Jacqueline Jensen

Jacqueline Jensen is a COO, a former venture-backed startup founder, TEDx speaker, author and Royal Society of Arts Fellow (London).

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11 Articles
A hand holds concert tickets
A POAP, or proof of attendance protocol, is a blockchain-enabled digital souvenir designed to commemorate important events. Here, our expert explains how they work and their significance.
A woman looks at an array of floating images
Great content, whether blogs, podcasts, or videos, is the best way to reach your customers. But how do you create enough material to get your message out?
A stack of papers sorted with binder clips on them
Documentation probably isn’t the first thing you thought of when you launched your business. If you want to scale, though, you need to focus on it as soon as you can.
A woman looks at a computer in frustration.
Aversion to rejection is natural but left unchecked, it can paralyze your career. Here’s a simple method for overcoming that fear.
A bullseye with a dart in it.
Lots of people struggle with setting goals that they never reach. This technique will help set you apart from that group.
A woman checks email on her phone with a cup of coffee
In 2013, I started a curated newsletter email for friends and family to keep them updated on my life and work. I can’t recommend it enough.
At some point in your journey as a founder, a person in a position to lend you a hand will ask you some version of the question, “How can I be helpful?” You need to know how best to answer it.
Although they have superficial similarities, the relationship you have with a mentor is very different from what you get from a professional coach. To grow in your career, you need to know when to prioritize each kind of guidance.
Identify your Unique Ability — the thing that you do that gives the most value to the company — and let a virtual assistant take other tasks off your plate.
A woman celebrates gratitude under a tree
We often tend to think of gratitude as a mysterious force that shows up when we succeed. But by mindfully seeking it out, we become better leaders in business and happier people overall.
A close-up of the dictionary entry for the word "serendipity"
Serendipity may play a bigger role in our professional lives than we realize or care to admit. But by recognizing that truth and creating opportunities for lightning to strike, we open ourselves to new possibilities.