Reshma Khilnani
Co-founder and CEO at Medplum
Expertise: Software engineering perspectives, healthcare technology
Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Reshma Khilnani is the co-founder and CEO of Medplum, the open-source healthcare developer platform. She is a software engineer and product leader who previously held roles at Microsoft, Meta and founded MedXT (acq. NYSE: BOX).  She has extensive startup experience, having built, advised, and exited multiple startups. Just before founding Medplum, Reshma was a Visiting Group Partner at Y Combinator. She lives in San Francisco, CA. 

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A doctor in a lab coat and stethoscope works at a laptop with a floating display
The word “regulation” might scare software engineers who imagine their sleek, elegant products getting bogged down in red tape. But our expert says that image isn’t necessarily true.