Now Hiring: 7 Companies with Supportive Cultures and Teams

Explore how these companies create thriving, collaborative cultures that empower their teams to innovate and succeed.

Written by Lucas Dean
Published on Apr. 23, 2024
Now Hiring: 7 Companies with Supportive Cultures and Teams
Image: Shutterstock
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The backbone of any successful company extends beyond its products and into the heart of its corporate culture. 

Companies like Comcast Advertising, Enverus, Liftoff, and Scratch Financial stand out not just for their technological innovations but for fostering environments that promote growth, collaboration and empowerment among their teams.

At Enverus, despite its substantial growth, a start-up spirit thrives, fostering agility and a team-oriented approach that guides employees from personal contributors to leaders. Liftoff takes a bold stride in machine learning, where autonomous teams mesh their expertise to revolutionize technology at a staggering pace. Similarly, Scratch Financial’s embrace of a “get it right” culture fuels rapid and effective product launches, showcasing the power of collective endeavor across various departments. 

Each of these companies, in its unique way, leverages its culture not only to boost employee engagement and satisfaction but also to drive shared success, proving that the heart of innovation often beats strongest in spaces that prioritize collaborative, empowering work environments.

Learn how these growing companies uplift their people. 




Gary Bailey
Head of Sales NY/NJ, Effectv • Comcast Advertising

Comcast Advertising harnesses the power of media and technology to help advertisers effectively reach and engage audiences through advanced advertising solutions and data-driven insights.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word? 

Inclusion. I appreciate how supportive, respectful and inclusive our teammates are. This is a place where everyone’s contributions feel valued, respected and celebrated. Whenever we put a team of people together to work on a project, we intentionally include representation from teammates in various groups in our organization. 


This is a place where everyone’s contributions feel valued, respected and celebrated.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and how did it help you grow professionally?

Recently, I took on the responsibility of leading the monetization of our premium sports inventory for the Northeast region at Effectv. The inclusion and collaboration across multiple teams have proven what is possible when we all come together with a common goal. Live sports still has tremendous value in today’s video landscape, and I’m proud to partner with our sales teams to help our clients reach this valuable audience during some of today’s most high-profile events.




Alli Williamson
Director of Customer Success • Enverus

Enverus delivers data analytics and technology solutions to optimize decision-making in the energy sector, helping companies enhance operational efficiency and strategic growth.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word?

Cohesive. I have been at this company for almost seven years now, and while we are nearly five times the size, we still operate like a start-up in some ways and work together to achieve the company objectives set for us. Enverus has collaborative, hard-working individuals who are willing to help and be team players even if the task they are working on falls outside their immediate job responsibilities. It truly is a #OneTeam culture.


How long have you been with the company, and what professional growth or development have you seen in that time?

When I first started, it was as a PC, and this was my second job out of college. I was brought in with essentially no background in energy and had a group of amazing mentors who helped me be hugely successful early on in my career at Enverus. 


I was brought in with essentially no background in energy and had a group of amazing mentors who helped me be hugely successful early on in my career.”


Over the past few years, I have grown from an individual contributor to a team lead to managing a team of PCs, and now, I have a director role dedicated to customer success. I have been in the same department since I started here at Enverus, and seeing the growth of not only the talent of our team but also how we continue to grow and support the business in more avenues than I could have ever imagined has been incredible to see over the years.



 Liftoff team members enjoy a boat ride on a company outing. 



Victor De Wansa
Sr. Director, Machine Learning Engineering • Liftoff

Liftoff provides mobile app marketing and retargeting solutions that leverage machine learning to optimize ad placements and maximize user engagement and conversion rates.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word?

Collaborative. Liftoff builds a state-of-the-art ML engine that operates at an incredible scale, making millions of decisions every second. Each Liftoffer and team is empowered to be autonomous and, therefore, can move as fast as they need. Yet, through collaboration, we combine our strengths, inspire and learn from each other, and deliver the strongest impact.


Through collaboration, we combine our strengths, inspire and learn from each other, and deliver the strongest impact.”


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and how did it help you grow professionally? 

I am part of the team that’s rebuilding the ML tech stack from the ground up and running advanced yet cost-effective neural networks at scale. Some technologies we use include Spark for big data processing, PyTorch for distributed training of deep learning models and NVIDIA Triton for model inference. The system scales to millions of requests per second with low latency.

Some real-life learnings from this project: Start small, aim big, collect business as you go and keep it simple. We’re just at the start of the journey and looking for talent to take this ML engine and the ML models it powers to the next level.




Angela Morisette
SVP of Biz Ops • Scratch Financial

Scratch Financial offers financial services tailored to the veterinary care sector, providing pet owners with accessible payment plans and practices with streamlined payment processing solutions.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word? 

Collaborative. I selected this word because it was our company’s number one word included in our last engagement survey to all employees, and I think it’s special to have that come across all departments and teams as the biggest representative culture word. 

You can see this in practice based on numerous examples, but one awesome example was the launch of our payment product line: we had collaboration from our brand and design team, servicing, product, technology, legal, accounting and business operations teams to move the product launch to be in under a quarter.


It’s a truly unique culture and test-and-learn environment to structure and launch bold ideas with the true mindset of taking calculated risks.”


How long have you been with the company, and what professional growth or development have you seen in that time?

I’ve been with Scratch for over five years, and a significant development has been how our “get it right” versus “being right” culture has influenced and changed my decision-making. Scratch emphasizes hypothesis-driven decision-making and learning, and it’s a truly unique culture and test-and-learn environment to structure and launch bold ideas with the true mindset of taking calculated risks. It’s allowed the company and myself to achieve goals I thought weren’t possible in this short period, and I look forward to this culture continuing for the next five-plus years and beyond.




Simone Bocedi
Account Executive • Smartly

Smartly automates and optimizes online advertising through a unified platform that integrates creative production and paid media strategies, helping brands scale their advertising efforts across social media channels.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word?

Growth mindset. At Smartly, we really embody a growth mindset in everything we do. Our approach revolves around growing together with our clients and understanding that their success is our success. This philosophy is ingrained in our product development strategy as well. 


Our approach revolves around growing together with our clients and understanding that their success is our success.”


For instance, when more and more consumers use several social media channels daily, we developed the product to be as cross-platform as possible. We continually innovate and adapt our solutions to ensure that our clients will thrive, and, as a result, we will too.


What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and how did it help you grow professionally?

The coolest project is, for sure, a two-year sales process with a really amazing brand. As the account executive, I was involved from the beginning until the very end. In the two years since we started conversations, I had to go through many meetings, product demos, face-to-face workshops and months-long negotiations. They all helped me understand sales processes better and grow as an account executive.




Navan offers a comprehensive travel and expense management platform that simplifies planning, booking and expense tracking for companies.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word? 

Collaborative. Everyone here at Navan genuinely believes we have the best product on the market and wants Navan to win, and we only do that if everyone at Navan wins. I have never been a part of a sales organization that is so competitive yet so supportive. 

An example of this is how in the weeds our account executives and sales development representatives get in their partnerships together — not only do they meet multiple times a week to talk strategy and how to influence an account, but they set call blocks where they are in the boat dialing into accounts and setting meetings together. I also see this across other departments as teams execute on cross-functional projects. If I had to boil it down, it all comes to the power of in-person connections, which is so integral to our company — in fact, it is one of our founding values. We can accomplish much more when we work together, especially in person.


How long have you been with the company, and what professional growth or development have you seen in that time?

I have been at the company for about three years now and have seen tremendous growth since I have been here, including several promotions. This isn’t because I am unique — it is because Navan sees the potential in its sales reps and is constantly looking to solve problems by promoting from within rather than hiring from outside. 


Navan sees the potential in its sales reps and is constantly looking to solve problems by promoting from within rather than hiring from outside.”


I have been developed by the various leaders I have worked with through being assigned new projects, given the freedom to run things autonomously and asked thought-provoking questions about myself, my team and my organization. I am often given the runway to truly let my ideas take flight, and it is extremely refreshing to feel valued for my contributions to the organization and the company as a whole. I appreciate that growth does not just come with new titles but rather new responsibilities and challenges. If you enjoy tackling problems, your career will take off at Navan.




Arathi Ramesh
Enterprise Account Manager • PagerDuty

PagerDuty’s digital operations management platform helps businesses proactively monitor and respond to incidents, ensuring high availability and performance of their IT systems and applications.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word? 

Empowerment. This reflects our commitment to not just work but also to make a meaningful impact in the world. Through initiatives like our ERGs — Pageable, Elevate, Illuminate, RainbowDuty and many more — we’re encouraged to lead and champion causes close to our hearts. This empowerment is evident in the zeal of my colleagues, who excel in their roles and passionately pursue projects that resonate with their values. It’s a culture that fosters leadership and innovation at every turn.


We’re encouraged to lead and champion causes close to our hearts.”


How long have you been with the company, and what professional growth or development have you seen in that time?

Reflecting on my nearly three-year journey with PagerDuty, the professional growth I’ve experienced is profound. I started my enterprise journey here at PagerDuty, and early on, I was given opportunities to stretch beyond my perceived capabilities. It wasn’t just about closing the biggest deals for APJ; it was about crafting strategies, leading by example and building a legacy of success. 

The journey was enriched by working alongside incredibly intelligent and motivated individuals under the guidance of visionary leaders who believe in unlocking our potential. This environment champions the idea that greatness lies within each of us, a principle I’ve seen in action as I’ve navigated through challenges and achievements. Surrounded by a team that dreams boldly and pursues excellence, I’ve learned the significance of setting ambitious goals and inspiring others to journey toward them.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.

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