Learning Lab Home/Data Science/Master Big Data - Apache Spark/Hadoop/Sqoop/Hive/Flume/Mongo

Master Big Data - Apache Spark/Hadoop/Sqoop/Hive/Flume/Mongo

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In this course, you will start by learning what is hadoop distributed file system and most common hadoop commands required to work with Hadoop File system.



Careers Related to Master Big Data - Apache Spark/Hadoop/Sqoop/Hive/Flume/Mongo


Jobs Related to Master Big Data - Apache Spark/Hadoop/Sqoop/Hive/Flume


Courses related to Hadoop or MySQL or Apache Hive


Apache Hive is a data processing tool on Hadoop. It is a querying tool for HDFS and the syntax of it's queries is almost similar to our old SQL. Hive is an open source-software that lets programmers analyze large data sets on Hadoop.…


In this course, you will start by learning what is hadoop distributed file system and most common hadoop commands required to work with Hadoop File system.



This course will make you ready to switch career on big data hadoop and spark.

After this watching this, you will understand about Hadoop, HDFS, YARN, Map reduce, python, pig, hive, oozie, sqoop, flume, HBase, No SQL, Spark, Spark sql,…