Backbone Software

Backbone Software

San Francisco, CA
57 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2017

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Data to grow your business, track your process, and stay compliant. Customize Every operation is different. That’s why we specify the dashboard together with you to reflect your exact process. Staying compliant and managing your operation is effortless with your GMP-enabled platform. Visualize Say hello to all of your data in the same place and goodbye to copying and pasting vital information across documents and spreadsheets. It’s hard to find clarity and true visibility without the right partner. Your dashboard empowers you to make better decisions, provide clear data to partners, and grow your production. Anticipate With your data and reports, you can easily forecast your production yields and get to the sales table earlier with real-time ops data. Your reports save you valuable decision-making time by storing all your historical analytics. Scale Scaling your operations shouldn’t involve a crystal ball. Enable informed decisions from your historical data with the reporting feature. Use your yields, efficiencies, and costs to make smart growth choices that will place your business ahead of the pack. With your data and reporting on tap, you’re able to make decisions with precision.

Backbone Software Offices

OnSite Workspace

Employees work from physical offices.

Typical time on-site: None
San Francisco, CA