Behind the Decision: What Drew Freshly Hired Sales Reps To These Teams

Sales newcomers reveal their top factors for joining a team: It’s not just about the perks but a blend of empowerment, culture and growth opportunities.

Written by Lucas Dean
Published on Dec. 29, 2023
Behind the Decision: What Drew Freshly Hired Sales Reps To These Teams
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For sales professionals, financial incentives are not the end-all-be-all. Finding a workplace where enriching culture, growth opportunities and collaboration are not just present but central is crucial. 

Sales professionals increasingly prefer companies whose values mirror their own, prioritizing environments championing transparency, support and community.

Likewise, there’s a heightened focus on growth and development. Today’s sales reps look for roles offering challenges and clear paths for career progression, reflecting a mindset where personal development stands on equal footing with sales achievements.

Cooperation has overtaken competition in team dynamics — even as a healthy dose of competition persists. Sales teams are embracing a collaborative spirit, recognizing it as essential for successful and sustainable strategies.

Furthermore, belief in the product and the company’s mission is more important than ever. Sales professionals are aligning with organizations where they can authentically endorse their offerings, moving toward meaningful and fulfilling work.

As the sales landscape evolves, companies aligning with these emerging priorities are increasingly favored. 

Sales team members from eight tech companies provided insights into why they landed at their respective organizations and the unique, people-first cultures that have left a lasting impression. 



Gracie Sullivan
Account Executive • Snapsheet

Snapsheet enhances insurance claims management with a cloud-based platform, leveraging data automation, AI and virtual appraisal tools to streamline processes and improve efficiency and accuracy.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

I was searching for a sales team that has strong leaders with the availability to collaborate with other departments in order to optimize the best product to sell.


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

What stood out was the confidence in the capabilities of the solution and the supportive coordination between the sales and marketing teams.


“What stood out was the supportive coordination between the sales and marketing teams.”


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

The leaders. Any and every member of the sales and pre-sales team is willing to participate in winning a deal and supporting an opportunity. This is a testament not only to the solution but also to the supportive nature of each team member.



Jake Johnson
Account Executive • Snap! Mobile

Snap! Mobile offers a comprehensive software platform for school athletics and activities featuring Snap! Raise, a fundraising solution that has amassed over $700 million, and tools for communication, financial management and more to support the needs of schools and teams.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

There are several things I was looking for: 

  • An industry and product that I can be passionate about.
  • Making a difference at the company and in the community.
  • Better work-life balance; more opportunity to take off.
  • Competitive and collaborative sales culture.
  • Hunger for a role where I can focus on finding new business and foster relationships with current business.


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

Cutting-edge technology that solves a real problem in the athletic space.

I didn’t realize how competitive this space was; as industry leaders, a lot are claiming to do the same things that we could, but they can’t do it as well as we do. Other companies will cut corners at the customer’s expense, whereas we are very customer-centric.


“Other companies will cut corners at the customer’s expense, whereas we are very customer-centric.”


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

It had everything I was looking for in my next role — the competitive and collaborative sales culture was a big one. Additionally, a more robust and efficient CRM.

This sales role is bigger than just paying the bills; we are helping out a real need for coaches, boosters, athletic administration, and the students in the athletic and activities space. Salespeople like to make money, yes, but it is bigger than that. Sports and activities have done a lot for me in my life and have done a lot for others, so it is awesome to be able to give back and make life easier for those servant leaders and students.



Giovanna Owen
Senior Corporate Sales Representative • Cockroach Labs

 Cockroach Labs, creator of CockroachDB, offers a highly evolved, cloud-native, distributed SQL database, empowering global companies to build scalable, resilient mission-critical applications.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

Sales culture can be challenging due to the competitive nature and the race for money. I was looking for a cooperative and collaborative environment where we could be customer-focused first and coin-operated second. When a company is customer-focused, teams come together around one goal: to deliver the best. When I visited Cockroach Labs’ blog during the interview process and read how the product was partnering with some of the world’s largest companies to solve their data problems, I knew I had found the place. 


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

What stood out the most about Cockroach Labs is the product, CockroachDB, and I was fascinated by how fast CockroachDB has captured market share with an innovative product. This admiration has increased since I joined, especially after learning firsthand how sales, product, marketing and engineering work together to deliver a product that customers can trust. This has confirmed why CockroachDB has achieved so much in a short period, with much more yet to conquer.


“I was fascinated by how fast CockroachDB has captured market share with an innovative product.”


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

Cockroach Labs knows its customers and its ideal customer profile, with an extremely focused and defined goal: deliver the best to the customer. This means integrity, honesty and guidance, above all, with the purpose of continuously building a trusted relationship with our customers and partners. 



John Citta
Account Executive • iManage

iManage offers an intelligent, secure, cloud-enabled platform relied upon by over one million professionals in over 65 countries to harness knowledge within business content and communications for better business outcomes.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

The biggest thing I was looking for in my next career move was sustainability and a career path with a clear path to promotion. Also, when looking at various software platforms, they often get referred to as “legacy solutions,” and this was not what I was looking for. 


I wanted to work for a company that:

  • Has seen consistent growth over the past four to five years.
  • Focuses on innovation and adding new features.
  • Prioritizes listening to their customer base.


It’s amazing to hear how current customers speak about iManage, and it’s a testament to the software they have built and the relationships they have with the customer base.


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

Since joining iManage, two things have stood out. Many employees have been here for more than five years. The tenure and loyalty of the employee base is something I’ve never seen before at any other organization. People have been here to see the platform and customer base grow. This says a lot about the organization and how leadership ensures this is a place where people want to continue to work and make an impact.


“The tenure and loyalty of the employee base is something I’ve never seen before at any other organization.”


Also, many customers have been using iManage for over ten years. The platform has continued to grow with the market and hasn’t fallen into the legacy-type category.


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

The onboarding process in sales can often be very disjointed at places I’ve worked prior. At iManage, they take an interesting and effective approach: you have objectives that you need to hit, but you also have a buddy on the team, someone more senior, who walks through onboarding with you. So it’s not just you going through Lessonly independently and risking not retaining information. It’s awesome to have a structure and support for the learning process. 

Another thing that has set iManage apart is the cohesiveness of the teams. iManage has been very intentional with the leaders of the organization. It shows a commitment to growth and the success of the reps. My manager is invested in not just my professional goals but also my personal goals. This is the first time I’ve ever experienced that care and investment in me as a person, not just an employee, from a manager.



Averee Cobb
Account Executive • AffiniPay

AffiniPay, a leader in fintech for professional services payments and project management, has evolved since 2005 into a provider of highly-rated financial tools for various industries.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

When starting my most recent job search as a sales rep, my primary objective was finding a role where I could genuinely believe in the product and the company. It was crucial for me to align myself with a product that I could confidently advocate for, one that addressed real needs, provided value to customers and positively impacted their businesses or lives. Equally crucial was finding a company whose culture and values mirrored my own.


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

The interview process is the first glimpse into a company, and what immediately stood out to me at AffiniPay was the transparency, robust support system and a strong sense of collaboration across departments. These qualities were not just buzzwords but were genuinely reflected in the day-to-day operations.

During the interview, I was impressed by the transparency in communication regarding company values and expectations. This initial impression has been consistently validated since I started working here. Regular team meetings, open discussions and accessible leadership have created an environment where everyone feels informed and involved.


“Regular team meetings, open discussions and accessible leadership have created an environment where everyone feels informed and involved.”


The support system at AffiniPay has not only met my expectations but has exceeded them. As a sales rep, I feel empowered and encouraged to excel in my role. The collaborative atmosphere encourages open communication, making it easy to seek advice or assistance when needed. The company’s commitment to collaboration is evident in the interactions between different departments, fostering a sense of unity and shared goals.


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

What sets AffiniPay apart from others I’ve worked with is the universal sense of collaboration and a shared commitment to a common goal. It’s not just a slogan or a mission statement; it’s evident in the day-to-day operations.

In my experience here, every department collaborates from the initial stages of a deal to its completion. This level of teamwork significantly expedites the sales process and ultimately benefits our clients.  

The unity in working toward a shared goal creates a winning culture that is apparent throughout the organization. It’s not just about individual achievements; it’s about achieving success together. This sense of collective accomplishment fosters a positive and motivating environment that, in turn, reflects in our interactions with clients. All deals of all sizes are celebrated across the organization.

While the aesthetics of a — very — pretty office are a nice bonus, the people, the collaboration and the shared commitment to success truly distinguish this company.



Carly Matuszewski
Sales Development Representative • TravelPerk

TravelPerk, a $1.3 billion-valued unicorn, is revolutionizing corporate travel with an innovative booking platform backed by top investors and featuring a team of industry A-players.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

When I was looking for a new role, the top things on my list, besides compensation and great perks and benefits, were culture and growth. I’ve been a sales representative for a few years, so personal and professional growth is the most important thing to me. I wanted to further my career and enhance the existing skills and knowledge I have brought with me into this new opportunity.


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

Potential — that is the biggest thing that stood out to me. TravelPerk has so much potential to grow and dominate the North American market. At the same time, TravelPerk employees have the potential to make a large impact on the company itself. Since I started, my perception has only strengthened because being in the thick of it has presented me with more opportunities to grow my career and help develop internal processes within TravelPerk. Leadership adds to this because they are open to ideas when it comes to improving internal processes and how to win the North American market.


“TravelPerk employees have the potential to make a large impact on the company itself.”


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

What sets TravelPerk apart from past employers is that we’re always analyzing how we sell. Leadership understands that sales can be based on trends, and what is working today may not work in a few weeks, so as a team, we are always finding new ways to be creative in our outreach. The sales team as a whole also sets TravelPerk apart because I feel comfortable asking anyone questions, including leadership, on almost anything. This has led to an environment where everyone is learning from each other and willing to teach each other, especially new employees like me.



Anthonei Mitchell
Digital Sales Consultant Associate •, a pioneering digital real estate marketplace for over 25 years, empowers consumers and professionals with expert insights and connections, facilitating home searches and business growth in today’s on-demand world.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

During my job search, there were three things that were especially important for me to find at my next company: good values, a strong culture and growth opportunities. When it comes to sales, it was imperative to me that the company’s values aligned with mine. 

Just as important was the culture. Working in sales can be tough at times, so having a strong work culture that you can rely on makes your day-to-day significantly better, ultimately leading to higher success. The final thing I was hyper-focused on when it came to the next company and opportunity was the ability to grow my career within the company.


“Working in sales can be tough at times, so having a strong work culture that you can rely on makes your day-to-day significantly better.”


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

I was fortunate enough to know somebody at before I started. They would constantly tell me about how awesome their job was and how the opportunities to grow were endless. Speaking to this person before applying gave me the insight that this was a company I wanted to be a part of. From monthly meetings showing appreciation to the sales floor to constantly hearing us out and actively making changes to help us do our job, I knew that would have my back. 

Once I started, it was nothing like I thought it would be — it was ten times better. Just to name a few things, the in-depth training gives us every resource and more to be the best we can be. Our leaders are constantly looking for new ways to improve for us and our clients, and the praise from even as high as the C-level executives gives us all a sense of belonging and importance.


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

Sales can be really tough if you don’t have the proper backing. Here, that’s of utmost importance to our leaders. They ensure we have a realistic timeline and resources to get ramped up. What I’ve experienced in the past is that companies tend to overload you all at once and then throw you out on the floor without the proper tools or assistance. That’s not the case at 

I may mention this a few times, but “realistic” is the word to describe our sales procedures. Realistic metrics: nothing is unattainable, but there is no ceiling to what you can achieve. Realistic expectation: they set expectations early on and don’t sway from them. I know what they ask of us is exactly what needs to be done, but it also won’t leave us working grueling 12-hour days. I can rave all day about how the sales life is here at It’s everything that was missing at the other companies I’ve been at and everything that I had been looking for.



Elizabeth Vahey
Mid Market Account Manager • is a work operating system connecting teams and streamlining processes, dedicated to creating a fast, beautiful and responsive solution.


As a sales representative, what were you looking for in your next role when you started your most recent job search?

I was looking for a hybrid role based in Manhattan at a company with great benefits and culture — a place where I could build more relationships with both clients and co-workers, and I would be happy to come into the office with these people. Regarding the day-to-day role, I wanted to start a job with extensive training so that I felt comfortable discussing the product in each call and truly believed in the product.


What stood out to you about your current employer, and how has that perception changed since you started?

I was already familiar with before I started the interview process, but I was impressed by how quickly the company was growing. The interview process was great — each person I spoke to was very understanding, nice and professional, which made me more comfortable and excited to work at a place like this. 

My perception has not changed. The more people I meet, the more comfortable I’ve felt thus far. Everyone is still extremely collaborative and excited to help. Additionally, the company is growing really quickly and has a huge presence. 


“The more people I meet, the more comfortable I’ve felt. Everyone is extremely collaborative and excited to help.”


From a selling perspective, what sets this company apart from others you’ve worked at in the past?

What sets apart is how transparent they are during the interview process and beyond. The way the sales structure works, there is a healthy amount of competition — which you always want in sales — but no one is fighting for deals or leads. From my experience, the office is filled with friends and co-workers who collaborate, respect and encourage one another, which makes the job that much more exciting and a great environment to come into every day in the office.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.

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