Laut Design

Laut Design

Raleigh, NC
24 Total Employees
Year Founded: 2007

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We help companies quickly convert their existing or emergent technologies into innovative, manufacturable, and market-ready products. Whether we are designing a brand or a product, our proven design process begins with insightful research and beautiful ideation sketches. Our industrial design team excels at producing production-ready CAD models and cutting-edge prototyping. Our branding team is comprised of experts in user interface design, web design, and print processes. Experience in a broad range of industries such as defense, medical devices, consumer electronics, and outdoor equipment gives our team its edge in designing for challenges like durability, safety, ergonomics, cost, and consumer appeal. Our cutting-edge facility in Raleigh, North Carolina is equipped with the latest digital and fabrication tools for proving concept performance. Applying our methods to how products are imagined, made, and marketed results in greater confidence, increased speed to market, and loyal end customers for your brand. The world’s most successful companies leverage design thinking to clearly accelerate their growth and achieve their goals. Our customers know great design is great for business.

Laut Design Offices

OnSite Workspace

Employees work from physical offices.

Typical time on-site: None
HQRaleigh, NC