David Ryan Polgar
Founder at All Tech Is Human

Founder of All Tech Is Humaninternational speaker on tech ethics, and a founding member of TikTok’s content advisory council.

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21 Articles
Silicon Valley Bank
Silicon Valley Bank has avoided collapse, but this recent emergency might signal a need for change in the mindset that rules tech.
A person looks at a smartphone showing plunging stock prices in front of an FTX logo
Sam Bankman-Fried’s downfall reveals a disturbing trend in the way we talk about entrepreneurs. To improve the tech ecosystem, we need to pay more attention to what leaders do rather than what they say.
The tech industry's tendency to treat people as “users” rather than human beings is the source of myriad problems. HX strives to change that.
Bitcoins frozen in ice cubes
Cryptocurrency is currently experiencing a crash. Will it ever recover?
Greek columns in front of a government building
As social media companies increasingly take on the role of free speech arbiters, they need to ensure their policies offer transparency and the types of checks and balances government relies on.
The Twitter app open on a iPhone.
To untangle the Gordian Knot in which the public and social media are ensnared, we need to radically rethink these companies’ structures.
A climber helps another summit a mountain
Trust and Safety is a vital part of making a better technological ecosystem, but the field lacks a clear entry point and career path. Here’s some advice for getting into this growing area.
Two people in a crosswalk look at their smartphones
Social media companies often try to fix problems with clever engineering, but their solutions rarely understand why the public is upset. That disconnect is a huge problem.
The conception of social media companies as platforms allows them to skirt responsibility. To change that, we need to change how we talk about them.
A user and his avatar contemplate
The metaverse has recently gained purchase in the popular imagination. But is anyone going to want to use it?
As social media continues to grow, it will eventually enter a tipping point in which there are more dead than living users on the platforms. To avoid traumatizing users, these companies need to think carefully about how to handle accounts of the deceased.
unintended consequences problem finders
To minimize technology’s collateral damage, we need to change the types of individuals we recruit for the field.