KSV Muralidhar
Lead Analyst at HG Insights
Expertise: Data science, machine learning, NLP, statistics, data analysis, data visualization, Python and R
Education: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University; SSJ Engineering College

KSV Muralidhar is a lead analyst for HG Insights with more than six years experience in data Muralidhar has previously worked as a senior technology analyst for Pivotal iQ and as an associate analyst for Ovum. Muralidhar holds a bachelor’s in computer science and engineering from SSJ Engineering College and a master’s in finance and marketing from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. 

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2 Articles
Two merging train tracks representing sql merging two tables
Two tables can be merged in SQL either by rows or columns through a variety of commands, including inner join, left join, union, except and more. Here’s how with examples. 
The letter R over a computer screen with python code displayed.
Adjusted R-squared is a reliable measure of goodness of fit for multiple regression problems. Discover the math behind it and how it differs from R-squared.