Hiya Inc.

Hiya Inc.

Seattle, WA
Total Offices: 3
145 Total Employees
70 Product + Tech Employees
Year Founded: 2016

Offices at Hiya Inc.

Hiya Inc. is headquartered in Seattle, WA and has 3 office locations.

Hybrid Workplace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

Typical time on-site: Flexible

U.S. Office Locations

Global Office Locations

Seattle, WA

We are centrally located in downtown Seattle. The office is easy to get to via public transportation and there is ample parking nearby.

Budapest, HU

1066 Budapest, Mozsár street 16., 5th floor , Budapest, Hungary

London , GB

9th Floor FORA, Tintagel House 92 Albert Embankment , London , United Kingdom, SE1 7TY

Search the 2 jobs at Hiya Inc.

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Artificial Intelligence • Cloud • Mobile • Security • Software
Frontend Engineer responsible for implementing features for customer and internal facing web applications based on designs and specifications. Must have experience in modern JavaScript, component-based frontend frameworks, Node.js build tooling, and collaboration with remote teams.
Artificial Intelligence • Cloud • Mobile • Security • Software
Backend Engineer responsible for designing and supporting customer-facing API's on Partner Distribution team. Must have experience in functional programming, strong communication skills, and familiarity with data storage and processing systems.