Billy Frazier
Senior Consultant at Slalom

Billy Frazier is a writer and tech consultant who has explored the trifecta of tech careers: freelancing, founding and full-time consulting. He earned his bachelors degree from Truman State University.

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8 Articles
Picking up freelance work? Turning clients into customers is never easy so make sure you start by creating something people actually want.
If you want to be a designer, don’t be a design major. Here’s why.
Relationships between designers and developers can sometimes be fraught. Here’s how to work with, and not against, your devs.
As a freelancer, I worked out of a coworking center for over nearly five years. It completely changed my professional life. Here’s why.
Here’s how to apply Rams’ 10 Principles of Design when you’re working with a startup.
Designers, your work is a major investment, not a sunk cost. Don’t lose sight of your worth.
Don’t forget the “human” in human-centered design.
Seeing a return on your investment can take longer than you think. Here’s why leaders need to think outside ROI.