Annie Lux
Director of talent strategy and brand at Cedar
Expertise: Job search, job interviews
Education: Rhodes College

Annie Lux (Herman) is a seasoned thought leader in employer branding and talent acquisition. She crafts strategies to engage with talent through a creative lens, using a variety of media platforms including video content, podcasts, curated newsletters, and more. 

Currently, Annie serves as the director of talent strategy and brand at Cedar, a health-tech and fintech startup that is transforming the patient financial experience. Prior to joining Cedar, Annie held leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies including Anheuser-Busch InBev, TD, and Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal. She has led groundbreaking efforts in talent sourcing, diverse hiring, and cultivating an employer brand, impacting thousands of candidates as they navigated their career choices with insight and clarity. 

Annie's commitment to talent and personal branding has earned her recognition from Teen Vogue and opportunities to participate in industry panels like those hosted by the HR Exchange Network. Additionally, Annie has been honored with a RippleMatch Talent Innovator Award in the CPG and Retail sector and has hosted personal branding and social media guest lectures at Johns Hopkins University and Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). 

Outside of Annie’s professional pursuits, she channels her creativity into her viral TikTok account, @LandThatJob, where she has cultivated a community of more than 170,000 followers. Through captivating jumbotron content, Annie engages with popular culture, sparking meaningful conversations and interactions. Annie’s TikTok presence has garnered attention from prominent platforms including ESPN, SportsCenter, Fox 2 News, and TSN.


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