just my direct team but the entire company.”


Every day, Ahmed finds he is expanding upon the financial analysis and management experience he’s nurtured over the past ten years. 

“I am constantly learning something new while I build out the business development function,” he added. “Whether it’s creating a playbook or analyzing pricing or researching a potential partner for Range, there is so much I am adding to my knowledge toolbox.” 

Built In sat down with Ahmed to learn more about his onboarding experience, acclimating to startup culture and what thrills him the most about his new role at Range. 


What was the onboarding process like for you?

My first week was actually “team week.” Our entire company gets together in person every quarter for a week of team activities and bonding. I was lucky to start that week as I got to meet everyone in person. I had the highest bowling score on my team during the first game even though I hadn’t bowled in many years — a little humble brag. 

Onboarding was pretty smooth as the team had everything ready for me on day one. From supplies to an agenda, everything had been thought out to make sure I had what I needed to hit the ground running.


What pleasantly surprised you after you joined Range?

I was surprised at how quickly things move at Range. Working at large companies my entire career, sometimes decisions or projects move very slowly because they have to go through 20 chains of command. 

At Range, things move quickly. If we have to make a change — great, go do it. Have to make a decision on a vendor or program? That decision takes minutes or hours, not weeks or months.
These decisions happen quickly because there are frameworks in place to get things moving and folks across the company are open to change.


Two co-workers facing each other talking against a wall in Range's office


When did you know you made the right choice in joining your company?

I actually helped the founders at Range as a side project a few years ago before there was even a product. In those early discussions, the number one thing we wanted to do was help people in a way we weren’t being helped with our own finances.

On my first official day, when I got on my first call with a potential member, I realized how much impact Range can have. Money is the number one stressor for many people. In that first call, I could hear the angst in the potential member’s voice. After we finished speaking with them and explaining how Range could help them with their financial planning, you could see there was a sense of relief.


“In my first prospective member call, I could hear the angst in their voice. After we finished explaining how Range could help, you could see there was a sense of relief.”


That potential member on that first call signed up with Range and is on their way to peace of mind when it comes to their finances. To see it all come full circle is great, and I knew coming to Range and doing it full-time was the right choice.


Long dinner table flanked by Range employees, Chowdry Ahmed at the far end


What are you most excited to accomplish over the next quarter or year? 

From engineering to marketing to product, everyone brings their A game every day to make sure Range is operating at 100 percent. I was immediately able to start leading calls with potential members within my first week and dive into some fun projects.

I am most excited to help Range’s user base grow. I believe what we have built is game changing for the wealth-tech industry, and I am pumped to show it to those who are interested in managing, protecting and growing their wealth.



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