David Franklin
Global director, brand protection at CSC
Expertise: Cybersecurity
Education: University of Cambridge

David Franklin is a global director of brand protection at CSC, a global provider of corporate domain management and online brand protection services. A senior executive with 30 years’ experience, David is responsible for the leadership of CSC’s brand protection services in Europe and the Asia-Pacific regions. These services help clients detect and remove online threats such as rogue websites, counterfeit goods, unauthorized trademark and logo use, fake social media accounts, and fraudulent mobile apps. David is a frequent speaker at conferences and is a member of internet task forces at the U.K. Anti-Counterfeit Group and the International Anti-Counterfeit Coalition. His is often called upon by organizations such as the BBC as a subject matter expert on internet-related matters.

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A closeup of a web address bar
Your company likely spends a lot of money on cybersecurity, but do you know how secure your online reputation is? You need to think about domain security.