Offices at Box

Box is headquartered in Redwood City, CA and has 5 office locations.

Hybrid Workplace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

As we strive to become the world’s leading hybrid company, we want to ensure that we’re creating the best workplace experiences possible through driving effective collaboration, fostering community, and further developing relationships across teams.

Typical time on-site: Flexible

U.S. Office Locations

Redwood City, CA

900 Jefferson Ave., Redwood City, CA, United States, 94063

Austin, TX

600 Congress Avenue, 24th Floor, Austin, TX, United States

Chicago, IL

123 N. Wacker, Chicago, IL, United States, 60606

New York, NY

386 Park Avenue S., 3rd Floor, New York, NY, United States, 10016

San Francisco, CA

100 1st Street, San Francisco, CA, United States, 94105

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13 Hours Ago
New York, NY
Cloud • Information Technology • Software
Seeking an experienced Public Sector Partner Manager to develop and strengthen relationships with key Regional System Integrators focused on city, county, and state business across North America. Responsible for driving revenue growth and maintaining Box's position as a leader in cloud content management for the public sector.
13 Hours Ago
Redwood City, CA
Cloud • Information Technology • Software
Seeking an experienced Public Sector Partner Manager to drive revenue growth and strengthen relationships with key Regional System Integrators in the public sector. Responsibilities include partner management, sales leadership, collaboration with internal teams, and providing expertise on government verticals and products.
13 Hours Ago
Chicago, IL
Cloud • Information Technology • Software
Seeking an experienced Public Sector Partner Manager to drive revenue growth and strengthen relationships with key Regional System Integrators focused on city, county, and state business. Responsible for developing and implementing partner management strategies, managing the sales cycle, collaborating with internal teams, and providing industry insights.