Driving Social Impact: Bonterra’s Innovative Approach To Social Good

Discover how Chief Legal Officer Courtney Browne is empowering companies at the forefront of social change.

Written by Mia Goulart
Published on Jun. 14, 2024
Driving Social Impact: Bonterra’s Innovative Approach To Social Good
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 “I’m inspired by people who aren’t afraid to make their voices heard — even when their message isn’t the most palatable.” 

Bonterra Chief Legal Officer Courtney Browne draws inspiration from those who challenge the norm. 

Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, Browne was deeply influenced by her parents’ experiences during the Civil Rights Movement. Their stories fueled her passion for social justice, but blending this with a practical career proved to be a journey of its own. 

That is, until a serendipitous connection with a recruiter for the social good software company,  Bonterra, changed everything. 



Bonterra enables unprecedented connectivity between social good organizations and their community of supporters and constituents. This will reshape philanthropic giving, empower digital transformation, and bring the social good sector the technology it needs to accelerate lasting social change.


Bonterra employees working at a table.


‘Three Percent by ‘33’

What drew Browne to Bonterra was its “three percent by ‘33” initiative. 

“It’s a solution to the social good paradox,” she said. “Many organizations we work with could greatly benefit from increased funding. Increasing charitable giving can address immediate needs and free up resources to tackle underlying causes.”


“Increasing charitable giving can address immediate needs and free up resources to tackle underlying causes.”


In her second year at Bonterra, Browne leads legal operations, ensuring the company stays ahead in driving impactful change. Collaborating with the board, in-house legal team and executives, she partners with clients addressing urgent needs like food, shelter and basic essentials — as well as those striving to combat systemic oppression. 

As Bonterra continues to evolve in its mission to drive social impact through innovative technology, the company remains committed to expanding its team with leaders, like Browne, who share a passion for creating meaningful change. 

“Whether it’s interfacing with our customers in a chatbot format or dealing with intake, there are so many ways that we can reimagine how we and our clients operate and continue to increase the social good footprint.”



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Bonterra.

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