Offices at BlackLine

BlackLine is headquartered in Woodland Hills, CA and has 18 office locations.

Hybrid Workplace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

Typical time on-site: Flexible

U.S. Office Locations

Global Office Locations

Woodland Hills, CA

BlackLine’s headquarters feature open work stations, informal lounge areas, a game room, a music room, quiet pods, training areas, and more.


Singapore, 038987


United States

Bengaluru, Karnataka

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Birmingham, GB

Birmingham, United Kingdom, B3 3AG

Bucharest, RO

Bucharest, Romania, 014459

Frankfurt, DE

Am Flughafen 12, Frankfurt, Germany, 60549

Łódź, PL

Łódź, Poland, 94-104

London, GB

London, United Kingdom, W1T 1RR

Neuilly-sur-Seine, FR

Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 92200

New York, NY

250 West 34th Street, New York, NY, United States, 10119

Pleasanton, CA

4301 Hacienda Drive, Pleasanton, CA, United States, 94588

Sydney, New South Wales

15 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2000

Tokyo, 107-6218

Tokyo, 107-6218, Japan

Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6E 2E9

Veenendaal, NL

Veenendaal, Netherlands, 3905 KW

Watchfield, GB

Watchfield, United Kingdom, SN6 8TZ

Westport, CT

One Morningside Drive North, Westport, CT, United States, 06880

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