Career Transformations: How OneView Commerce Supports Diverse Professional Journeys

Whether moving from military service to account management or opera to software engineering, OneView Commerce provides the support and opportunities for employees to thrive in their new tech careers.

Written by Brigid Hogan
Published on Aug. 12, 2024
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After attending West Point and serving as a U.S. Army officer, Bryan Glick was ready to apply his abilities to a new ambition — building a career in tech.

Having used his time in the military to build skills he thought would be relevant to his future career, like negotiation and managing multifunctional teams, Glick was well-prepared to join OneView Commerce and solve problems in a “completely different” environment than he had previously worked.

“Since day one, the company has been nothing short of supportive in my career plans,” Glick said. Since joining OneView Commerce as a product owner, he acquired deep knowledge of the company’s technology and products before moving into his current role as a strategic account manager.

As Glick advances, he is confident that OneView Commerce will continue to offer room for him to grow and thrive in his career.

“While I have an overarching idea of my ultimate career journey, the paths to reach my destination are always changing. OneView Commerce has provided complete support and flexibility in helping me define a career path,” he said. “There is always open conversation around what I’d like to accomplish with my career and what changes could be made to push that forward. Since I started here I have been able to work in multiple positions, interact with a lot of internal and external teams, shadow other coworkers to understand their responsibilities and receive constant feedback from my managers to help define what I can do next at OneView to help reach my goals.”


“There is always open conversation around what I’d like to accomplish with my career and what changes could be made to push that forward.”


Glick’s colleague Tim Patrick also joined OneView Commerce as the first step in a dramatic career change — only in Patrick’s case, the change was from classical musician to software engineer. After pursuing two degrees in music and building a career as an opera singer, the onset of the pandemic brought the musical performance world to a halt.

“Having already begun to teach myself programming, I decided to throw myself into coding full time and learn as much as I could,” Patrick said. After completing a coding bootcamp in London, he was interviewed for a role at OneView Commerce and secured his first role in tech. Two years later, Patrick is a software development engineer and part of a scrum team dedicated to maintaining an important part of the company product as well as evolving it to a more modern tech stack. 

“Working for this company has already helped me achieve my first career goal — switching careers! As for the next goal: Being given a chance to prove myself and learn immensely on the job has been part of shaping and evolving my next goals,” he explained. “As engineers here, we work with so many technologies and get experience on all levels of the technology stack. Learning through working with excellent senior engineers, architects and specialists is helping my career progress on all angles, and taking on more responsibility for important projects is giving me more confidence to aim higher and higher.”


“Taking on more responsibility for important projects is giving me more confidence to aim higher and higher.”


For Software Development Engineer Ozge Altas, joining OneView Commerce as a new graduate supercharged her career thanks to a combination of diverse opportunities for stretch projects and meaningful support from leaders.

“The company’s commitment to recognizing and rewarding performance creates an environment for growth and promotion. This motivates me and helps me advance in my career,” Altas said. “As a result, I am continually learning and improving, which boosts my confidence and capabilities in the software engineering area.”

Altas’ professional growth has included learning new technical skills like programming languages, frameworks and unit testing; deepening her abilities in problem solving, debugging complex issues and improving code for better performance and reliability; and improving soft skills like communication and collaboration.

“I have successfully worked within the team and managed projects to meet deadlines and achieve successful outcomes, and I’ve taken on challenges such as integrating software with different types of hardware with which I had no prior experience,” she explained. “These challenges have expanded my skills and shown my ability to handle complex projects and deliver meaningful results.”

As she has grown in her career, Altas has found support across the organization and structures that will continue to enhance her abilities.

“Our company focuses on continuous learning, offers clear career paths, encourages mentoring and provides opportunities to work on diverse and innovative projects,” Altas said. She noted her own experience with both formal resources like workshops and courses and informal learning opportunities like peer programming, knowledge transfer sessions and mentorship programs as key to her growth at the company.

Glick agreed and added that OneView Commerce’s open lines for collaboration support flexible growth and resist siloing talented professionals in limiting roles or responsibilities.

“While direct reports are handled within the same organization, mentorship can be developed between any leader and employee,” he said. “This allows for a wide range of knowledge transfers and career discussion between employees in very different roles. Our company is very good at listening and understanding each employee’s desires for their career. Whenever possible leaders will work to move their reports into appropriate leadership or senior roles when the individual is deemed ready for that responsibility.”

This collaborative and transparent approach to growth is at the heart of OneView Commerce’s culture.

“We work closely together, ensuring that completing tasks isn’t just about meeting requirements but also about learning and improving together,” Altas explained. “Oneview values diversity, growth mindsets and career development. These values promote inclusivity and innovation, ensuring that everyone has opportunities for professional and personal growth within our organization.”


“Diversity, growth mindsets and career development promote inclusivity and innovation, ensuring that everyone has opportunities for professional and personal growth within our organization.”


For Patrick, moving into this growth-oriented and nurturing environment was a welcome change from his past experiences.

“In my first month I was lucky to be guided by level-headed, kind and skilled professionals and this helped me immensely and came as a pleasant surprise, as I was used to a somewhat more old-fashioned and strict ‘chain-of-command’ attitude,” he said. “Help is always available when needed, even from the higher-level and very busy engineers and architects. Having this resource always contributes greatly to our professional growth.”

Whether first beginning a professional journey like Altas or shifting gears like Glick and Patrick, OneView Commerce offers a robust and supportive environment to learn, innovate and grow.

“Joining OneView has given me a chance in a new industry and a style of working that has transformed my working life from one often characterized by stress and exhaustion to one with a comfortable work-life balance, great opportunities and professional growth,” Patrick said. “The greatest improvement I’ve felt is a sense of confidence that even if I were thrown into uncharted waters, there would always be a way to learn the tools, strategies and principles to be able to solve the problem with enough time, effort and support.”


“If I were thrown into uncharted waters, there would always be a way to learn the tools, strategies and principles to be able to solve the problem with enough time, effort and support.”



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and OneView Commerce.