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The Complete Java Certification Course

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LAST UPDATED: November 2022

  - Latest updates include Lambdas and Streams with Java 9 Features.


Welcome to Master Practical Java Development.  This course is designed to help you master the most in-demand and critical components for becoming a Core Java developer. Especially if you're going for a job interview or have a Java Project that needs your best performance. This course assumes no prior java experience so  prior Java so it will take you from zero to hero!

The topics covered include Object Orientation which I think is not stressed enough in other Java courses so I've got special focus on that throughout the lectures. You'll get plenty of practice writing classes and interfaces as well as countless methods with loops and if else statements, exception handling and file processing as well as how to debug software using Eclipse. You'll also be mastering the collections framework and diving deep into java generics. You'll learn all there is to know about multi-threading and the JDBC API for working with a MySQL database. There are also practical projects scattered throughout the course so that you can practice the concepts as you learn them. For example one of the projects is related to a car dealership management system and another assignment involves processing files with stock market data. So as you can see, I tried to keep the projects professional and industry relevant rather than cloning a game like flappy bird.

I want this course to be the ultimate go-to resource for anyone that's looking to become a core Java programmer so I intend on adding more content to this course based on new technologies and student feedback. The content is Java 9 ready which means I'll show you how to upgrade to the latest version of Java which is version 9 and I'll teach you how to configure Eclipse to work with both Java 8 as well as version 9.



Careers Related to The Complete Java Certification Course


Certifications related to API or Java

Whether you have coded before or are brand new to the world of programming, this course will put you on the fast track to building confidence with this intuitive, object- oriented language. Learn programming fundamentals and build a custom application. Graduate with the ability to start applying Python within high-growth fields like analytics, data science, and web development. 


What you'll accomplish

This is a beginner-friendly program with no prerequisites, although some students may have coded previously. First-time programmers will have access to pre-course preparatory lessons and additional resources to boost their confidence with key concepts and set up their development environments. Throughout this expert-designed program, you’ll:

  • Learn object-oriented programming fundamentals and Python basics that get you coding from day one.
  • Build a Python program and add on increased complexity throughout the course.
  • Troubleshoot Python code and practice common debugging techniques.
  • Push your skills to the next level by adding scripting, modules, and APIs to your Python toolkit.
  • Explore introductory data science and web development as potential career directions for Python programmers.
  • Demonstrate your Python skills by creating apps that pull in data with Pandas or integrate functionality from APIs with Flask.


Why General Assembly

Since 2011, General Assembly has graduated more than 40,000 students worldwide from the full time & part time courses. During the 2020 hiring shutdown, GA's students, instructors, and career coaches never lost focus, and the KPMG-validated numbers in their Outcomes report reflect it. *For students who graduated in 2020 — the peak of the pandemic — 74.4% of those who participated in GA's full-time Career Services program landed jobs within six months of graduation. General Assembly is proud of their grads + teams' relentless dedication and to see those numbers rising. Download the report here.


Your next step? Submit an application to talk to the General Assembly Admissions team


Note: reviews are referenced from Career Karma - https://careerkarma.com/schools/general-assembly


General Assembly

General Assembly’s JavaScript Development course teaches students Intermediate front-end development skills using JavaScript, jQuery, Git and GitHub, and the command line. You’ll apply what you’ve learned to build a modern, single- page web application utilizing industry best practices.


What you'll accomplish

This is an intermediate-level course and requires a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS in order to enroll. Throughout this expert-designed program, you’ll:

  • How to work with JavaScript, jQuery, the browser, and the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • The fundamentals of JavaScript in order to more easily learn how to work with associated frameworks and libraries.
  • The essentials of object-oriented programming so that you can more easily learn another object-oriented language.
  • How to consume data from APIs and persist data using a back-end-as-a-service provider like Firebase.
  • How to build a modern, single-page application using common design patterns.
  • Apply what you’ve learned to create a portfolio project: a single-page web app that adheres to modern JavaScript design patterns.


Why General Assembly

Since 2011, General Assembly has graduated more than 40,000 students worldwide from the full time & part time courses. During the 2020 hiring shutdown, GA's students, instructors, and career coaches never lost focus, and the KPMG-validated numbers in their Outcomes report reflect it. *For students who graduated in 2020 — the peak of the pandemic — 74.4% of those who participated in GA's full-time Career Services program landed jobs within six months of graduation. General Assembly is proud of their grads + teams' relentless dedication and to see those numbers rising. Download the report here.


Your next step? Submit an application to talk to the General Assembly Admissions team


Note: reviews are referenced from Career Karma - https://careerkarma.com/schools/general-assembly


General Assembly

General Assembly’s Software Engineering Immersive is a transformative course designed for you to get the necessary skills for a coding role in three months. 

The Software Engineering bootcamp is led by instructors who are expert practitioners in their field, supported by career coaches that work with you since day one and enhanced by a career services team that is constantly in talks with employers about their tech hiring needs.


What you'll accomplish

As a graduate, you’ll have a portfolio of projects that show your knowledge of fundamental programming concepts, as well as experience with languages, frameworks, and libraries that employers demand. Throughout this expert-designed program, you’ll:

  • Create a front-end web application with modern JavaScript frameworks such as Angular or React.

  • Develop and deploy full-stack applications with in-demand technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Python with Django, and Express with Node.js.

  • Build secure full-stack applications by leveraging common design and architectural patterns like model–view–controller (MVC) and Representational State Transfer (REST).

  • Practice version control and collaborative software development with Git and GitHub.

  • Safely model and store data in SQL and NoSQL databases.

  • Consume and integrate third-party application programming interfaces (APIs) in an application.


Why General Assembly

Since 2011, General Assembly has graduated more than 40,000 students worldwide from the full time & part time courses. During the 2020 hiring shutdown, GA's students, instructors, and career coaches never lost focus, and the KPMG-validated numbers in their Outcomes report reflect it. *For students who graduated in 2020 — the peak of the pandemic — 74.4% of those who participated in GA's full-time Career Services program landed jobs within six months of graduation.  General Assembly is proud of their grads + teams' relentless dedication and to see those numbers rising. Download the report here.


Your next step? Submit an application to talk to the General Assembly Admissions team



Note: reviews are referenced from Career Karma - https://careerkarma.com/schools/general-assembly

General Assembly

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