Stephen Ostrowski

Stephen Ostrowski is a Senior Staff Writer on Built In's Brand Studio team. 

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115 Articles
hiring concept
To attract great talent, the experts at Wix, City National Bank and Invicti focus on a candidate experience that encourages authenticity and transparency.
cargurus team in the office
What’s it take to make an impact on the sales team at a pair of notable local companies? Leaders at CarGurus and Mendix outline their sought-after fundamentals, as well as how they support new hires to set them up for success.
Team of four colleagues standing at table having discussion
Increasing data literacy, delivering a mobile experience for patients and embracing the cloud are all front of mind for Ascension CIO Gagan Singh.
team members working together in an office
“We want to do big things.” Team members at Achieve, formerly known as Freedom Financial Network, explain the weight behind their company’s rebrand.
onetrust colleagues gathered together
Team members at OneTrust outline the journey of the company’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts — and where it leads to next.
brinqa colleagues gathered together
“The vulnerabilities these customers are having aren’t going down. The data sources aren’t going down. The attack surface is just getting broader.”
bradford shellhammer
How Reverb leader Bradford Shellhammer pulls on his entrepreneurial background and tech experience to inform product at the music gear marketplace.
Road infrastructure.
Joining a startup was a new experience for Nassouri. As she’s found, opportunity to make a difference has abounded.
Illustration of bar graph downward arrow man riding snail
Thoughtful strategy and introspection can go a long way in overcoming a sales slump, according to account executives at Moov and Redgate Software.
testfit team members standing together
Revisiting the journey: Technical co-founder Ryan Griege discusses building the platform that secured $20 million in funding earlier this year.
Paper airplanes flying in formation, with one red airplane turning to go higher
On the heels of the company’s latest funding, Swiftly’s chief HR officer gave a glimpse into what areas of the team are poised to grow.
honesty concept
“For me, employee retention is fundamentally about relationship-building,” said Software Engineering Manager Adam Jaffe Back.