Bhopi Dhall and Saurajit Kanungo
Founder and chief executive officer, president at CG Infinity
Expertise: IT strategy
Education: Michigan Technological University; The University of Texas at Arlington

Bhopi Dhall is a co-author of the book Demystifying IT: The Language of IT for the CEO and the chief executive officer of CG Infinity, a consulting firm he founded in 1998. Prior to that, he worked for 29 years at Texas Instruments, where he helped to create some of the foundations of today’s technology. As CEO of CG Infinity, Dhall now oversees the company’s international teams from its headquarters in Plano, Texas.

Saurajit Kanungo, co-author of Demystifying IT: The Language of IT for the CEO and president of CG Infinity, is passionate about leveraging the business potential of IT. Starting as a chartered accountant in India, Kanungo upgraded business systems at India’s major airports, then moved to the U.S. to help mid-sized companies flourish. Kanungo has served hundreds of clients across industries and has program managed large scale multi-year, multimillion dollar digital transformation initiatives.

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