How Nowsta’s New President Aims to Make a Lasting Impact

Armed with contagious enthusiasm and ambitious goals, President Jay Lovelace is prepared to take Nowsta to the next level.

Written by Lucas Dean
Published on Dec. 29, 2023
How Nowsta’s New President Aims to Make a Lasting Impact
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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

In modern corporate leadership, John Quincy Adams’ words are as true now as long ago. At Nowsta, the company’s newest executive, President Jay Lovelace, is determined to carry this ethos forward in his actions. 

“I’m in pure discovery mode, but what I have witnessed is a passion and desire that is contagious,” said Lovelace, who is developing a blueprint for the team’s next 90 to 120 days. 

With 30 days at Nowsta under his belt, everything is exciting for Lovelace. The enthusiastic leader finds the strategic planning, priority alignment and initial interactions “beyond exciting.”

Lovelace brings a refreshing approach to leadership, focusing on fostering a culture rich in diversity, opinion and skill. 

“I do not believe in words like ‘boss,’ as I feel that a good leader surrounds themselves with people that are better than them and then acts as a facilitator guiding the team,” said Lovelace. 


“A good leader surrounds themselves with people that are better than them and then acts as a facilitator guiding the team.”


His approach to leading people centers around creating a work environment that is both motivating and fulfilling — establishing a culture underpinned by values like ownership, action and critical thinking. 

“It is impossible to motivate someone by saying ‘come on, get motivated,’ yet we can create an environment that fosters this motivation,” Lovelace noted. 

Inspiring motivation and advancing careers are goals with significant overlap in such an environment. Lovelace is committed to implementing learning and development programs that mutually benefit the company and enhance the career paths of team members. 

“I look at standard work or leadership skills as important topics, but cross-functional learning and the ability to act on your interests throughout the company become opportunistic for all,” said Lovelace.

Just a month into his role, the passion and drive Nowsta’s team exhibits has rubbed off on the leader. Lovelace shared his vision for the company and its people.


What’s your vision for leading your team?

Leading a team requires a commitment to the company vision, its valuable partners and our critical team members. I demonstrate this through action and over-communicating as a constant practice. Ultimately, we create a culture of a diverse set of opinions, perspectives and skills that shape the business and transform positive outcomes for all.


How do you build team culture at Nowsta?

A positive, productive and transformative culture begins with an environment or experience that individuals seek to be a part of. Most people take on jobs or careers because they want to align with a meaningful charter or to have something to believe in. 

We attempt to establish this meaningful experience with our values: Be an owner, have a bias for action, think big and do great things together, be a critical and thoughtful thinker, create an amazing customer experience, and practice radical candor.


Nowsta team members seated around a table at a company happy hour. 


What are you most excited about accomplishing with your team in the next year?

Learning and development are fundamental and critical characteristics required to embrace a growth-oriented workplace. This can be accomplished within the business or by seeking external support. As I’m still new to my role, this will be a significant initiative I’ll work to foster through the Nowsta team. 


“Learning and development are fundamental and critical characteristics required to embrace a growth-oriented workplace.”


The goal is to establish an ongoing development cadence that will enable our team members to gain skills to impact both Nowsta and their careers beyond.


What is the employee value proposition for those thinking about joining your company?

Our Nowstafesto says it all: “We believe in a better way. We don’t buy into outdated notions of corporate protectionism. We’re not afraid of big problems. Disruption isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. We make people’s lives better. We are quirky, innovative and non-traditional. We believe in the humanity of work. Because our work is worth doing, it’s meaningful.”  

I’d say that working at Nowsta not only gives you a remarkable opportunity to learn and develop but, more importantly, impact your professional growth and your contributions to our ever-evolving world of work.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Nowsta.

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